G'day Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls! I now present to you the feat of the century.... FLYING PIGS! Yessir! Believe it or not, the time is finally here for flying pigs! Download @ http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/piggypilot/ Features: Flying pigs! You can drop TNT from the pigs as if you were a bomber! Very useful traveling options! Dandy donator perk! Changelog: Find a more detailed changelog on the bukkitdev page! v2.0: Added Exhaust Major bug fixes v1.0: Released! Credits: Ubertweakstor - Maintainer/Developer/Author You can find out more about this plugin @ http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/piggypilot/ Hope you enjoy my flying my pigs! -Uber
Hmm... Needs more info b4 i will give it a shot. Maybe some info on how it works or a video tutorial.
How it works? Check out the dev.bukkit.org link for more information on how to ride the pigs! Also in the comments someone posted a video of the pigs working! (Although it is now outdated). I am also currently looking into making such a video! -Uber