Inactive [MECH] MineVehicles v0.6 - Use your boat as submarine and minecarts as aircraft! [1.2.5-R1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by atlan1, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. Offline


    The whole plugin doesn't work we can't fly I have installed it correctly and I don't use any type of permissions.
  2. Offline


    Best plugin ever. Im gonna use it on my server! :D
  3. Offline


    Are you OP on your server?
    Thank you:D
  4. Offline


    Yes I am the Owner I OPed my self from console
  5. Offline


    2011-12-21 19:53:29 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_TOGGLE_SNEAK to MineVehicles
    at me.atlan1.MineVehicles.MineVehiclesPlayerListener.onPlayerToggleSneak(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet19EntityAction.a(SourceFile:36)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(

    2011-12-21 19:53:32 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_TOGGLE_SNEAK to MineVehicles
    at me.atlan1.MineVehicles.MineVehiclesPlayerListener.onPlayerToggleSneak(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet19EntityAction.a(SourceFile:36)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(

    Im getting these errors randomly. Not sure what they are from..
  6. Offline


    @leorocx :
    MV version? CB version? Getting any errors?
    @CIA99 :
    MV version? CB version?
    Do you use any other plugins you have to press shift to do something?
    You said the errors occures randomly, so find the trigger, there has to be one.
    Do you can fly and dive at all?
  7. Offline


    I am using 0.42 and cb 1597 and it says MineVehicles enabled. no errors.

    When is the video being made that might be useful.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2016
  8. Offline


    i have problem too!!

    I can use minecart and boat to fly or as submarine but my friend can't!!

    I have no permission !!

  9. Offline


    The video is online, but I don't know if it will help you. (It just says that you have to press shift to use:oops:) :rolleyes:
    Both OP?
  10. Offline


  11. Ok plugin works fine for me as an OP / Having all permissions.
    Normal users cant use it.
    - minevehicles.aircraft.*
    - minevehicles.submarine.*
    Just not working.
  12. Offline


    MV Version is .4_2 CB Is 1.0.0R1
    The only thing I have tht uses shit is chaircraft plugin
  13. Offline


    Ok, sorry guys I'll look into that an update as fast as I can.
    Try without it (I dont think its the reason but just try).
    Has anyone else this errors?

    UPDATE v0.5:
    - Cleaned up the permission nodes (they worked but I think they was a bit confusing)
    - Added configurable flight speed

    Please report bugs and give suggestions guys.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2016
  14. Offline


    Fun little plugin, we have been running it on our server and only two issues.

    1. Controlling the boats in the air is sometimes hit or miss (I know control is an issue with anything in minecraft)
    2. A dupe bug with the fuel. While going afk for a few minutes in a cart it glitches the fuel and allows for dupe.

    We fixed it temporarily by just disabling the fuel requirement but it would be nice to have that back in as a "limiter" of sorts.

    Thank you
  15. Offline


    Of course you're doing something wrong :p.
    So as I can see from your picture, you gave the normal users the node "minevehicles.general.*", but this one is only for prevent the passenger from destroying its vehicle. So does they also have the nodes "minevehicles.aircraft.*" and
    Ok for more about the permission nodes see the first post.
    Note: if you don't want the message but want fuel, everything is configurable.
    1. Yes improving that is already on my todo list.
    2. Ok I know whats the problem. It's because I set the start time from entering the vehicle and every time you press shift it updates the time, so if you are afk it counts the time from your last shift activity and if you are back on the keyboard it removes the fuel for the whole time you were afk. So I'll try to find a better way, but you can prevent that just by leaving the vehicle before going afk.
  16. Sorry, I thought I tried all the permission nodes.. and its working now.
    Also I was thinking that 'general' meaned just all regular user permissions.
    Why dont u use the jump button for going up and the duck button going down, bit more like flying. Just an idea ;)
    Thanks for this plugin, and good luck with making the minecart behaviour a succes :p
  17. Offline


    Good that it works now.
    The problem with the jump/duck key is that there is no 'Event' for that. (thats programmers speach).
    But there is an event for pressing shift so I took this one.
    Perhaps I'll implement that with spout. (I know that it is possible)
    So keep this updated. :)
  18. Offline


    1. Yes improving that is already on my todo list.
    2. Ok I know whats the problem. It's because I set the start time from entering the vehicle and every time you press shift it updates the time, so if you are afk it counts the time from your last shift activity and if you are back on the keyboard it removes the fuel for the whole time you were afk. So I'll try to find a better way, but you can prevent that just by leaving the vehicle before going afk.[/quote]

    True enough, but getting dishonest kids to actually go afk when knowing the exploit, is a different matter :)

    I'll leave fuel disabled until a possible fix. Thank you.
  19. Offline


    Hey man i think this is a really awesome plugin. I think if you could some how tap into the creative mode flying for this it would be really cool. smooth and be like a hover craft or something. Right now unless I am doing it wrong... flight is really clunky. I like the coal for fuel option as it doesn't make flying broken. thanks and keep up the good work.
  20. Offline

    Dino Filippini

    I would request some way to limit which worlds that people can fly in, I have a skylands world which I can see this being very useful for, but wouldn't want people to fly around too much in the mainland.

  21. Offline


    Very hard to control aircraft, why?? (My fly-speed is 130)
  22. Offline


    You can do that simply with permissions. Just give your players permission to fly on your skyland world but forbid them to do so in your other worlds.
    Yes, I know its very hard but soon there will be a update where I will improve the handling and flight behavoir for the aircraft.
  23. Offline

    Dino Filippini

    That's what I get for posting at 2:00am. Sorry about that xD
  24. Offline


    How soon? =) I really like your plugin ;)
  25. Offline


    Hey atlan1 when i use the boat as a submarine when i hold shift i keep going through the blocks under the sea how do i stop it?
  26. Offline


    You go through the blocks?! Ok I'll check whats wrong.
  27. Offline


    I've been working on the next update, but now I go on vacation for a week.
    The update will come shortly after it.
    Upcoming features: Improved flight behavior, custom control keys for the vehicles(Spout).
    skunk3973 likes this.
  28. Offline


    yeah it would be awesome if you could make the minecart kinda like a four wheeler or something that can go over all terain or just when you press space while driveing it it jumps so you can get over blocks and other things that are in the way. that would be awesome. also idk if its even possible but multiple people in one cart :p
    other than that i have not tried the plugin yet but it looks bad ass and i will try it tonight when i get home.:)

    hey i have everything set up right ( well i think so) i have perms set up, plugin installed, file is there, turned on server and nerp. no flying no diving nothing. i have all the most up to date everything on my server. oh and im op

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2016
  29. Offline


    Thank you

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