[MISC] CraftProxy 0.2.0 - Reduce bandwidth use by caching chunk data [1.6]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Raphfrk, May 1, 2011.

  1. Offline


    CraftProxy - Reduce bandwidth use by caching chunk data
    Version: 0.2.0


    This plugin and local client allows chunk data to be cached locally by players. This reduces the bandwidth required for hosting the server. It also helps users who are on slower connections.

    I am not sure what the status of this system is. It doesn't count as a plugin, since it has 2 parts.

    Even when running the plugin, players who don't use the client proxy can still connect. However, they will use the full bandwidth.

    The system can reduce bandwidth by 70-90% (after the 2nd login).



    Add the plugin file to the plugins folder


    Start minecraft client and login
    Double click on the client jar file
    Enter login details
    Enter the server location/port in the GUI
    Press start on the GUI
    Connect to localhost on the minecraft client

    Stable Builds

    None yet

    Dev Builds

    Warning: These may not be stable


    Had it get the compress/decompression gain backwards.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
    Jushy, Martin1704, Nathan C and 24 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Working perfect now, Raphfrk - Thank you!

    I can now interchange from 3 servers with no issues. You are a saint. I'll continue testing and tweaking, see if I run into anything traumatic. Thank you again.
  3. Offline


    If the laptop is connecting by wireless, then maybe the reduced network traffic uses up less power. Otherwise, I am surprised that it helped with battery :p.
  4. Offline


    i was as well, and yeah, it is connected to WiFi. the only thing is when i log in, and i expected the first time, and some on all times, as MC doesnt like this very much, it takes atleast 10 + seconds to log in. and i am the only one currently using the proxy.
  5. Offline


    Dude, i dont understand **** out you're discription.
    I like the idea of saving data on players computers, but i don't want them to do anything for that.

    And proxys? da *** has that to do with it, proxys are blocked on my server, just like vpn.

    I like the idea, but im not gonna use it. Because you're discription is WAY to long, confusing for a litle plugin like this.

    *if you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough*
  6. Offline



    Very useful and nice working proxy.

    Although, some users are not able to connect through it. Any idea what could be causing those errors ?:
    [8:26:36 AM] 85.225.xxx.xxx/4416 (revilolol): Connecting to : localhost 25555
    [8:26:36 AM] 85.225.xxx.xxx/4416 (revilolol): Attempting to connect to: localhost:25555
    [8:26:36 AM] 85.225.xxx.xxx/4416 (revilolol): Connecting to: localhost:25555 from
    [8:26:36 AM] 85.225.xxx.xxx/4416 (revilolol): Connection successful
    [8:26:36 AM] 85.225.xxx.xxx/4416 (revilolol): Connecting using proxy to server connection format
    [8:26:37 AM] 85.225.xxx.xxx/4416 (revilolol): Login failed: Malformed Login packet, server/client version mismatch?
    Connection from 178.152.xxx.xxx/60380
    [8:40:33 AM] 178.152.xxx.xxx/60380 (iiDrMayhem): Connecting to : localhost 25555
    [8:40:33 AM] 178.152.xxx.xxx/60380 (iiDrMayhem): Attempting to connect to: localhost:25555
    [8:40:33 AM] 178.152.xxx.xxx/60380 (iiDrMayhem): Connecting to: localhost:25555 from
    [8:40:33 AM] 178.152.xxx.xxx/60380 (iiDrMayhem): Connection successful
    [8:40:33 AM] 178.152.xxx.xxx/60380 (iiDrMayhem): Connecting using proxy to server connection format
    [8:40:34 AM] 178.152.xxx.xxx/60380 (iiDrMayhem): Login failed: Malformed Login packet, server/client version mismatch?
    Is it a bug in the current version ?

    Thanks for your time.
  7. Offline


    I've been trying to use craftproxyliter to link 2 servers together to allow teleportation between the two. However no matter how I setup craftproxyliter I can't seem to get it to autoconnect to the next server. It just logs you out the server your port from and says "You have been teleported connect to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxxx"
  8. Offline


    That could be due to not having the network IP set up properly. Can you look at the logs when you login.

    you might get a list of lines like:

    "Attempting to connect to"

    and then

    "WARNING: Used alternative IP to connect:"

    and then

    "You should change your default server parameter to include the IP address:"

    This means that the server isn't correctly binding to localhost and the proxy can't connect easily. It tries lots of IP addresses until it hits one that works. However, that takes time. You can change the port that it listens on to include the IP address that worked and then it can go directly to that IP address.

    Are they using the most up to date client?

    That often means that you aren't connecting to the proxy server.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  9. Offline


  10. Offline


    What does this error indicate?
    Buffer mis-calculation for length??
    Buffer mis-calculation for length??
    [11:12:36 PM] (ItsMe): Closed connection to server
    [11:12:36 PM] (ItsMe): Closed connection to client
    I have had complaints of sometimes frequent disconnects from a few players and saw this in the craftproxy console at the times of the disconnects.
  11. Offline


    I have increased the timeout when logging in. A login packet from the older client is shorter than the new one, so if I read a new one, it waits for bytes that will never arrive. After 1 second, it timed out. The new limit is 10 seconds.

    Someone with an old client will be kicked 10 seconds after they connect.

    The error normally means that the proxy was unable to process a packet, so it just filled the buffer, assuming that it was missing some parts.

    I have added better error reporting when that happens (version 136).

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  12. Offline


    Now I am having trouble connecting with #133, reverting to #132.
    [3:18:01 PM] (Heliwr): Connecting to : 25567
    [3:18:01 PM] (Heliwr): Attempting to connect to:
    [3:18:01 PM] (Heliwr): Connection successful
    [3:18:01 PM] (Heliwr): Connecting using proxy to server connection format
    [3:18:01 PM] (Heliwr): Login failed: Server closed connection before sending handshake
  13. Offline


    Also, are you using NoLagg, there was a report earlier in the thread that is caused issues.
  14. Offline


    I do not use NoLagg or any other performance tweak type plugins, I can provide a plugin list if that helps.

    Correction: I do use SpoutPlugin.
  15. Offline


    I updated again, though the bug would have been with 136, I think.

    Hmm, I hope that isn't the cause :p.

    Anyway, with the updated proxy, it should give better info on what is going wrong.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  16. Offline


    Different problem with #136 - disconnects after about thirty seconds:
    [3:42:31 PM] (Heliwr): Connecting to : 25566
    [3:42:31 PM] (Heliwr): Attempting to connect to:
    [3:42:31 PM] (Heliwr): Connection successful
    [3:42:31 PM] (Heliwr): Connecting using proxy to server connection format
    [3:42:31 PM] (Heliwr): Authing with http://www.minecraft.net/game/checkserver.jsp?user=Heliwr&serverId=gobbledygook
    [3:42:32 PM] (Heliwr): Auth successful
    [3:42:32 PM] (Heliwr): Server login successful
    [3:42:32 PM] (Heliwr): Client requested caching mode
    [3:43:04 PM] (Heliwr): EOF reached
    [3:43:04 PM] (Heliwr): Timeout
    [3:43:04 PM] (Heliwr): Closed connection to server
    [3:43:04 PM] (Heliwr): Closed connection to client

    edit: #137 seems to be working fine for me now, but still getting players with disconnect problems:
    [3:51:09 PM] ip/58317 (flndogz): Connecting to : 25567
    [3:51:09 PM] ip/58317 (flndogz): Attempting to connect to:
    [3:51:09 PM] ip/58317 (flndogz): Connection successful
    [3:51:09 PM] ip/58317 (flndogz): Connecting using proxy to server connection format
    [3:51:09 PM] ip/58317 (flndogz): Authing with http://www.minecraft.net/game/checkserver.jsp?user=flndogz&serverId=gobbledygook
    [3:51:10 PM] ip/58317 (flndogz): Auth successful
    [3:51:10 PM] ip/58317 (flndogz): Server login successful
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    [3:51:14 PM] ip/58317 (flndogz): Closed connection to server
    [3:51:14 PM] ip/58317 (flndogz): Closed connection to client
  17. Offline


    Sorry forgot to actually write out the string for the extra info. Updated again.
  18. Offline


    [8:19:06 PM] ip/14608 (Springzz): Connecting to : 25567
    [8:19:06 PM] ip/14608 (Springzz): Attempting to connect to:
    [8:19:06 PM] ip/14608 (Springzz): Connection successful
    [8:19:06 PM] ip/14608 (Springzz): Connecting using proxy to server connection format
    [8:19:07 PM] ip/14608 (Springzz): Authing with http://www.minecraft.net/game/checkserver.jsp?user=Springzz&serverId=gobbledygook
    [8:19:07 PM] ip/14608 (Springzz): Auth successful
    [8:19:07 PM] ip/14608 (Springzz): Server login successful
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Bytes: ce, f5, 13, b9, fe, 3f, 1c, cf, a3, f0, 2f, 4e, 6f, a1, fc, cf, de, e1, fc, b3, b3, db, 38, ff, 30, fe, ff, 3, 94, cc, 23, 28, _33_, 0, 0, 0, d0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30, f, 7f, f, 0, 0, 14, bd, 78, 9c, ed, 5d, 3d, 6c, 1c, c7, 15, 9e, d5, d1, b9, d0, e2, e9, 94, 54, 4e, 47, 23, a5, 5c, 8, e7, c0, b8, 2e, 4, ec, 14, ea, 54, 18, ae, 5, 4, b2, 5b, 15, 86, ad, 92, 8d, 21, ab, 63, 65, c8, aa, d8, 5, 14, 1b, d6, 27, 16, ec, 29, 1, 6a, d2, d1, 82, aa, 74, 12, d2, a5, 4c, 76, 67, 76, fe, 67, 67, de, ce, 37, d4, 66, c5, 7d, b0, 49, 6a, 8f, ef, be, 99, d9, f7, de, f7, de, 9b, d9, e3, 7c, be, 76, 65, 56, cb, b2, aa, 18, 63, f5, f, 6c, 55, 2d, 1b, a9, 2a, f1, dd, 92, 9d, 9d, 1d, 6, ca, bc, 96, 10, 3e, 1f, 40, 83, cf, 18, 47, e, e1, d7, 97, e0, 11, 68, f4, d9, 4c, fc, 6f, e0, 57, cd, 8f, 8b, 16, 8d, 5f, b5, e0, bf, 60, d5, b2, fe, 95, 6b, 65, e6, 6f, e2, 8b, d9, c5, f1, f9, 0, 9b, ef, d0, 8, 6a, f4, b9, b9, f4, fc, ab, 5a, de, 99, 6, 9d, 75, e1, 37, 3f, e4, f, c0, c6, 6f, 45, 22, 58, 78, de, f2, 4b, fc, fa, 25, 0, 3f, 0, bf, 5e, d2, a4, b9, 43, 30, be, 6f, ff, 3d, f0, e5, a, e5, f, 20, 4, 4f, c5, 57, 77, 68, 36, fb, 2c, 1f
    [8:19:13 PM] ip/14608 (Springzz): Closed connection to server
    [8:19:13 PM] ip/14608 (Springzz): Closed connection to client
    Still getting the 'Login failed: Server closed connection before sending handshake' very frequently on this build though, reverting to #137.
  19. Offline


    137 and 138 are almost identical. Reverting shouldn't make any difference.

    Anyway, thanks for the error report. Something strange is happening with the code.
  20. Offline


    Yes, I have been getting that error quite a bit with #137 too but it seems to be an intermittent problem (damn I hate those). I can use the interserver teleports without error for an hour, and then all of a sudden I can't connect at all due to that error for a few minutes.

    Some more data if it helps:
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Bytes: 0, 6d, 0, 65, 0, 74, 0, 68, 0, 69, 0, 6e, 0, 67, 0, 3f, 0, 7, 0, 41, 0, 73, 0, 6b, 0, 20, 0, 7e, 0, 52, 0, 43, _82_, 0, 0, 0, 9a, 0, 4a, 0, 0, 0, 21, 0, 8, 0, 50, 0, 72, 0, 6f, 0, 20, 0, 54, 0, 69, 0, 70, 0, 3a, 0, 0, 0, d, 0, 2f, 0, 68, 0, 65, 0, 6c, 0, 70, 0, 20, 0, 69, 0, 73, 0, 20, 0, 76, 0, 65, 0, 72, 0, 79, 0, 7, 0, 68, 0, 65, 0, 6c, 0, 70, 0, 66, 0, 75, 0, 6c, 82, 0, 0, 0, 9a, 0, 4a, 0, 0, 0, 20, 0, 8, 0, 50, 0, 72, 0, 6f, 0, 20, 0, 54, 0, 69, 0, 70, 0, 3a, 0, 0, 0, a, 0, 59, 0, 6f, 0, 75, 0, 27, 0, 72, 0, 65, 0, 20, 0, 6e, 0, 6f, 0, 74, 0, b, 0, 69, 0, 6e, 0, 76, 0, 69, 0, 6e, 0, 63, 0, 69, 0, 62, 0, 6c, 0, 65, 0, 21, 82, 0, 0, 0, 9d, 0, 4b, 0, 0, 0, 28, 0, 8, 0, 43, 0, 61, 0, 73, 0, 74, 0, 65, 0, 72, 0, 27, 0, 73, 0, 7, 0, 4d, 0, 65, 0, 73, 0, 73, 0, 61, 0, 67, 0, 65, 0, 5, 0, 48, 0, 6f, 0, 75, 0, 73, 0, 65, 0, 6, 0, 3c, 0, 2d, 0, 2d, 0, 2d, 0, 2d, 0, 2d, 82, 0, 0, 0, 90, 0, 4a, 0, 0, 0, 2f, 0, 7, 0, 54, 0, 72, 0, 79, 0, 20, 0, 69, 0, 74, 0, 21, 0, b, 0, 5b, 0, 4c
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Bytes: fd, 0, fa, 0, 20, 0, 8, be, df, 1b, 0, 20, 0, 8, be, dd, 79, 0, 20, 0, 8, be, ed, d1, 0, 20, 0, 8, c0, 58, e8, 0, _33_, 0, 0, 0, 90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, f, 7f, f, 0, 0, 1d, a3, 78, 9c, ed, 5d, 3b, 6f, 1c, 49, 92, ce, 54, 51, d3, 43, 36, 5b, 45, 9, 3a, e0, 70, 16, 25, 9d, a7, 15, 20, b5, 74, 83, c2, 2, 87, 13, 46, a4, bb, 20, 30, 12, f, 37, 16, 1d, 8a, d6, 1, 34, e, 14, 4d, 3a, 7, 8a, 1e, ad, 45, 8b, 16, bd, 45, 8b, e, cd, 45, 8b, 6, 7d, e, 1, fd, 0, ae, 30, 7f, 40, 3, fe, 82, d3, e5, b3, 2a, ab, 2a, 23, b2, 2a, a3, a9, d6, a3, c3, e0, a3, a5, e8, 2f, 5f, 5f, 7c, 11, 99, d9, c5, 4e, d6, c9, 38, 67, 8c, f3, 2c, e3, 49, 92, 29, e3, 9c, a7, 75, 4b, 84, c9, ef, 3d, 61, 95, 97, c4, b7, 47, 7f, 61, ec, d1, 4f, ac, ad, 75, 3a, 9d, ac, 93, 48, 7c, 2e, 61, 35, be, 7, bc, 82, 5f, 34, 40, 7e, e5, 16, ff, e7, 18, fc, 4e, 92, c8, 9f, 10, fc, bc, 93, 55, 7c, fd, d2, 23, 65, e2, 2d, 1e, 5d, 8f, c1, 4f, 34, 3e, 5b, 60, 6, be, 8a, 6f, 80, 21, 7c, fe, 9f, 8f, cd, 9b, 3d, fa, 53, 7b, 7c, 31, fa, 9d, e4, 97, 5f, 7e, 61, b, 72, 15, 40, fd, 77, f1, d3, 62, f8, d5, c8, 38, f8, ad, e1, 99, ea, fe, 2c, 53, b, 40, 4d, 1
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Bytes: 0, 8, b9, 59, ff, b, fe, 20, 0, 8, b9, 5b, 72, 0, 1c, 0, 8, b9, 5a, 0, 0, fd, 8d, ff, e9, 20, 0, 8, b9, 0, d9, 0, _33_, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    f, 7f, f, 0, 0, 11, 1f, 78, 9c, ed, 5d, 3f, 8f, dd, c6, 11, e7, de, 53, 4c, cb, d4, 3b, 52, ea, 54, 18, 91, 62, 24, 8, 10, 17, 87, 83, 81, 7b, 5d, e, 70, 5c
    , c5, 85, a, c1, 9d, 1, c1, 80, 11, 20, 95, 2a, 23, a5, 3a, db, 9d, ca, c0, 95, 7a, 37, ea, ed, 42, 1f, 40, 6, ee, 3, 44, c1, 7d, 81, c8, f7, 9, 72, e1, 7f,
    2e, 97, bb, 33, c3, fd, 2d, 8f, 7a, 79, 3b, 85, ad, 3b, de, f0, 37, bb, dc, 99, df, cc, ec, f2, bd, 34, 2d, 65, 67, 88, 52, 49, a2, f2, bc, fa, 5f, b2, 29, 2
    5, 1f, a4, fe, 9d, d2, 7f, a8, fe, 60, 73, 94, 78, ca, 14, bc, c1, 57, aa, 1, d8, 6e, a7, f0, ed, c5, 40, f8, 69, aa, 94, 81, 5f, dd, b9, 1, d8, 96, 92, e7,
    a6, 1, 9d, 49, 61, c6, af, 2a, 31, f1, 5b, b8, 9, 7e, 8d, 19, 12, bf, 9e, 6e, c3, 82, 1, cd, 85, bf, 69, fe, 19, 6, 7f, 62, 40, ae, 1b, 90, 4f, f0, 37, 9b, a
    f, 2a, 9, 85, 9f, 76, 6, f4, 36, e4, a4, a8, cd, c9, df, 2b, f9, ea, 76, 98, f5, b7, 1b, a6, 40, 86, 9f, df, a, 88, bf, 4b, 3b, 9f, ab, 3d, 5b, 80, 9f, ab, 5
    b, b5, 6a, 89, 5f
    I have yet to have this happen to me, but players have told me they are falling through the world when they connect then once they stop falling and are back on the surface they get disconnected with this error.
  21. Offline


    i read this, and i dont think i quite understand where in the server.prop file to put this... if server.prop is the right place. if not, then i have no idea. and i am running the proxy's server side on the MC server, so it is looking at local(client) -> proxy (on client machine) -> internet -> Proxy (running in MC as plugin) -> Server
  22. Offline


    On the latest version, I'm logging the proxy output to a log file and the only thing I see now in the proxy screen is those errors:

     Exception in thread "Server to client bridge" java.lang.NullPointerException
            at com.raphfrk.craftproxyliter.CompressionManager.killTimerAndJoin(CompressionManager.java:54)
            at com.raphfrk.craftproxyliter.DownstreamBridge.run(DownstreamBridge.java:249)
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Exception in thread "Server to client bridge" java.lang.NullPointerException
            at com.raphfrk.craftproxyliter.CompressionManager.killTimerAndJoin(CompressionManager.java:54)
            at com.raphfrk.craftproxyliter.DownstreamBridge.run(DownstreamBridge.java:249)
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Exception in thread "Server to client bridge" java.lang.NullPointerException
            at com.raphfrk.craftproxyliter.CompressionManager.killTimerAndJoin(CompressionManager.java:54)
            at com.raphfrk.craftproxyliter.DownstreamBridge.run(DownstreamBridge.java:249)
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Am I putting too heavy load on the proxy ? (120+ players) or has it been running for too long ? Or is there a value I should increase somewhere ?

    Edit: I am also getting the same errors as Heliwr from time to time... I've been thinking about it and we also have some "falling players problems" (caused by our guests not taking void damages), could those be the cause to the "bytes errors" ?

  23. Offline


    Thanks for the info. The NPE relates to packet compression and the packet that was giving difficulties was too.

    They are hopefully connected. I have updated to 139, with a fix for the NPE.
  24. Offline


    Still getting the buffer errors with build #139.
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Buffer full and unable to parse packet
    Bytes: 8d, 0, 0, 20, 0, 20, 71, de, 9b, 0, 20, 0, 20, 71, dd, 21, 0, 1f, 0, 2d, ae, 50, f6, 0, fd, 20, 0, 1e, 28, 58, e6, 0, _33_, 0, 0, 0, a0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, f, 7f, f, 0, 0, 1b, d6, 78, 9c, ed, 5d, 3d, 6f, 1b, c9, 96, ed, 32, 35, c3, b1, 28, e, 25, 45, 13, 4a, d6, 2, 13, cc, 6, 6, a5, 67, 10, 3, 3c, ac, de, 52, a, 26, 73, 40, 11, d8, cc, 30, 20, 2b, 58, 2c, a0, 88, 66, a8, 4c, 56, c6, 90, 56, c4, 94, a3, 44, 31, 9f, 2, e5, 5a, 3, fa, 1, 9a, 81, fe, 80, 7, fe, 5, eb, ad, 5b, 1f, dd, d5, dd, 75, ab, ba, ab, 4a, 6e, cb, af, 2f, de, 93, 64, 92, b7, 4f, 55, 75, 9d, 7b, ee, ad, 2a, f6, 34, 9b, bd, 66, 4f, 31, d2, eb, b5, db, 1d, 61, d, 30, f9, 57, 27, 6d, 84, 44, d4, e0, 7, 81, 4f, fd, 12, b9, 59, 33, 5, cd, ac, 9d, 6a, 80, fc, ab, 93, 35, d6, 0, f6, 7f, f8, 1c, 89, f6, dc, f0, a9, 49, 7c, 22, e1, db, 39, 30, 9d, 51, ec, ae, c0, ef, b8, f7, 5f, c2, d3, ee, 90, 5c, ff, cd, f8, c, 9c, 10, 36, 3c, 24, 0, 7e, 44, ac, f8, ea, 6d, 0, 8f, d5, 55, 8a, cf, ef, bf, f3, f8, 17, c7, 6f, a4, a6, 21, 8c, 18, 91, 2f, bb, f7, 3f, 1e, 74, 18, 4c, 2d, 7e, 32, 9, b3, d, 48, f0, 7d, ee, 7f, 53, cc, 3a, b8, 1e, 6b, c, d6
    [7:52:27 PM] ip/12473 (Feilas): Closed connection to server
    [7:52:27 PM] ip/12473 (Feilas): Closed connection to client
  25. Offline


    Did you see the NPEs in the server log, like sawine ?
  26. Offline


    No, I had not seen those.
  27. Like many others, I am getting a lot of the "Buffer full and unable to parse packet" errors with Build 139, as well as "Fairness Manager Interrupted when waiting for timer to close," and several
    Thanks for all your hard work on this. It's a fantastic program.

    Also, you were talking about SpoutCraft having the caching built in, does that require the server to have the SpoutCraft plugin, or will the client do it automatically even if the server doesn't have the plugin installed?
  28. Offline


    Yes, the Spout version requires client + plugin. It works slightly differently since it has direct access to the packets.

    Anyway, I updated again. It should catch that exception.
  29. Awesome! I installed it and indeed I am no longer getting that exception, but, quite often really, I am now getting:
    It also seems to give that error and kick people regardless if they are using CraftProxy or not.
  30. Offline


    I think that is an issue with the server itself. When you say not using craftproxy, you mean directly connecting to the server?
  31. Correct.

    Strange thing is if I connect over my local network either way, it's fine. I've just been noticing on the log though that people who are connecting over the internet, regardless if they are using craftproxy or regular connection, get kicked out and that error appears.

    I removed the CraftProxy plugin for about half an hour, and didn't get the message at all. Seems to be localized to CraftProxy being enabled.

    Okay well never mine. I think I figured out the problem. It seems that my CraftBukkit was slightly out of date, and updating it ridded it of the errors.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016

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