[MISC] PlayerChestDeath v0.3 - Deathpiles [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Wesnc, Jul 23, 2011.

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    PlayerChestDeath - Deathpiles
    Version: v0.3

    Creates deathpiles from once living players.

    • Creates deathpiles from a players inventory when they died
    • Places a sign on the chest, telling you whos deathpile that is.
    • Places beacons above the chest, aka a massive pillar of glowstone
    Download v0.3

    Source Code

    Version 0.3
    • ADDED FEATURE - Beacons of glowstone above the chest
    • ADDED FEATURE - Autodelete the beacon, chest, and the sign after a certain amout of time
    Version 0.2

    • ADDED FEATURE - Lockette support
    Version 0.1

    • First Release

    Delete your old PCDConfig.cfg as the new version requires new variables to write, so delete your old and it will auto-create a new one to correspond to the correct version's variables.

    Properties and Configurable Variables (open)

    PCDConfig.cfg inside the plugins/PCD folder
    #Edit this file as needed.
    #Death Message must be true for the death message String to work!Beacon Height choices, for now only temp are 10
    #Sun Jul 24 14:26:13 EDT 2011
    DeathMessageString=died and left a chest where he died.
    DeathMessageString - String value, shown message on player death IF enabled
    DeathMessage - Boolean Value(true or false), Rather or not the death message will be shown.
    DropsEnabled - Boolean Value(True or False), Rather drops will be dropped on the ground or not, if enabled it makes my plugin somewhat useless.
    SignOnChest - Boolean value(True or False), Rather to place a sign on the chest label(Lips's death pile.)

    SignLocketteeEnabled - Boolean Value(True/False), Lockette support enabled?
    SignLocketterPrivateDefault - Boolean value(True/false), by default the [Private] lockette tag is added to your sign, so only you can access it.
    Sign_BeaconEnabled(CrappyNamed, will fix next bugfix) - Boolean Value(True/False), enables rather or not the beacon appearing above the chest is enabled.
    ChestDeleteIntervalEnabled - Boolean Value(True/False), Rather or not deleting of the chest, sign and beacon are enabled.
    ChestDeleteInterval - Integer value, Seconds before the chest, sign, and beacon are deleted.
    Screenshots (open)

    Planned Features and bugfixes (open)

    Planned Features:
    This is is mostly for me to remember what to do next, but also for the community for them to know my goals :)
    • Death pile beacons - A glowstone pillar that plows into the sky, letting you know where that deathpile is. *ADDED, but half-assed due to me not knowing how to do it PROPERLY*
    • Lockette Support *ADDED*
    • Deleting deathpiles after a certain timeframe if the variable is enabled *ADDED*
    • Permissions Support
    • Configurable Beacon blocktype and height
    • Delete chest after its emptied.
    • No free chests/signs.
    • LWC Support
    Credits (open)

    • The awesome Bukkit community for support and inspiration.
    • Thanks to those who helped me in IRC
    • Lockette guy, awesome plugin!
    This project has been tooken over by Tux2 located HERE

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    Nathan C

    Dead link...

    Anyone have mirror?
  3. Offline


    dead link is dead
  4. Offline


    seems another great plugin is falling off the map :(
  5. Offline


    cant download
  6. Offline


    Fix you'r screenshots.
  7. Offline


    Will this still work or be updated?
  8. Offline


    Your Download Link Broke, please fix, I REALLY want this! good job btw :D I love it :)
  9. Offline


    I have downloaded the source and I fixed a huge amount of the bugs and exploits (including the destructive glowstone). I removed support for lockette for the time being but added in LWC protection for chests. A few options have been added/changed in the config file due to the changes:
    #Edit this file as needed.
    #Death Message must be true for the death message String to work!ChestDeleteInterval is in seconds.
    LWCEnabled=true //Should we lock chests with LWC
    MineableDrops=false //Should the glowstone, chest and sign drop their respective items when mined?
    BeaconEnabled=true //Should we build a glowstone tower
    BeaconHeight=10 //And how high? (yes, this option is now working!)
    BeaconReplacesLiquid=true //Should the beacon replace water/lava blocks as well or just air blocks?
    DeathMessage=true //Should we show a death message?
    SignOnChest=true //Put a sign on the chest with the player's name?
    LWCPrivateDefault=true //If we are using LWC to lock the chest should it be a private lock or a public lock?
    DeathMessageString=died and left a chest where he died. //If death messages are enabled the string to display.
    ChestDeleteInterval=50 //How long before the chest disappears and it's items spill out in seconds.
    DropsEnabled=true //CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL!!!! Should we drop any items normally that don't fit into the chest, or just remove them from the world.
    ChestDeleteIntervalEnabled=true //should we delete the chests after a certain time frame?
    Download v0.3
  10. Offline


    Thx bro,
    good to see DeathManChest plugin back
  11. Offline


    No problem. I have contacted the author by email and have gotten his official approval to go ahead and develop this project. :D A new version (With permissions!) is now out and further development will be done on the bukkit dev site.
    Download: https://github.com/downloads/Tux2/PlayerChestDeath/DeadMansChest.jar
    BukkitDev page: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/deadmanschest/ (It's still waiting approval as of this moment)
  12. Offline


    Work this plugin with 1185 ?
  13. Offline


    This is the inactive plugin thread, the current version that works on 1185 is at http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/deadmanschest/
    I have taken over development of this plugin and all current development happens on that thread.
  14. Offline


    Will this work for the upcoming version, 1.0? (What ever Bukkit version that would be) ? :eek:

    EDIT: Sorry, i just noticed that message above. That answered my question.
  15. Offline


    Download link down.... :/
  16. Offline


    This is the inactive plugin thread, the current version that works on 1.0.1-R1 is at http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/deadmanschest/
    I have taken over development of this plugin and all current development happens on that thread.

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