Inactive [MECH] MobLoot v4.0 - Simple Mob Drop Plugin [1.2.3-R0.1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by AOD_Batman, May 9, 2011.

  1. Offline


  2. Offline


    HOLY S*** ITS ALIVE! Thank You!
  3. Offline


    I'm still not receiving emails about this thread. D= I guess I will just keep on checking in.
    Esteam and pandapipino like this.
  4. Offline


    Thanks so much for the awesome continued support for the plugin!
  5. Offline


    Thanks so much for this plugin, I hope it stays updated for a long, long time to come. I appreciate your work AOD, :)
  6. Offline


    ooooh yehhh!! thnx for the tag!
  7. Offline


    MobLoot Version 3.01 (Carbon) Released!
    • Support for Bukkit build 1185.
    • Support for Cave Spider, Enderman, Silverfish.
    • Support for all the new blocks and items.
    • Support for every data id.
    • Improved mob detection code.

    Can be downloaded from here while awaiting for approval on Bukkit Dev.
  8. Offline


    Please excuse the noobish questions I have im a little new to running plugins on a minecraft server.

    I am having some problems getting mobloot to work correctly and I was hoping I could get a little help. I looked all over for some kind of answer to my questions but I was not able to find any docs about mobloot to which were enough to help me.

    This is what I have as of now:
        Creeper: ["46:1:2","264:1:1","276:1:1","277:1:2","278:1:2","279:1:3","293:1:3","310:1:1","311:1:1","312:1:1","313:1:1","302:1:3","303:1:3","304:1:3","305:1:3"]
        Monster: []
        Chicken: []
        Sheep: []
        Giant: ["264:3:2","276:1:2","277:1:3","278:1:3","279:1:4","293:1:4","310:1:2","311:1:2","312:1:2","313:1:2","302:1:5","303:1:5","304:1:5","305:1:5","322:3:2"]
        TamedWolf: []
        PigZombie: ["264:1:1","276:1:1","277:1:2","278:1:2","279:1:3","293:1:3","310:1:1","311:1:1","312:1:1","313:1:1","302:1:3","303:1:3","304:1:3","305:1:3"]
        Slime: []
        Silverfish: []
        Spider: ["348:4:5","265:3:3","322:1:2"]
        Enderman: ["264:1:1","276:1:1","277:1:2","278:1:2","279:1:3","293:1:3","310:1:1","311:1:1","312:1:1","313:1:1","302:1:3","303:1:3","304:1:3","305:1:3"]
        SelfTamedWolf: []
        Pig: []
        Squid: []
        ElectrifiedCreeper: ["264:1:2","276:1:2","277:1:3","278:1:3","279:1:4","293:1:4","310:1:2","311:1:2","312:1:2","313:1:2","302:1:5","303:1:5","304:1:5","305:1:5"]
        Wolf: []
        CaveSpider: ["264:1:1","265:3:3","331:3:5","263:2:4","289:2:40","50:4:15"]
        Zombie: ["264:1:1","276:1:1","277:1:2","278:1:2","279:1:3","293:1:3","310:1:1","311:1:1","312:1:1","313:1:1","302:1:3","303:1:3","304:1:3","305:1:3","288:1:100"]
        Cow: []
        Skeleton: ["264:1:1","276:1:1","277:1:2","278:1:2","279:1:3","293:1:3","310:1:1","311:1:1","312:1:1","313:1:1","302:1:3","303:1:3","304:1:3","305:1:3","262:25:5"]
        Ghast: []
    I have that in the right folder and the .jar in the plugins folder but none of the drops are working at all. I assume I am suppose to put the .DS_Store in the MobLoot folder as well so its in there.

    At anyrate can anyone give me a hand here as to what I might be missing or miss config here.

    Oh also I know those items are a little odd I was going for a rare drops kind of idea.

    Thank you
  9. Offline


    I use a Mac for development the .DS_Store file is just something Mac OS X makes, you can ignore it.

    MobLoot.jar should go into the Plugins folder and your General.yml should go into Plugins/MobLoot folder. However I noticed your chances of dropping items are extremely low. chance is between 0 and 100. So setting a chance of something to drop to 1 means it has a 1% chance to drop said item.
  10. Offline


    I understand that, that is what I was going for but notice I have a feather on zombies set for 100 but every time I kill a zombie I get no feather :(
  11. Offline


  12. Offline


    hmmm I tried that and still does not work :(

    Do I have to rename world to myworld also should I need to restart the server after switching out the general.yml?

    Thank you again and sorry for all the noob questions.
  13. Offline


    Yes, world should be renamed to the name of your world. Also you don't have to restart your server once you do that simply just do '/ml load'
  14. Offline


    thanks all set :)

    If I can suggest maybe you can write a little something up for noobs like me :)
  15. Offline


    I was meaning to, however with work, school, working on my server, and finishing MobBounty I didn't get to finish it. However I just wrote one up and can be found here: let me know what you think and if I missed anything.
  16. Offline


    How to set the Dropchance lower than 1%? Ive tried 0.1, doest work, same with ','
    only 01 work, wich is 1%, is 001 = 0.1%?
  17. Offline


  18. Offline


    It is a nice plugin, but items with a high drop chance seem to drop 100% and with a low chance not at all.

    On top of that, it seems that the mobs with low chances eventually leave corrupt data in the config file.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
  19. Offline


    So... is it working on 1317?

    EDIT: It's working 50%... I edited my chicken to drop the following:
    - 352:2:100
    - 365:1:100
    - 288:2:75
    - 295:1:25
    - 361:1:25
    and it's dropping only feathers, chicken and bones...

    EDIT: And also if it's possible to make burned chickens drop cooked meat? That would be grrrreat!
  20. Offline


    Can u add money drops too? please
    I will love this plugin if you can add money
  21. Offline


    Search for MobBounty :)
  22. Offline


    Any thoughts on updating this for 1.0 dev builds? :) <3
  23. Offline


    I'm having trouble with making my zombie pigmen drop 8 gold nuggets.

    Creeper: []
    Monster: []
    Chicken: []
    Sheep: []
    Giant: []
    TamedWolf: []
    - '371:8'
    Slime: []
    Silverfish: []
    Spider: []
    Enderman: []
    SelfTamedWolf: []
    Pig: []
    Squid: []
    ElectrifiedCreeper: []
    Wolf: []
    CaveSpider: []
    Zombie: []
    Cow: []
    Skeleton: []
    Ghast: []
    Creeper: []
    Monster: []
    Chicken: []
    Sheep: []
    Giant: []
    TamedWolf: []
    - '371:8'
    Slime: []
    Silverfish: []
    Spider: []
    Enderman: []
    SelfTamedWolf: []
    Pig: []
    Squid: []
    ElectrifiedCreeper: []
    Wolf: []
    CaveSpider: []
    Zombie: []
    Cow: []
    Skeleton: []
    Ghast: []
    Creeper: []
    Monster: []
    Chicken: []
    Sheep: []
    Giant: []
    TamedWolf: []
    - '371:8'
    Slime: []
    Silverfish: []
    Spider: []
    Enderman: []
    SelfTamedWolf: []
    Pig: []
    Squid: []
    ElectrifiedCreeper: []
    Wolf: []
    CaveSpider: []
    Zombie: []
    Cow: []
    Skeleton: []
    Ghast: []

    Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
  24. Offline


    Does this work on 1.0 official release?
  25. Offline


    MobLoot Version 4.00 (Oxygen) Released
    • Support for Bukkit 1.2.3-R0.1.
    • Support for New Mobs.
    • Support for New Items.
    • Support for New Blocks.
  26. Offline


    Very nice ! thx
  27. Offline


    can you make it so you can make the drop rare?
  28. Offline


    Will this work with the 'Looting' Enchantment?

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