Mini Blocks

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by MCFunCubes, Jul 2, 2016.

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    Seeing armor stands from 1.8 and their potential, someone should have made a mini blocks plugin by now.

    This plugin could simply transform blocks from a worldedit selection into smaller blocks at a scale. This is pretty simple! Someone, please make this plugin!
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    This is most likely not what you're looking for, but there are several plugins that allow you to get player's heads that look like smaller minecraft blocks such as SimpleHeads. :)
  4. Offline


    No, I want mini blocks. To get a mini block, you can just use mini armor stands or baby villagers with block heads. Thank you, though!
  5. Offline


    Not to be condescending, but if it's so simple why don't you make it yourself?
  6. Offline


    Its pretty hard to make, how would players interact with the mini-blocks? How would you treat these mini-block? How would it fire block related events?
  7. Offline


    The blocks would be the size of a mini armor stand head, or smaller. It simply would not be a block, and it would not have a collider.
  8. Offline


    whats the point of mini-blocks then? Do you build buildings you cant touch?
  9. Offline

    I Al Istannen

    I would guess cosmetics. I can imagine it looking quite cool :)
  10. @I Al Istannen But also a pain to create, especially the placing of these things. Would look cool but would take a lot to create, could also cause lag to some players.
  11. Offline

    I Al Istannen

    And to the server. There is a plugin on kadcon (if I am allowed to name the server), called fakestuff (official trailer. Usage while it was in beta. Really cool!), which allows you to make buildings with armorstands or mobs or whatever, all while maintaining little stress to the server. Don't know how it works, maybe fake packet entities. But the owner seems to really know his stuff :p

    But I agree, while it is difficult it could be really cool :)
  12. @I Al Istannen Wow, hmm I wonder how he makes them (I assume he does) not register as entities. Most be some packet stuff, might look into it more.
    I Al Istannen likes this.
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    Im a god
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