Inactive [MECH] MagnetBlock v0.4.7 - Movable Structures controlled by Redstone [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by narrowtux, Mar 2, 2011.

  1. Offline


    i will test it as soon as possible. "Vielen Dank und einen Gruss nach Deutschland" ;)
  2. Offline


    suggestion: do you know the plugin "elevators"? if so, you can write "/elev call" or "/elev up" and just rightclick a button and its assigned to do whatever you chose with your command, no need to place annoying redstone or anything. I personaly like the magnet idea but I would LOVE to have a function that give me the option to write like "/mbbutton" and then first rightclick/place a button/lever/stoneplate and then rightclick a magnet and after that activating the button/lever/stoneplate should power the magnet as usual - just without redstone OR any sign.
    would be waaay better as those signs are truly ugly and hiding them always takes up so much space.
  3. Offline


    I'm getting more of those datatype block errors i think.
    newly finished structure keep partially turning to cobblestone i have to manually copy the contents of the structure block files then after i shutdown my server i have to paste the contents back in and start up. even then sometimes between restarts the structures revert again to cobblestone....

    The structures work good so long as a restart is not made
  4. Offline


    My blocks seem to be turning into Cobblestone and Dirt too. It works fine on both my 3x3 Castledoors, but whenever I activate my DrawBridge about 3 from the 4x15 will turn into Cobblestone/Dirt and even when I clear them out it will get stuck in my the middle of the path for some reason.
  5. Offline


    This is just the plugin I'm looking for my server ( fits in with the whole " trollscience" theme.
  6. Offline


    I was able to get the bridge to work but I had to manually edit the file and had to restart the server 'cause it seems when it is created without a reset it will glitch and change to cobblestone and dirt.
  7. Offline


    yeah i think theres a bug somewhere with this cobblestone, cant be that it cant be fixed because before he implemented this cobblestone-"fix" everything was working fine
  8. Offline

    Loose Nut

    no it turned into air before the cobblestone fix.
    cobblestone is much easier to see than air ;)

    I myself use voxelsniper to change the blocks/data value
    back into what ever it was before, unless cobblestone looks as good or better

  9. Offline


  10. Offline


    Sorry for that, I fixed it.
  11. Offline


    Would you be able to add in sound effects for every cycle of movement the blocks move? It would go along way in improving the feeling of the chucky blocks moving around :D
  12. Offline


    Whenever I finish a structure and start moving it, some random blocks turn to cobblestone. Then, after a few pushes it stops and in the console it says "Block has encountered AIR type!". Why does it collide with air?
  13. Offline

    Eddie plays mc

    The plugin works good now that it doesnt glitch for me anymore but how do I make a ship go down it will only go up.
  14. Offline


    On a side note, Levers will duplicate if used in the structure, Torches fall off and arrows stucking a moving structure will duplicate (you can destroy the new one and it will be fixed again).
  15. Offline


    buttons will fall off but a shadow button will stay on the strucute as in theres a button, but you cant push it. you can destroy it though.

    plz fix levers buttons and whatever else ..

    ALSO, in CB552 the block.getType() should be fixed so why am I still getting cobble?! plz look into this issue
  16. Offline


    this is very weird if i use cobblestone it turns into red wool if i use red wool it turns into sand or cobblestone
  17. Offline


    Maybe I should upgrade to the next version of Bukkit (The API that the plugin uses).
    But thank you for the notice ;)

    Ok, as of the current version of craftbukkit, the blocktype bug really has been fixed.
    In addition to that, I'm currently implementing nonsolid blocks support (like redstone, torches and buttons). It works just fine, I'll upload it later this day when I finished item placing support (when you place redstonedust, it'll become redstone wire but this doesnt fire the block_placed_event).

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2016
  18. Offline


    Great plugin!
    Perfect for my deathrun map[​IMG]
  19. Offline


    super, kann die scheiß cobblestonetüren nicht mehr sehen xD
  20. Offline


    hihi, Deutsch ist zwar nicht erlaubt, aber lustig :D

    Another cool new feature has been implemented:
    The structures can follow you like in the plugin MagicCarpet. But this works with structures. An advantage of it is that you can be the pilot or driver of a structure.
    It's not released now, but in a few seconds!
  21. Offline


    Lever stay on properly now, but they still spawn levers every time they move.
  22. Offline


    feature request: have the object follow/stop following with a item's right/left click. [​IMG]

    just a thought[​IMG]
  23. Offline


    I already thought on this, which item would be good for it?
  24. Offline


    wow you finally fixed the cobblestone issue..
    when i use the magnet or /mbch command it gets stuck in the middle and the reason is that theres blocks blocking the way..
    any way i wanted to ask if you could make the structure search other ways to get to me or the magnet if it get stuck on other blocks?
  25. Offline


    It's very complex to write an algorithm that provides path finding.
    You should try to remove the Blocks that block the way of the structure when you use magnets.
  26. Offline


    i know that and im removing the blocks..
    are you planning that in the future?
  27. Offline


    Okay :)
    You never know, maybe when I've fun with that, I'll implement that. But a wayfinding-algorithm is very difficult to implement, as I said.

    New version: 0.4
    All nonsolid blocks are now supported. If you still find one thats not supported, you may hit me :D
    Also, placing of items is now supported. You can now place seeds, water buckets, redstone wire and it will be added to the structure.

    Oh, and I almost forgot: It also supports moving minecarts and mobs!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2016
  28. Offline


  29. Offline


    Yes, so you can create minecart junctions with Structures!
    The minecarts and mobs will be taken as "passengers", like the players that stand on a structure.
  30. Offline


    krasser scheiß .. thanks! looking forward to trying that out =)

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