[MECH] SpeedSign v0.8.2 - Now with groups! [1317]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by needspeed10, Mar 29, 2011.

  1. Offline


    SpeedSign - Advanced signeditor:
    Version: v0.8.2

    With SpeedSign you can edit a sign you are looking at, restrict access to it, overload it and much much more.

    I'm looking for testers or someone who makes a nice tutorial.

    • Edit signs with commands
    • Edit the sign by simply rightclicking it with a sign
    • Have multiple colors in one line
    • Colored text while typing on a sign
    • Permissions/Lockette support
    • Restrict sign access
    • Clear text with doubleclick
    • Remote/Group access to signs
    • Config file for colors, color character and more
    • Shout out or read the sign text
    • Colors over all lines
    • Per color permissions
    Install (open)

    Move the speedsign.jar to yourserver/plugins.
    The plugin supports Permissions(GroupManager too) but doesn't need it.
    If there is no Permissions just ops can use the functions.
    Lockette is supported but not needed.

    For the client mod you just have to copy the .class file into your .minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar file. Then delete the META-INF folder out of it.

    Commands OLD (open)

    /sign set <line> <text> - sets the "line" of sign to "text"
    /sign add <line> <text> - adds to the "line" of sign "text"
    /sign clear - clears sign
    /sign super - changes you to overload-mode (just needed forthe client mod users)
    /sign list - shows owners of a sign
    /sign listperm - shows all owners of signs
    /sign listover - shows all overloaded signs
    /sign perms add <player> - add "player" to owners of a sign
    /sign perms del <player> - del "player" from owners of a sign
    /sign perms rem - grants access to a sign to everyone
    /sign destroy - destroys sign you're looking at
    /sign coord <signX> <signY> <signZ> <command> <args> - executes "command" on sign
    /sign version
    /sign help <page> - shows help
    /sign color line1color (line2color) (line3color) (line4color) - lineXcolor means: color of line X
    /sign read - posts you the sign text
    /sign myperms - shows your permissions
    /sign shout - shouts the sign text in the chat

    $<Color> in a text causes the following text to be colored in "Color"
    \$<Color> shows "$Color"
    \n in a text makes a new line
    \\n in a text shows "\n"

    Commands NEW (open)

    /SSedit set <line> <text> - sets the "line" of sign to "text"
    /SSedit add <line> <text> - adds to the "line" of sign "text"
    /SSedit clear - clears sign
    /SSedit ins - <line> <position> <text> - inserts "text" in "line" at "position"
    /SSedit color line1color (line2color) (line3color) (line4color) - lineXcolor means: color of line X
    /SSedit destroy - destroys sign you're looking at

    /SSgroup create <group> - creates "group"
    /SSgroup delete <group> - deletes "group"
    /SSgroup exec <group> <command> <args> - executes a command on all signs in "group"
    /SSgroup add <group> - adds the sign you're looking at to "group"
    /SSgroup remove <group> - removes the sign you're looking out of "group"

    /SSlist signs - lists signs
    /SSlist overload - lists overloaded signs
    /SSlist perms - lists permitted signs
    /SSlist groups - lists groups
    /SSlist version - shows version
    /SSlist myperms - lists own permissions
    /SSlist help <command> - shows help of a command

    /SSperms add <players> - add players to owners of a sign
    /SSperms del <players> - del players from the owners of a sign
    /SSperms rem - access to everybody for this sign
    /SSperms list - lists owners of a sign

    /SSpers save - saves
    /SSpers load - loads

    /SSspecial super - changes you to overload-mode (just needed forthe client mod users)
    /SSspecial coord <signX> <signY> <signZ> <command> <args> - executes "command" on sign
    /SSspecial read - posts you the sign text
    /SSspecial shout - shouts the sign text in the chat

    $<Color> in a text causes the following text to be colored in "Color"
    \$<Color> shows "$Color"
    \n in a text makes a new line
    \\n in a text shows "\n"

    Tutorials (open)

    Version 0.8.1 , Language: English, Voice: yes, Topic: Demo, User: moselekm

    Version 0.7.10 , Language: French, Voice: yes, Topic: Basics, User: Nelo

    Version 0.5 , Language: English, Voice: no, Topic: Basics, User: me

    Permissions (open)

    speedsign.admin - grants access to every sign and command
    speedsign.super - allows you to use the mod
    speedsign.direct - allows you direct editing of signs
    speedsign.click - allows you to clear signs with double click
    speedsign.color."color" - allows players to use specified colors
    speedsign.<command> - each command has its own permission node

    Config (open)

    All is stored in plugins/speedsign/preferences.yml.
    If it's not existing, it will be autocreated.

    colorChar: '$'
    blue: blue
    red: red
    green: green
    aqua: aqua
    black: black
    dark_aqua: dark_aqua
    dark_blue: dark_blue
    dark_gray: dark_gray
    dark_green: dark_green
    dark_purple: dark_purple
    dark_red: dark_red
    gold: gold
    gray: gray
    light_purple: light_purple
    white: white
    yellow: yellow
    #colors end
    linessamecolor: true

    Example picture (open)


    Download Plugin

    Version 0.8.2
    • New help system
    Version 0.8.1
    • Lockette fix
    • Build against CB 1185
    Changelog (open)

    Version 0.8
    • Insert text
    • Sign groups
    • new command system
    • Persistance change
    Version 0.7.11
    • Added per color permissions: eg. speedsign.color.GOLD or speedsign.color.*
    Version 0.7.10
    • Lockette support fixed
    • Bug: Can't reload server when a new version is pushed on it.
    Version 0.79
    • You can now reload the server without an huge exception
    Version 0.78

    • (Maybe) Faster color processing
    Version 0.77

    • (Maybe) fixed disappearing permissions
    • new Command: /sign myperms - shows your permissions (manually checked)
    Version 0.76

    • Added speedsign.color
    Version 0.75

    • Changed Permission system
    Version 0.74

    • Added the /sign color command
    Version 0.73

    • Fixed the bugs: Colors on the Sign,Disappearing Text
    Version 0.72

    • (Maybe) Fixed problem with other plugins using onSignChange
    Version 0.71

    • Colors over all lines (you can turn it off in the preferences)
    • Compiled against cb 798
    • /sign help has now different pages
    • New commands /sign read and /sign shout
    • Fixed bug: Write colors on the sign while placing it
    Version 0.7

    • Improved exception handling for wrong commands
    • You can escape \n now with \\n
    • When you switch to super you see all existing overloaded signs
    • If you left the server in super, you will be again if you enter
    • Added a config file (preferences.yml)
    Version 0.6.4

    • new help command
    • remotesignediting with /sign coord
    • instant sign destruction with /sign destroy
    • bugfixes
    • compiled against 755
    Version 0.6.3

    • Fixed loading signs
    • Colors got stripped in the gui
    • with \n you can switch to another line (sign set 1 line1\nline2)
    • released the new mod
    • many bugfixes
    Version 0.6.2

    • Fixed permissions
    • cmopiles against 740
    Version 0.6.1

    • Colors don't count into textlength
    • new command /sign version
    • Overloaded text will be trimmed for normal user
    • compiled against 733
    Version 0.6

    • Complete new code (Code cleansing)
    • Better save system
    • Info messages for the most things
    • Overload works now only in the super mode and the client mod
    • Fixed some little bugs
    • Insert is mostly finished (not usable for now)
    • Craftbukkit 714 compatible (Minecraft 1.5_02)
    Version 0.5

    • New client mod to overload signs directly
    • Added direct editing with rightclick!!
    • Changed some command names
    • Now you can list the overloaded signs
    Version 0.4

    • Added overload feature
    • Changed saving system
    • Bugfixes
    • Build against CB 670
    Version 0.3.3

    • Fixed bug with Permissions
    • Changed something in Lockette support
    Version 0.3.2

    • Added Lockette support
    Version 0.3.1

    • Fixed color bug
    Version 0.3

    • Permissions support
    • Better color handling (text can touch other text with other color)
    • Access restriction to a sign
    • Fixed some bugs
    Version 0.2

    • Added colors
    Version 0.1

    • SpeedSign release

    • ebe - helped testing
    • shamebot - helped with regex
    • eisental - different things
  2. Offline


    I suggest adding an end code tag at the commands section :p
    Like so:
    PapiDimmi likes this.
  3. Offline


    Dont know why but I have often some problems with editing a codetag ... :S
  4. Offline


    And BTW: Color support would be awesome :)
    Going to look into this one soon ;)
  5. Offline


    Now released v0.1.1 it supports now colors
  6. yay! Rather than having those other sign editing tools where you have to type in "&4hello there" and guess the color, you just gotta type in $red :p

    I, and others on my server enjoy your plugins :D
  7. Offline


    Nice to hear that, thanks ^^
  8. Offline


    Please update to latest RB (and drop the bold font except for section names) and I can move this to plugin releases.
  9. Offline


    There are some public but undocumented functions in Lockette, for when you are ready to make it compatible. :3
  10. Offline


    Can you type colours while typing straight onto the sign?
  11. Offline


    Yes that works
  12. Offline


    Love it. >9000 internets for you.
  13. Offline


    Not hatin on you for developing your own plugin, but why not use SignEdit?
  14. Offline


    I was missing some functions on signedit, so i decided to make my own sign editor, which has the wished things.
    (One of them was the ability to add text to a line)
  15. Offline


    550+ version please?
  16. Offline


    i think it should work with 550 too, just try
  17. Offline


    Released v0.3

    It's a very large update.
    Although I tested it very well , there could be some errors.
    If you found any please report them.
    I added very much stuff, but there will be more (e.g. lockette signs etc...)
    The plugin is build against CB 617 but it should work with older versions too.

    works now

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  18. Offline

    Tfs Halo

    why doesn't it allow you to use /sign set 4 $darkred testing?

    it can't do that or darkgreen,darkblue,aqua those are the ones i tested and what is up with the \$''color''
    i tryed using /\$red and didn't do anything and if u use it like this \$red doesn't do anything but tell it to server.
    and if i try using the in a sign... it just behaves normally if u weren't using the \
  19. Offline


    Oh yeah thanks i forgot the dark colors.
    And the \$color is used like that: /sign set 1 \$red test

    Ok uploaded v0.3.1 there all colors work

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  20. Offline

    Tfs Halo

    thanks :D!
  21. Offline


    Version 0.3.2 released:
    • Lockette support
  22. Offline


    i still dont get how the dark color system work?
    /sign set 1 \$red Hi! ? or /sign set 1 \$darkred Hi! ?
  23. Offline


    /sign set 1 $dark_red hi -> "hi"
    /sign set 1 \$dark_red hi -> "$dark_red hi"
  24. Offline


    OH THANKS! :D now it works!
  25. Offline


    Version 0.3.3 Release:
    • Fixed bug with Permissions
    • Changed something in Lockette support
  26. Offline


    Version 0.4
    • Added overload feature
    • Changed saving system
    • Bugfixes
    • Build against CB 670
  27. Offline


    Hey needspeed, are you going to add it to BukkitUpdater/Minerepo.tk?
  28. Offline


    Hi, thx for showing that to me. I added it immediately.
  29. Offline


    Thanks. Somehow speedcircuits was already there.
  30. Does the color code have to be '$' ? Or can it be '&'

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