
Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by jenks1999, Feb 26, 2015.

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    Ok for this i'm looking to create a simple clean code that prevents any mob from a mob_spawner from receiving any damage from anything except a tool from a player. (blocking fire, cactus, pistons, fall damage everything.)

    Links of example code would be appreciated and i will try and build something useful as a result. Thank you in advanced for any information/advice you guys give.
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    Well i have found a plugin that is outdated, it needs adjusting and updating.

    Its open source also which is a plus. If anyone could update this for 1.8.1 that would be epic.
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    @jenks1999 honestly, you can just make the plugin yourself quite easily.
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    @Hex_27 Of course Hex why didn't i think of doing it myself. That makes complete sense, why would i request help on it if i "could simply do it myself" i don't know what i was thinking asking for help, thank heavens this isn't a section to develop plugins that people lack the knowledge to do and get help in doing.
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    Yes, you come to this forum for help in doing so. We're more than willing to help you develop this plugin yourself, you just have to put in the effort to do so. If you want someone to write it for you, head over to the plugin requests section.
    Konato_K likes this.
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    @jenks1999 why don't you try to make a code first and let us improve it? That's the point of this forum.
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