Minecraft - 1.3 For Vinalla Minecraft

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by GlassSpaceTrout1OFFICIAL, Aug 1, 2012.

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  1. Hello EvilSepth. You and the Bukkit Maker team should make a bukkit software so it dosent need to be The old Minecraft for example the Single Player Worlds are now SMP Multiplayer....But shouldn't bukkit make a jar for LAN server's if you know what i mean........ Unless you down the Bukkit jar and rename it "minecraft_server.jar" if that is possible :p still though it would be messed up... :p so yes is their anyway to make your LAN server bukkit ? :D Please reply :D
  2. Offline


    I know I'm not part of the dev team but could you please clarify. I really haven't the slightest clue of what you mean
  3. Offline


    he wants lan and use wan bukkit :)
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