I got a problem. I got a spawn with a size of 200 blocks to all directions. Now, I placed a arena inside the spawn and that arena is for Mob Arena. I made everything working but when I join the Arena.. Some of the Mobs don't attack me.. Those who attack me are - Spider - Slimes - Pigmen Zombie - Boss (Cave Spider) - Wolf (If you attack it first) but - Zombie - Creeper - Skeleton won't attack me. Do anyone got a idea?
Try to remove all of your permissions and try to play in mob arena. I mean set your group as default, remove your OP and try it.
Well. I've got the spawn area that is 200 block to all direction and the Mob Arena is in it. But I've set spawn to 10 prority while the arena is 20.. I tried, the same :S
Maybe it's a plugin that is blocking it. try to start your server using only the mob arena and the basics. copy your server files somewhere esle, delete all the plugin except mob arena, essentials, W.E, W.G and THE FODLERS of the plugins. If your problem will solved with that, that means theres a plugin in you plugins folder that is messing up everything.
Having WorldGuard regions overlapping with a Mob Arena is sure to cause problems. Do /region info for the region covering the arena and post the results here. We might not be able to fix this. A better solution would be to move the arena to an area not covered by WorldGuard. Maybe you could define multiple WG regions to protect your spawn, leaving a 'hole' for the arena.
So do /region info name for each of the regions it listed. Oh, and do you get any messages in the log file? Such as: "The following locations in arena x are not covered by any spawnpoints" EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
This sounds like a plugin/permission issue more than a WorldGuard (WG) issue. There is not a flag for a WG region to tell certain mobs to be peaceful and others not. I have my MobArenas in a world with flags set on __global__ and then with a master "MobArena" region that all other MobArena regions inherit and it works just fine. Is the land also covered by another plugin such as Factions or Towny?
I tried to move the arena outside the spawn and then it worked. The thing is that there are some mobs that attack me and some mobs that don't. That's the weird part, if it was all mobs then I would understand but. The arena is.. Inside Spawn with (Priority:20) and Warzone. When I do /region info names it does show up anything.
It might be Factions messing with you. I don't know all the flags it could set but on my server, my mini-games are located on a world where factions are disabled (and I have the ancient 1.8.2 version)
MobArena supports separated lobbies and arenas. You could place the arena itself anywhere you want, and keep the lobby in the spawn area. Don't know if that will help with what you're trying to do.
All the players experience a client crash after playing MobArena and heres the error file generated: http://pastebin.com/rAsMng2G Thanks in advance for your help.