[MECH] OtherDrops 2.8- Ultimate block/mob/player drop editing [1.5.2]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Zarius, Jun 12, 2011.

  1. Offline



    Want to fix glass/stairs/boat drops? Want to gather ice/glowstone/grass in a balanced manner? Want to smelt ore with golden tools? Want to cause chaos with undead that rise again? Now you can, simply by enabling the included example files or delve into the more advanced customisation and make drops work the way you want.

    OtherBlocks aims to give you ultimate control over what item that blocks/entities drop when destroyed, depending on how they were destroyed. Compatible with WorldGuard. Lightweight! Only scans what it needs to and ignores the rest.
    Download: BukkitDev (download link on there) | Source Code

    Included Modules
    * Fix undroppables: fix drops for stairs, glass (don't use your hands - ouch), boats & bookshelves (1.8 stairs included)
    * Gold tools (basic): gold tools have a chance of dropping the complete block for grass, ice & glowstone.
    * Gold tools (smelt): gold tools have a chance of mining an ingot directly from ores.
    * Ore Extraction: using the usual tools, ingots are ripped out of ores, leaving the stone behind.
    * Leaf overhaul: adds leaf drops (apples, cocoa, leaves, sticks & a very small chance of golden apple).
    * Undead Chaos: beware the night! Zombies & skeletons rise again and even players rise back from the dead (player deaths spawn more zombies/skeletons).
    * and more...

    Custom Configuration Examples
        # Simple glass drop fix
          - drop: GLASS
        # Players drop Zombies on death, 50% of the time
          - drop: CREATURE_ZOMBIE
            chance: 50%
        # Spiders killed with any sword at night have a 10% chance to drop web,
        # otherwise they drop whatever they normally would
          - tool: ANY_SWORD
            time: NIGHT
            drop: WEB
            chance: 10%
        # Trees drop apples (or cocoa from birch trees)
          - drop: APPLE
            chance: 5%
          - drop: DYE@BROWN
            chance: 5%
    If you are getting errors with the word "snakeyaml" in it, your config file isn't properly formatted.
    Test it on this website (or this one).

    See the dev.bukkit page for full details on how to set up OtherDrops, a complete parameters list and further examples.


    Newest changelog details here.

    Main author: @Zarius
    Contributors: @Celtic Minstrel, raws
    Original author: @cyklo
  2. Offline


    If you have a weather control plugin you can use the command: parameter to do that:

        - action: LEFT_CLICK
          tool: ANY_HOE
          command: "/!*weather sunny"  # change this command as needed.  / = command, ! = send msg to console, not player, * = execute as op
  3. Offline


    Oh okay, thank you :D

    Uhm, I tried doing this... But it just crashes the server :/
    - tool: ANY_HOE
    action: RIGHT_CLICK
    replacementblock: AIR
    command: "/weather sunny"
    EDIT: Never mind, it was beacause it was already sunny! (I think) I fixed it by adding.
    weather: storm
  4. Offline


    I used 2.1, then 2.1.1 and now 2.1.2 (deleted OD completele and installed it again)
    Still no luck with the message & default drop is thrown, if I use "NOTHING" as drop. :/
    If I use a specific drop instead, it's thrown, but also no message.

    I don't get it...because the other messages appear like they should.

    My config atm: (open)

        dropspread: FALSE
    # TODO: mobs drop wornout armor
            - tool: PROJECTILE_ARROW
              drop: NOTHING
              message: ["Sniping a Creeper? Where is the fun at that?"]
            - tool: ANY_SWORD
              drop: GUNPOWDER/60%/1-2
            - tool: ANY_SWORD
              time: DAY
              drop: [XP/100%/4, MONEY/100%/1-3]
            - tool: ANY_SWORD
              time: NIGHT
              drop: [XP/100%/7,MONEY/100%/2-5]
            - tool: ANY
              drop: STRING/60%/1-2
            - tool: ANY
              drop: SPIDER_EYE/30%/1
            - tool: ANY
              drop: XP/100%/5
            - tool: ANY
              drop: MONEY/100%/1-3
            - tool: ANY
              drop: BOW/10%/1
              message: ["The skeleton lost his bow in the middle of the fight!"]
            - tool: ANY
              drop: BONE/70%/1-2
            - tool: ANY
              drop: ARROW/60%/2-4
            - tool: ANY
              drop: XP/100%/5
            - tool: ANY
              drop: MONEY/100%/1-3
            - tool: ANY
              drop: GOLD_NUGGET/40%/1-2
            - tool: ANY
              drop: ROTTEN_FLESH/60%/1-2
            - tool: ANY
              drop: XP/100%/5
            - tool: ANY
              drop: MONEY/100%/2-3
            - tool: ANY
              drop: GOLD_NUGGET/10%/1-3
              message: ["The squid left some gold nugggets!"]
            - tool: ANY
              drop: XP/100%/1-3
            - tool: ANY
              drop: MONEY/100%/1-2
            - tool: ANY
              drop: ROTTEN_FLESH/50%/1-2
            - tool: ANY
              drop: XP/100%/4
            - tool: ANY
              drop: MONEY/100%/1-3
            - tool: ANY
              drop: GUNPOWDER/60%/1-2
            - tool: ANY
              drop: GHAST_TEAR/40%/1
            - tool: ANY
              drop: XP/100%/3-7
            - tool: ANY
              drop: MONEY/100%/2-5
            - tool: ANY
              drop: ENDER_PEARL/40%/1
            - tool: ANY
              drop: XP/100%/5
            - tool: ANY
              drop: MONEY/100%/3-6
            - tool: ANY
              drop: SLIME_BALL/30%/1
            - tool: ANY
              drop: XP/100%/1-3
            - tool: ANY
              drop: MONEY/50%/1
            - tool: ANY
              drop: BLAZE_ROD/40%/1-2
            - tool: ANY
              drop: XP/100%/10
            - tool: ANY
              drop: MONEY/100%/3-7
            - tool: ANY
              drop: MAGMA_CREAM/40%/1
            - tool: ANY
              drop: XP/100%/1-3
            - tool: ANY
              drop: MONEY/100%/2-3
  5. Offline


    CubieX - you're right, messages weren't working at all for PROJECTILE_ARROW. Fixed it (will be in the next version).

    Odd - setting the weather to sunny shouldn't crash the server even if it's sunny already - perhaps it's a bug in the plugin that provides the "weather" command?

    Also keep in mind that the player clicking with the hoe needs to have permission to change the weather, unless you use "/*weather sunny" to run the command as an OP.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
    CubieX likes this.
  6. Zarius
    Using CB 1817 and OD 2.0 Beta 11
    01:26:45 [SEVERE] Could not pass event org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent to OtherDrops
            at org.bukkit.material.SimpleAttachableMaterialData.getFacing(SimpleAttachableMaterialData.java:38)
            at com.gmail.zariust.otherdrops.data.SimpleData.get(SimpleData.java:129)
            at com.gmail.zariust.otherdrops.data.SimpleData.get(SimpleData.java:100)
            at com.gmail.zariust.otherdrops.subject.BlockTarget.toString(BlockTarget.java:183)
            at java.lang.String.valueOf(Unknown Source)
            at java.lang.StringBuilder.append(Unknown Source)
            at com.gmail.zariust.otherdrops.OtherDrops.performDrop(OtherDrops.java:337)
            at com.gmail.zariust.otherdrops.listener.OdBlockListener.onBlockBreak(OdBlockListener.java:88)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$42.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:560)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:57)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:327)
            at net.minecraft.server.ItemInWorldManager.breakBlock(ItemInWorldManager.java:217)
            at net.minecraft.server.ItemInWorldManager.dig(ItemInWorldManager.java:151)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:507)
            at org.getspout.spout.SpoutNetServerHandler.a(SpoutNetServerHandler.java:204)
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet14BlockDig.handle(SourceFile:43)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:226)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:100)
            at org.getspout.spout.SpoutNetServerHandler.a(SpoutNetServerHandler.java:587)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(NetworkListenThread.java:78)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:536)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:434)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:465)
  7. Offline


    Ok, that line has to do with getting the direction a set of cobblestone stairs is facing. I tried some configs involving cobblestone stairs and their data (eg. COBBLESTONE_STAIRS@NORTH) but couldn't get that error.

    Do you get the error often? Any other messages before it? And can you post or send me your config?
  8. Offline


    Hi Zarius ! I'm the guy who asked to you about permissions. With groupmanager doesn't work but with PermissionsEX, it's wonderful ! I can config my jobs like I want. Per example for architecte they can't extract iron_ore but Miner yes. It's a little example of what I make thank's to you !!! Our server will be a brilliant server :)
  9. Offline


    Glad it worked out for you :) Let me know if you have any problems.
  10. Offline


    Wait, what? I am using Essentials, that plugin provides the weather feature, but anyway, i haven't given the players the permission, and one guy could do it anyway? Weird... (He can't use the /weather command, i asked.)
  11. Every few hours.

    # Set this to "low" to reduce number of boot messages or to high, highest, extr\
    eme for more debugging info
    verbosity: normal
    # Try adjusting this if you have compatibility problems with other plugins.
    # Default: "high". Can also use "low", "normal", "high", "highest".
    priority: high
    # OtherDrops uses BukkitPermissions by default - set 'useyetipermissions' to tr\
    ue if you want
    # legacy permissions support (no guarantees it will work).
    useyetipermissions: true
    # Number of decimal places to round money drops off to (for the drop and messag\
    money-precision: 2
    Drops: (copy/paste seems to have ruined spacing, it obviously doesnt look like that)
    # Include files
    # The plugin will scan through and load these files (if set to 'yes') after loading the main config below.
    # Extension ".yml" is added automatically before searching for the file
    # Note: drops from included files will are inclusive and will all be added to the drop list.
    # Note when updating OtherBlocks: these files may be updated from time to time - rename them if you don't want to overwrite them.
    ## OtherBlocks example files
    ob-fix_undroppables: no # fix glass, bookshelf, boat and stairs drops
    ob-goldtools-basic: no # allow gold-pickaxe chance to get ice & glowstone, gold-hoe chance to get grass
    ob-goldtools-smelt: no # gold-pickaxe smelts ores to ingots, sand to glass, etc
    ob-ore_extraction: no # allow ore to seem to be "extracted" - leaving behind stone
    ob-leaf_overhaul: no # overhaul leaf drops (apples, cocoa beans, leaves, sticks & a very small chance of golden apple)
    ob-playerdeath_zombie: no # players drop zombies on death (that's it - see undead_chaos for more fun :D)
    ob-undead_chaos: no # the undead shall rise again! Includes players dropping zombies/skeletons
    ob-random_examples: no # For crazy testing only :) Read through examples before activating.
    ## Other users overhauls
    overhaul-catballs: no # great example/playable config from Catballs (disable "ob" configs before using this one, otherwise you might have too many drops)
    overhaul-zarius: no # Zar's messy config (I run this with no other includes, at the moment)
    ## Add your files here (alternatively just add your custom drops to the bottom of this file)
    #drops: no
    # Your changes here, or create a new .yml file and include it above in the "include-files" section
    # Explore the included config files for many more examples
    # If make a interesting or crazy config let me know on the forum and I might include it in the next release
    # Example:
    # GLASS:
    # - drop: GLASS
    # - drop: MONEY
    # quantity: 3-15
    # message: You recycled the glass for %q dollars.
    # - chance: 100
    # event: ELECTROCUTE
    # message: Severing the powered wire has cause it to electrocute you!
    # - chance 5
    # event: FIRE
    # message: The powered wire has caused a fire!
    # exclusive:
    # - chance: 5
    # event: EXPLOSION
    # message: Removing the repeater while powered has caused a catastrophic failure!
    - drop: APPLE
    chance: 2
    world: [eden, badlands]
    - drop: GOLDEN_APPLE
    chance: 0.05
    world: [eden, badlands]
    - tool: ALL
    drop: APPLE
    chance: 0.5
    world: [eden, badlands]
    - tool: ALL
    drop: GOLDEN_APPLE
    chance: 0.05
    message: A golden apple falls from the tree!
    world: [eden, badlands]
    - drop: INK_SACK
    color: BROWN
    chance: 2
    world: [eden, badlands]
    - tool: ALL
    drop: INK_SACK
    color: BROWN
    chance: 2
    world: [eden, badlands]
    - drop: STICK
    chance: 4
    world: [eden, badlands]
    - tool: ALL
    drop: STICK
    chance: 4
    world: [eden, badlands]
    - tool: ALL
    drop: BOOKSHELF
    quantity: 1
    world: [eden, badlands, eden_nether, eden_the_end]
    - tool: ALL
    drop: WOOD_STAIRS
    world: [eden, badlands, eden_nether, eden_the_end]
    - tool: ALL
    world: [eden, badlands, eden_nether, eden_the_end]
    - tool: ALL
    drop: BRICK_STAIRS
    world: [eden, badlands, eden_nether, eden_the_end]
    - tool: ALL
    world: [eden, badlands, eden_nether, eden_the_end]
    - tool: ANY_PICKAXE
    drop: SMOOTH_BRICK@2
    quantity: 1
    chance: 5
    world: [eden, badlands, eden_nether, eden_the_end]
    - drop: NOTHING
    - tool: ALL
    drop: ICE
    quantity: 1
    chance: 100
    worlwd: [eden, eden_nether, eden_the_end, badlands]
    - drop: NOTHING
    - tool: ANY_SPADE
    drop: SNOW_BLOCK
    quantity: 1
    chance: 100
    world: [eden, badlands]
    - toolexcept: ANY_SPADE
    drop: SNOW_BALL
    quantity: 4
    chance: 100
    world: [eden, badlands, eden_nether, eden_the_end]
    - drop: NOTHING
    - tool: ANY_SPADE
    drop: SNOW_BALL
    quantity: 1
    chance: 100
    - tool: ALL
    drop: NOTHING
    chance: 100
    world: [dreamland]
    message: The mob spawner broke as you tried to retrieve it.
    quantity: 1
    chance: 25
    - drop: NOTHING
    - tool: ANY
    drop: INK_SACK
    quantity: 1
    chance: 33
    drop: FISHING_ROD
    chance: 2
    message: Looks like you got the one who got away.
    drop: COMPASS
    chance: 0.25
    message: Neptune's treasure! Too bad it's not Ariel.
    - drop: NOTHING
    - drop: WOOL
    quantity: 1
    chance: 10
    - tool: ALL
    drop: SADDLE
    quantity: 1
    message: Poor Porky returns your saddle.
    - drop: NOTHING
    - drop: WEB
    quantity: 1
    chance: 15
    - drop: SPIDER_EYE
    quantity: 1-3
    chance: 15
    - drop: NOTHING
    - tool: ANY
    drop: WEB
    quantity: 1
    chance: 100
    world: [eden, badlands]
    # - drop: CREATURE_SPIDER
    # quantity: 3
    # chance: 5
    # time: NIGHT
    # message: Oh no! That was a nest full of spider eggs!
    # exclusive:
    - drop: NOTHING
    - tool: ANY
    drop: ROTTEN_FLESH
    quantity: 1
    chance: 30
    drop: MONEY
    quantity: 0.01
    chance: 15
    message: You find a silver coin on the body of the zombie.
    quantity: 1
    chance: 15
    message: The zombie rises again!
    - drop: NOTHING
    - drop: SULPHUR
    quantity: 1
    chance: 20
    quantity: 1
    chance: 50
    - drop: NOTHING
    drop: SULPHUR
    quantity: 10
    chance: 100
    event: EXPLOSION
    message: As it dies, the supercreeper explodes a final time!
    - drop: NOTHING
    - drop: BONE
    quantity: 1
    chance: 30
    - drop: ARROW
    quantity: 1-2
    chance: 50
    drop: ARROW
    quantity: 24
    chance: 5
    message: The skeleton dropped its quiver!
    drop: BOW
    quantity: 1
    chance: 2
    message: The skeleton dropped its bow!
    - drop: NOTHING
    world: dreamland
    - drop: NOTHING
    world: dreamland
    - drop: BOAT
    world: [eden, badlands]
  12. Offline


    Seems to be to do with the cobblestone stairs - I'll be posting a new build shortly which should give a more meaningful error (and 1 line instead of 50 from the NPE :D)

    I liked this bit :) (perhaps with a lower chance value though):
    # - drop: CREATURE_SPIDER
    # quantity: 3
    # chance: 5
    # time: NIGHT
    # message: Oh no! That was a nest full of spider eggs!
    New build - 2.2-beta1 (download here) (HawkEye build will be posted on final 2.2 release - let me know if you need it before then).

    * added FISH_CAUGHT & FISH_FAILED actions
    * mooshroom now works instead of being seen as a cow
    * fix bug where PROJECTILE_ARROW didn't send messages
    * attempt fix NPE in SimpleData.get()
    * new flexible way of checking creature names
    * added HELM as alias for HELMET (eg. IRON_HELM)

    Fishing example:
        - dropgroup: fishcaught
          action: FISH_CAUGHT
            - drop: IRON_HELM@50
              message: "Bonus!You found an iron helmet - a little rusty but still ok."
              chance: 5%
              exclusive: 1
            - drop: {DIAMOND, GOLD_ORE, OBSIDIAN}
              chance: 3%
              exclusive: 1
              message: "Woo, you hooked a precious stone!"
        - action: FISH_FAILED
          drop: LEATHER_BOOTS
          chance: 2%
    Currently this will always drop the default fish as well, that will be fixed in the next release (then you will have to add drop: DEFAULT if you want the fish as well).

    Caveats: currently we cannot add items to your inventory and there's no way to determine the location of the fishing "bobble" so it just drops items at your feet.

    Bonus: you can use all the usual conditions (biome, weather, world, etc) to customise fishing.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  13. Yeah, so did I, my users did not however :(

    Edit: Also, I was planning on making it spawn cave spiders instead (smaller, baby spiders) but never got around to that since my users revolted and tried to kill me :/
  14. Offline


    Heh.. shame, baby spiders out of webs is cool :D 5% chance is a bit high though, I can see them getting annoyed :) Perhaps a 0.01% chance for that random shock factor once in a blue moon :D

    I have my settings so that a creeper has a 1% chance of dropping a powered creeper :D (note: in my world they do a lot less block damage - full damage to players though).
  15. Sounds like a plan, its good to keep em on their toes... Is it CREATURE_CAVESPIDER ?

    Edit: Also, so far no error messages with latest beta :)
  16. Offline


    Yup, or just CAVESPIDER should work (technically it's CAVE_SPIDER but OtherDrops 2.2 should be able to interpret it without the underscore).

    Cool - I might release 2.2 shortly (only minor changes - fix DEFAULT for fishing and a couple more aliases).

    If anyone's interested in customising mobs - health (including ranges for more variance in mobs), attacks (fireballs, snowballs, freeze & burn), abilities (glowing, flaming, etc), factions (some mobs may not like others) and where they spawn (based on the same conditions as Otherdrops) - check out my work in progress: OtherMobs (there's a pre-release download at the bottom of the page - be careful with it)

    There's also an example config for it here which shows a bit more of what I have in mind.

    Release 2.2 (download in top post)

    - DEFAULT now works correctly with fishing actions
    - od-fix_undroppables now has endermen dropping their contents on death

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  17. Offline



    Please fix creeper explosion, because if creeper explosion kill Sekelton or another mob it drops a lot...
  18. Offline


    im having trouble getting my creature drops to work could you possibly look at it to see if there is something dumb i am doing, i think it might be my gold/XP line here

    also with othermobs are we gonna be able to use mobs aliases for otherdrops like CREATURE_HELLHOUND if Hellhound is defined in othermobs?
  19. Offline


    Odd - just tested it and it works fine - can you please provide more details on the isssue? What version of craftbukkit and otherdrops are you using, what's your config and how many items are we talking we you say a "lot"? Is this only with mobs that are customised with otherdrops or do you get a lot of drops via creeper death from mobs that aren't customised?

    You're better off splitting that gold xp drop into two to fix the messages appearing every time:
            - drop: XP/25/15%
              message: ["Bonus xp!"]
              exclusive: 1
            - drop: GOLD_INGOT/1-3/15%  
              message: ["&3Oooo %q gold!","&3%q gold has dropped..","&3Grab that gold."]
    Testing this I found there's a problem with %q (it's showing 0 every time in this config) - this will be fixed in the next build.

    If there's more issues you're having with the config you posted please let me know more details about what the issues are.

    Yeah, the plan is to allow OtherDrops to customise OtherMobs creatures.

    Release (download in top post):

    Version 2.2.1 (2012/01/30)

    * Quickfix for messages in some configs showing 0 for %q

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  20. Offline


    Zarius - i think it's worldguard fault, I used to fix it: ANY_CREATURES, I written it on stop_mob_farming file and it's works now. :)
  21. Offline


    using new setup still not getting results in game no yml errors or anything in the console running the 2.2.1 priority was set on high in the config

    othermob related would you plan on adding on option to skin them with spout for users already running it
  22. Offline


    Hi ! I have a server 1.0.1 with craftbukkit 1.0.0-R1. Did your new update will work or I have to update my server in 1.1 ?
  23. Offline


    Should work fine in 1.0.1 - let me know if there are any issues (hmm... spawneggs alias might stop it from working, either way give it a go on a test server and let me know, I can work towards getting a backwards compatible build going).

    Hmm... do you get any startup messages from OtherDrops? If not then somethings not working...

    OtherMob: yup, you'll see in the example config page on BukkitDev that I've for a skin: parameter there :) It all depends on how difficult it turns out to be.
  24. Offline


    OK thank's. I'm testing all my plugins in 1.1.
    Does it correct ? :
    Because when I brook redwood with diamond axe I just receive the message but not the money. I use Iconomy 6.0.7
  25. Offline



    Assuming the spacing is correct (looks like the tabs are gone in that copy/paste - try using <code> </code> blocks? - replacing <> with []) it all looks good and should work. Does the ANY_AXE drop (ie. 1-5 logs) work?

    Is there any message about hooking into iconomy on startup? Perhaps put verbosity on highest in the otherdrops-config.yml file and check startup messages as well as messages when you break the log?



    Custom skins for OtherMobs was easier than expected with Spout - just need better skins :D

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  26. Offline


    Yes Yes, spacing is correct, all is correct in fact !! but in permissions file I was in the wrong job !! sorry !!
    But with "verbosity: highest" there are too much messages in the console !
    With the money's message, I haven't got the iConomy message like : You obtain xx dollars. Maybe a setting in iConomy ?
  27. Offline


    gawelium - yeah, highest has a _lot_ of messages :D Good for working out issues though. I'd recommend normal or low for a live server.

    For money I don't think there is a default message - not sure about iConomy but you can use a message in OtherDrops like: "message: You got %q dollars." You should be able to check how much money you have by typing /money before the drop and /money after the drop.
  28. Offline


    Yes thank's.
    But I modify the Money drop :
    drop: [MONEY/100%/0.01-0.9]
    message: Tu obtiens un peu d'argent (%q CrazyCrafts)

    And in game it's write : 1 CrazyCrafts. how to set the 0.8 par example ?
  29. Offline



    You need to leave off the [] brackets. Because the []'s indicate a list which could contain multiple items the %q option doesn't know how to work so just tells you how many drops of the list it does (in this case one drop containing 0.01-0.9 money). This should work:

        - drop: MONEY/100%/0.01-0.9
          message: Tu obtiens un peu d'argent (%q CrazyCrafts)
  30. Offline


    You're a genius ! thank's

    edit : I think we can add a code color in the message? what would it be ?
  31. Offline


    Yup - use &1 through &9 and then &A through &F, codes and colours are here.

    Eg - message: ["Color test: &EYellow, &CRed, &fWhite"]

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