Minecraft No Internet All Help Is Greatful!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Richard_____, Dec 23, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    My brother said to be can you set up a server so off i went and made a brand new 1.7 bukkit server, but you need internet to run the server and my parents put a timer on are Bt Internet because me and my brother are staying on are PC and staying up late and we've both got exams soon.
    So i'm wondering if you can run a Minecraft server with no internet (Same router all way round)
    I use my old PC for the server and my brand new PC for gaming and my brother has his own PC.

    Thanks For Reading The Post, All Help Is Greatful!
  2. you can set the server to offline mode in server.properties (set: offline-mode = false), however, it's NOT recommended and you won't be able to get support here for offline mode servers
  3. Offline


    Depends how your internet is blocked. If you can't access web pages, but you can access files from other computers on your network, you probably could run one locally. If you can't access anything on your network, your brother cannot join you.
  4. Offline


    The whole internet goes off its a power timer, so it isn't possible??
  5. like i said:
    Edit: RTFQ: if the whole router goes off, then its a no. sorry...
  6. Offline


    If it's on a power timer, then no, you can't play a minecraft server together. Unless you manage to hack into someone's wifi, which is not recommended.
  7. Offline


    Okay thanks for the help guys! <3
  8. Offline


    You could make an Ad Hoc network.
    or you could make an Ad Hoc network.

    or you could make an Ad Hoc network.
  9. yes, that is an option, however its pretty hard to get going (in my experience anyway) and even harder if you need to ad-hoc a wired client too.
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