Mob Powers

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by bjornmani, Nov 27, 2015.

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    Plugin category: General

    Suggested name: MobPowers

    What I want: I'd like a plugin that can give players powers based on the permission they have. Each power comes from a mob. If i have a permission for a mob power, i shift in slot 9 to activate it. I also get a permanent skull of the mob on my head that i can't remove. When you enter slot 9 it says ''*Mob* Power in yellow above the EXP bar. Here are the mobs:

    Endermen: shift in slot 9 to teleport 10 blocks with the endermen.portal sound and portal particle
    Spider: hold shift in slot 9 when your up to a wall to climb up it with the spider.say sound
    Blaze: shift in slot 9 to shoot a fireball with blaze.breathe sound and flame particle
    Creeper: shift in slot 9 to explode, explode sound and particle appear and damage other players of 4 hearts
    Ghast: shift in slot 9 to fly around for 10 seconds with ghast.idle sound
    Skeleton: shift in slot 9 to shoot out an arrow with skeleton.say sound
    Zombie: shift in slot 9 to go invisible for 10 seconds with zombie.say sound
    Iron Golem: shift in slot 9 to shoot players 15 blocks back and in the air within a 10 block radius with irongolem.death sound
    Slime: shift to get jump boost 3 for 10 seconds with slime particle and slime.big sound
    Wither Skeleton: shift in slot 9 to shoot out a wither skull (like the wither boss) with wither.shoot sound and smoke particle
    Witch: shift in slot 9 on a player within a 2 block radius to mimic any power. with witchmagic particle and random.fizz sound

    Ideas for commands: /mob: GUI to select the mob you'll be. configurable. GUI starts empty until you fill it in the config

    Ideas for permissions:

    When I'd like it by: Soon hopefully :)
  2. Offline


    This is possible, and I might be able to make it. So, just to check, you won't be having multiple permissions overriding each other? If not, how will you know which mob to use the "ability" of?
  3. Offline


    if you have more then 1 of those permissions, nothing will happen. only works if you have 1, and you know it from the perm :)
  4. Offline


    Because I'm fairly new at Java, it's taking my time to do this...
    But I'm getting closer!
    I now have managed to get a Creeper explosion when you have the permission and when you shift at hotbar 9, as well as 5 second flying for the Ghast ability.

    I don't really get the Skeleton ability, do you get a bow and an arrow for a few seconds? What if your inventory is full?

    Also, I am not sure if climbing walls is possible with Bukkit.

    By the way, do you want a configuration file?
  5. Offline


    Climbing walls is entirely possible in bukkit
  6. Offline


    If so, How?
    Possibly checking if they are facing a block at eye level, then move the player one block higher? Doesn't that method make the player fall every time they try to climb a wall?
  7. Offline


  8. Offline


    No, with the skeleton, it just shoots an arrow, a projectile when you shift in slot 9 :)
  9. Offline


    How will the player use or know what power they have?
    How do they get said power?
    MYSQL or Config?
  10. Offline


    above the XP bar, in the title bar, it says what power they have when they enter slot 9, and no need for a config, and they use the power by left clicking
  11. Offline


    So by default the player has of the powers? How will they shuffle between powers?
  12. Offline


    Using the GUI inventory that @bjornmani mentioned. Basically having an inventory with clickable items to change to mobs. There, would be a command to trigger the GUI, when I'm making it.
  13. Offline


    ahh I didnt see that part. Was on my phone haha
  14. Offline


    You see, this post is a little old. It also does not clearly state the final method which solved the whole question.

    When this patch of code is used in 1.8, there is a different protocol being used, (I guess...), and the Vines actually show up on the users screen without dissapearing. They cannot be selected, nor removed, but will stay in view of the player.

    Is there another method to do this (Climb Walls)?

    I have searched, and found no results... :(
  15. Offline


    if you have problems with wall climbing, you can add ''poison emission'' that effects players within a 5 block radius with poison for 5 sec :)
  16. Offline


    Cave Spider concept... That is a lot more easier... :)
    I'll try that out.
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