Please note that these plugin requests are separate plugin requests, not a single plugin itself. If you can code ANY of them, I would be very happy and appreciative. If you know of a plugin that is similar to one i request, please comment the name. These plugins are for an upcoming Hogwarts role playing and battle server. Full credit will be written in the server to whoever made the plugin. I have put a lot of thought into these and include command samples for each. If you have trouble understanding any of this, please add me on skype: faaat.caaat sorry in advance about the lines..... HouseCupPlugin Spoiler (Move your mouse to the spoiler area to reveal the content) Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler Plugin category: Hard To Explain Suggested name: HouseCup What I want: 4 Tables, each has a sign on the end. Each table will have a score, like this (house)(points)Example:Gryffindor1337You can add or subtract points using different commands. Each sign would start with 0, and can go no lower. Ideas for commands: Prefect commands /premovepoints (house) (point amount 1-15) (reason) [cool down of 5 mins] example: /premovepoints hufflepuff 15 magic in corridors [15 subtracted from hufflepuff sign] Headboy/girl commands /hremovepoints (house) (point amount 1-25) (reason) [cool down of 4 mins] example: /hremovepoints ravenclaw 20 cursed student [20 subtracted ravenclaw] /haddpoints (house) (point amount 1-25) (reason) [cool down of 4 mins] example: /haddpoints slytherin 25 [25 added to slytherin] Teacher point commands /taddpoints (house) (point amount 1-50) (reason) [cool down of 3 mins] example: /taddpoints ravenclaw 30 correct answer [30 points added to ravenclaw sign] /tremovepoints (house) (point amount 1-50) (reason) [cool down of 3 mins] example: /tremovepoints gryffindor 45 student out of bed [45 points subtracted from gryffindor sign] Headmaster point commands /headaddpoints (house) (point amount 1-1000) (reason) [no cool down] example: /headaddpoints hufflepuff 995 saving student life [995 points added to hufflepuff sign] /headremovepoints (house) (point amount 1-1000) (reason) [no cool down] example: /headremovepoints slytherin 1000 pushed teacher down stairs [1000 subtracted from slytherin sign] /clearallpoints [removes points from all four house signs, no cool down] /housecupstart [starts the house cup, where points can now be added to the signs] /housecupend [freezes the signs score so no more may be added or subtracted] /pointcount [announces the house with the most points on their signs like this: GRYFFINDOR HAS WON THE HOUSE CUP , the /housecupend command must be entered before this command) Ideas for permissions: I am new to permissions, so its hard to explain for me But if possible can the prefect Make its so that Prefect commands are like this player.points false (does not allow player to use any point commands) player.prefect true (allow the player to act as a prefect and use the prefect point commands) player.prefect false (does not allow the player to use the prefect point commands) player.hboyfirl true (allow the player to act as a headboy/girl and use the prefect point commands) player.hboygirl false (does not allow the player to use the headboy/girl point commands) player.teacher true (allows the player to act as a teacher and use the teacher point commands) ect. for each one When I'd like it by: within a month Chat plugin Spoiler (Move your mouse to the spoiler area to reveal the content) Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler Plugin category: Chat Suggested name: LimitedChat What I want: Players can only see text from other players if they are within 100 blocks of the player Ops can see text from other ops regardless of distance. When I'd like it by: within a month Dueling Spoiler (Move your mouse to the spoiler area to reveal the content) Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler Plugin category: PvP Suggested name: PlayerDual What I want: Commands like /tpa, where a request is sent to one player, and the other player must accept. /dual (player) arena (1/2/3/4/5/ect) The invited player must respond like this within 60 seconds: /dual accept (player who invited him/her name) If he does not accept, he must only not accept. Both players will be given 5 mins to get to the arena. (no warping as to avoid cheating) When both players arrive at the arena entrance, they will be teleported into the arena When an opponent is killed, both players are teleported back to the arena entrance. If you die in the arena, you will be given this message: (player) has defeated you If you kill your opponent, you will be given this message: You defeated (player) A message will be sent globally saying: (player) has defeated (other player) in a dual! If you step outside the arena boundaries, that player will forfeit the dual and both players will be teleported to the entrance. A message will be sent globally saying: (player) has forfeited the dual, (other player) has won! A way to select arenas, maybe like a wood hoe, world edit concept. Ideas for commands: /create arena (number) /remove arena (number) /rename arena (number) /open arena (number) /dual (player) arena (1/2/3/4/5/ect) /dual accept (player who invited him/her name) Ideas for permissions: player.duel true player.duel false When I'd like it by: within a month Health and Hunger plugin Spoiler (Move your mouse to the spoiler area to reveal the content) Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler Plugin category: Health and Hunger Suggested name: RealisticHealth What I want: Health regenerates fully(regardless of hunger) when the player has 5 or more hearts. If the player is damaged paste 5 hearts, they may only regenerate up to 5 hearts. Health only regenerates half way regardless of hunger. Health may regenerate all the way if they use a potion of regeneration or an instant health. Hunger does not deplete the more you sprint, hunger will fully depleted every 2 hours in real life. The last hunger bar cannot be refilled, as to allow the player to eat as much as they want. nom nom nom nom Ideas for commands: no commands Ideas for permissions: player.realistichealth true player.realistichealth false When I'd like it by: within a month Sorting Hat Spoiler (Move your mouse to the spoiler area to reveal the content) Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler Plugin category: Not sure Suggested name: SortingHat What I want: /sort (playername) Doing this gives the selected player full black leather armor and a certain color leather hat. A Message is broadcasted worldwide in bold like this “Player” Has Been Sorted Into “House” Example: /sort fallenfriend (sorts fallenfriend into slytherin and gives him full black leather armor and a leather cap with the color id of #3f4c26 . A message is broadcasted saying: FallenFriend Has Been Sorted Into Slytherin ) Slytherin cap= color id of #3f4c26 Gryffindor cap= color id of #592626 Hufflepuff cap= color id of #7f7f26 Ravenclaw cap=color id of #263265 /resortall [Resorts all players to a random house. It takes away their hat and replacing it with the one for their new house. This will not broad cast a message globally, it will just send a message to the player saying that what his house has been changed too.] A way to make it so that players without a certain hat cannot cross a certain area? Like a player with a slytherin hat cannot access Gryffindor common room. maybe selecting the area with a stone hoe. Ideas for commands: /sort (playername) /resortall Ideas for permissions: player.sortinghat true player.sortinghat false When I'd like it by: within a month Day/night plugin Spoiler (Move your mouse to the spoiler area to reveal the content) Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler Plugin category: Time/Day/Night Suggested name: CustomDays What I want: Similair to the long summer days plugin Days are 2x as long as night. A day/night cycle should last 60 mins. 45 mins for day, 15 mins for night. Ideas for commands: no commands Ideas for permissions: no permissions When I'd like it by: within a month Lumos (light) Spoiler (Move your mouse to the spoiler area to reveal the content) Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler Plugin category: Light Suggested name: Lumos What I want: Right clicking glowstone dust makes light travel around you, like holding a portable torch. It will have the brightness of a torch. Right clicking glowstone dust toggles on/off. Ideas for commands: no commands Ideas for permissions: no permissions When I'd like it by: within a month Weather Plugin Spoiler (Move your mouse to the spoiler area to reveal the content) Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler Plugin category: Weather Suggested name: SnowyDays What I want: Plugin where if you select two points with a wood pickaxe, it allows the area to snow every so often. When it snows, the 78 block(small snow block) coats everything within the area(s). After about 2 real life hours, it stops snowing, and the 78 blocks go away slowly (gone completely in 10 mins). In other words, Snows in selected region, after 2 hours of snowing, snow despawns and will not snow again for another 5 hours. Ideas for commands: /snow Snows in all selected regions. /snowstop Stops snowing in all selected regions. /snowpause Stops snow from spawning until the /snowresume command is given /snowresume Allows snows to continue its schedule and spawn once again. /snowclear Starts the snow dethaw/despawning process Ideas for permissions: player.snowydays true player.snowydays false When I'd like it by:within a month
as far as I remember there are a few plugins that do some of what you need. I know that there is a plugin that sets chat limits and as for the Lumos plugin all lighting is done client side now so you should get a plugin that places a glowing block like glowstone under the player and i think that there might be a dueling plugin but i don't know about that plugins that might help idk if this one still works this is like what you will have to use for lighting
I was going to suggest my LightningRod plugin for magic wands...I guess I was ninja'd Anyways, good luck with the server