So we created a server 3 days ago. Got a big success constant players 20-30 people. I was online and suddenly some earl or something connected whit RED NICK NAME AND OP And started banning everyone :O And were just 2 owners of the server how that could of happen? Plugins we are using: iConomy, Jobs, LogBlock, Essentials, Essentials Groups, AuthMe, NoLAG, LWC, SPAMHAMMER, WorldGuard
It is an offline server so people can just login and make themselves op if you haven't set up AuthMe correctly
u think any guides how to fix that because we got alot of people in just 3 days and next 6hours i cant access server files so that is a big problem
offline-mode=false trololol I don't know that much about offline servers but I do recommend not to run one. I think people should BUY Minecraft. Not pirate it, and it's also less safe than a normal server.