[MECH] RedstoneChips 0.97 - Integrated circuits plugin [1.5.1-R0.2]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by eisental, Jan 19, 2011.

  1. Offline


    RedstoneChips 0.97 / BasicCircuits 0.97 / SensorLibrary 0.34
    (Last update on April 30th, 2013, cb 1.5.1-R0.2)


    • Build chips with any number of input and output pins, from compact 2 block chips up to whatever you can imagine.
    • Choose from over 50 different chip types and several 3rd party chip libraries.
    • Most chip types can work with a wide or infinte range of i/o configurations. Sign arguments allow you to customize chip behavior.
    • Chips can communicate through redstone, or directly by touching each other. Some chip types can also communicate over wireless channels.
    • Chips can be built in almost any imaginable structure allowing very compact circuits.
    • Debug and maintain large projects using various tools and commands.

    [cake] Help me spend more time working on RedstoneChips. Please donate

    Circuit libraries made by other people:
    Changelog (open)

    RedstoneChips 0.97 (Apr 30th, 2013)
    • Fixed the saving bug on cb 1.5.1.
    • Added an option to disable update checking.
    BasicCircuits 0.96 (Apr 30th, 2013)
    • pixel: Added a maximum distance value preference to prevent lags and server crashes. The max can be changed using/rcprefs pixel.maxDistance x and defaults to 7.
    • sram: Fixed a problem with anonymous memory.
    SensorLibrary 0.34 (Dec 1st, 2012)
    • daytime: Fixed daytime offset bug.

    Full changelogs and source code @ github.com:
    RedstoneChips [gunpowder] BasicCircuits [gunpowder] SensorLibrary
    DoomLord, Shamebot, Vecht and 6 others like this.
  2. Offline


    This plugin is broken on 264+ due to the world changes.
  3. Offline


    Yet another update is on the way (for #264 multiworlds).
    --- merged: Feb 7, 2011 10:07 PM ---
    I've updated to RedstoneChips 0.77, BasicCircuits 0.77 and the NEW SensorLibrary 0.1.
    Should work well with multiworlds and the clock is finally working properly :D.
    Check the first post for more details...
  4. Offline


    Thanks for the update.
    --- merged: Feb 8, 2011 5:35 AM ---
    Oh crap, worked on upgrading today and ran into this error with #171:

    Feb 8, 2011 8:34:18 AM org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer loadPlugins
    SEVERE: null (Is it up to date?)
    at org.tal.basiccircuits.BasicCircuits.onRedstoneChipsEnable(BasicCircuits.java:38)
    at org.tal.redstonechips.RedstoneChips.onEnable(RedstoneChips.java:176)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:135)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:394)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:175)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:69)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:50)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:167)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.c(MinecraftServer.java:154)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(MinecraftServer.java:106)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:202)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:512)
    --- merged: Feb 8, 2011 5:38 AM ---
    It is fixed by renaming BasicCircuits to have a z in front of it. It looks like the load order thing you put in broke.
  5. Offline


    Yes, I made another mistake based on the filenames assumption. It's very good to have your bizarro system... I will try to remember messing with the filenames before uploading on the next release :)

    I uploaded a RedstoneChips-0.77.jar with a small fix for this problem. There was also apparently a related bug with the sensor library so I uploaded also a new SensorLibrary-0.1.jar. Nothing else was changed, so you should only re-download them if you have problems like the one above.
  6. Offline


    wow they pir sensor is a great idea.didnt check it yet but sounds good..
    mabey in the future you can make it by name.like only raz235 activates the circuits if hes in the radius..
  7. Offline


    Thanks, it's a nice idea but I'm still trying to have some connection with real world electronics so this doesn't become another rune / spells plugin. I'm looking forward hearing new sensor circuit idea though. As long as they're somewhat based on real chips/systems I would be happy to add them.
    --- merged: Feb 8, 2011 4:11 PM ---
    I've updated RedstoneChips-0.77.jar to work with the latest craftbukkit (that broke it again). It now requires craftbukkit build #282 or above.
  8. Offline


    ..crap, could you upload the version of 0.77 right before the 282+ one?
  9. Offline


    Nope :)
    I think I don't have it anymore, sorry.
    Another lesson for the future...
  10. Offline


    I still have the first iteration before you updated it to 282+ but it has the load order issue thing. Could you fix it for me? There aren't enough plugins fixed for 282 for me to upgrade yet.

  11. Offline


  12. Offline


  13. Offline


    Sorry, but the packaged jar doesn't help me. It would take more time than it took making these 2 updates and I've wasted too much time on this today already. Just keep the renamed zBasicCircuits in the mean time. It works fine doesn't it?
    I think there are about 10 people who downloaded the fixed 271 version. If one of you can upload it somewhere it would be very nice.
  14. Offline


    Darn. Alright, thanks.
  15. Offline


    Catching up on this thread... Looks like a great suite of plugins! I am looking forward to trying them out. :)

    Just FYI: The Wiki website throws the following error when I try to visit it:

    A database query syntax error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was:
        (SQL query hidden)
    from within function "". MySQL returned error "13: database or disk is full".
  16. Offline


    Maybe I'm missing something (don't do much programming) but is there a specific reason you use a Thread to turn the clock's input on and off instead of a simple system timer? I believe you mentioned that Bukkit not having any sort of built-in timers was the reason you had to use a Thread, but accessing System time in Java is a relatively simple operation.
  17. Offline


    Well, I just don't like timers and I don't really see the difference between that and using a thread loop with sleep(). Each Timer object creates its own background thread anyways. Another reason is that for having different pulse width's possible i need to switch between 2 different sleep intervals. One for the on state and one for the off state. I don't think this is possible with a Timer. In any case before I started using the Bukkit scheduler, a Timer would've caused server crashes as well.
  18. Offline


    I'm trying to make a clock. I've tried both layouts shown on http://eisental.github.com/RedstoneChips/circuitdocs/Clock.html, and when I right-click the sign, I get the chat text saying its active, but it never actually works (no redstone output). I'm using CB 297. There's no output in the server console other than when the plugin loads at server start, which doesn't appear to have any errors.
  19. Offline


    did you gave a on input for the clock to work?
    put a lever on the input and then set it to high,should work[​IMG]
  20. Offline


    Like I said, I built it exactly as shown in the picture on the linked page. Yes, I turned the input lever on. I tried using a torch and wire instead of a lever, too.
  21. Offline


    You have to use a lever for the output. Torch or wire won't work. Did you check the position of the lever by connecting a wire to it? Sometimes the lever doesn't move visually but its state does change (That's a Minecraft 1.2 bug...)
    If that doesn't sovle it, can you say what exactly did the activation message say? The one with "Clock will tick every x milliseconds". Did you write something on the clock's sign except "clock"?
  22. Offline


    I've tried the following: (N sandstone, G gold block, I iron block, S sign, L lever, R redstone dust, C cobblestone)

    layout 1, 2 layers:
    layout 2:
    L L
    I've tried just "clock" on the sign, I've tried with 120bpm, 240bpm, 500, 500ms on the second line, I've tried adding 0 on the third line. Every one of them gives the expected chat text output, but none of them actually do anything. I'm aware that levers don't visually behave in SMP, hence the dust connected to the output lever. That dust never gets powered.
  23. Offline


    I had the same problem, so I rolled back to version 283 of craftbukkit - it works!

    A little hint (very useful) : I'm always renaming craftbukkit.jar to craftbukkit-###.jar (### = build number). In the *.bat file you just have to change the file name.
  24. Offline


    Well, layout 1 should work and in layout 2 i guess you mean:
    That should also work. You still didn't say what the activation message looked like. What were the numbers in "Clock will tick for X miliseconds for Y miliseconds"?

    Probably not the problem, but when you set the pulse width to 0 the redstone pulse will be too fast to see and will look like its constantly off. You can also try to debug the clock. Point at one of the chip blocks and do /redchips-debug, you should get a "You are now a debugger of the clock circuit". Let me know what debug messages you see.
    --- merged: Feb 11, 2011 8:45 PM ---
    Hmm, I just tried the clock with the 0.77 release version on craftbukkit #300 and it worked fine.
  25. Offline


    "Clock will tick every 1000 milliseconds for 500 milliseconds."
    "Activated clock circuit:"
    "> 1 input, 1 output, and 0 interface blocks."
    "You are now a debugger of the clock circuit."

    I flip the switch a bunch of times, and no more output until I break the sign, where it says "clock stopped". I've got a note block attached to the end of the dust connected to the output lever, so even if the dust switched too fast to see, I should still get a note, right?

    I'm using MultiVerse, so I can't go back past build 296. Checking 300 in a minute.
  26. Offline


    So, what craftbukkit build are you using exactly?
    What do you mean by "I flip the switch a bunch of times"? Do you get input change messages and clock started/clock stopped when you flip it?
    Maybe you should just send your craftbukkit folder to restonechips at gmail.com and I'll have a look.
  27. Offline


    Tried with 297, 300, and 304 so far. I get no input change messages. I just tried right-clicking the input lever then /redchips-pin on it several times, and it always says off. I've put a block with dust on it next to the input lever, and it comes on, so I know the lever works, it's just not getting detected for some reason.
  28. Offline


    Please send me your craftbukkit folder. This is weird and I really want to find out what causes it.
    I think you didn't say if this just happens with the clock or with every kind of circuit.
  29. Offline


    Just tested with adder, it also doesn't work. /redchips-active says there are no active circuits even though right-clicking on the sign says already active. Not sure how the cb folder is going to help you, but it's zipping and uploading to gmail soon.
  30. Offline


    I didn't get it yet. Is it that big?
  31. Offline


    No, it's only ~2MB. I have gmail's "offline mode" thing on, and it apparently decided to save the message in the outbox when I sent it, instead of actually sending it. It just sent when I logged in again now.

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