Inactive [MECH] Long Summer Days v0.2 - Set how long day, night, sunrise, and sunset are [953]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Nightgunner5, Jul 4, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Long Summer Days - Change how long day, night, sunrise, and sunset are:
    Version: v0.2

    The default is to make sunrise and sunset twice as long as normal and night half as long. Running a server with this plugin installed will automatically create a configuration file with instructions on how to edit it.

    Download - Source Code

    • Plug and Play - You can get all the features without needing to touch a configuration file.
    • Simple - This plugin does exactly what it says it does and nothing else. There are no hidden features or configuration keys.
    • MultiWorld - Multiple worlds can exist simultaneously at different parts of the day, and even with different lengths for each part of the day.
    • Efficient - This is important for a plugin that runs on every tick.
    Version 0.2
    • Fixed time offsets
    • Added support for world-specific settings
    Version 0.1
    • How could I possibly have changed something from a nonexistent previous release?
    zipron, ariley92 and M1sT3rM4n like this.
  2. Offline


    This is great!
    It actually works for all of my worlds (even if i don't load them when i start my server)!
    I approve greatly :D!
  3. Offline


    Um.. Not to be mean and be all "H4X AND FAKE AND GAY", but it breaks redstone, at least for me. It breaks redstone torches firing correctly, and there's some other really weird redstone anomalies.

    Oh, and sand & gravel isn't affected by gravity.

    Might wanna have those 2 things fixed, and then I may re-download. Or link me to another thing that lets me change how long days last (as long as it's not real-time). There was another one on here that worked well and I used to have, but I lost it.. D; Oh well.
  4. Offline


    My day is also non stop. The sun/moon just freezes..
  5. Offline


    Im a derp.. Ive downloaded the file and got it in .jar - when i upload it into my plugin folder in Mymcadmin the .jar file is just getting uploaded, i don get any config files or options. Help me please ive read all the posts in here about this plugin and i simply can't figure it out! what am i doing wrong?
  6. Offline


    I just want to say that this plugin is a good idea but i just had to remove it from our server because the sunset was stucking.
    An other thing is that it made the water flow extreme slow just like our redstone when the day is longer then normal. The last thing i must criticize that this plugin caused an unnormal high serverload.
    So nice idea but not usable for us.
  7. Offline


    Is this plugin compatible to 1.7.3 and WorldEdit / WorldGuard?
    It does absolutely nothing on our server with the following configuration:
            daytime: 1.0
            sunset: 1.0
            nighttime: 0.7
            sunrise: 1.0
        daytime: 1.0
        sunset: 1.0
        nighttime: 0.7
        sunrise: 1.0
    "world" is our overworld. The plugin does spit out several log messages, which yield exactly the configuration I want:
    2011-09-12 21:44:56 [INFO] [Long Summer Days] Sunrise for world will last about 1 minutes.
    2011-09-12 21:44:56 [INFO] [Long Summer Days] Daytime for world will last about 10 minutes.
    2011-09-12 21:44:56 [INFO] [Long Summer Days] Sunset for world will last about 1 minutes.
    2011-09-12 21:44:56 [INFO] [Long Summer Days] Nighttime for world will last about 4 minutes.
    2011-09-12 21:44:56 [INFO] [Long Summer Days] Sunrise for world_nether will last about 1 minutes.
    2011-09-12 21:44:56 [INFO] [Long Summer Days] Daytime for world_nether will last about 10 minutes.
    2011-09-12 21:44:56 [INFO] [Long Summer Days] Sunset for world_nether will last about 1 minutes.
    2011-09-12 21:44:56 [INFO] [Long Summer Days] Nighttime for world_nether will last about 4 minutes.
    So it's definitely active. Yet, the durations of the night (or any other daytime I configure) does not change a bit.

    Any ideas what could be wrong?
  8. Hi and thank you for this plugin, very usefull for me :)
    Actually, found one bug:
    I've set sunset, sunrise and night to 1.0 in multiplicators (we're not running multiple worlds), and day to 3.0, giving us 30 minutes light at least. But What I saw just now, on latest stable bukkit version, is that the fluids are also slowed down... Meaning, water takes also 3 times more time to flow we per exemple digging a hole under it...
  9. Offline


    Great plugin!!!! Works Great
  10. Offline


    Can some one config me 6 hours night & 6 hours day?
  11. Offline


    Any chance of this getting an update?..
  12. Offline


    This plugin leads to a bug in Restone Repeater (ticks) for me.
    They are powered tho there is no power source and they are not powered tho there is a powered wire next to.
  13. Offline


    This is great,does it need to update?
    Please update and if not,is there a plugin like this I can get a link to?
  14. Offline


  15. Offline


    I updated it myself for my Server I can share it if Nightgunner gives me the permission :)
  16. Offline

    Joseph Bazaz

    He released the source, you are free to update it.
  17. Offline


    This plugin seems useful. An updated version would be greatly appreciated. Could someone post an updated one?
  18. Offline


    Please release! I miss this mod.
  19. Offline


    Thanks, for a strange reason, I only had 5 mins of daytime on my tekkit server, I hope it's solved with this plugin =)
  20. Offline


    Jerther likes this.
  21. Offline


    1.3.1 compatible? looking to get maybe days 3times the lengh they are now... sunrise sunset the same, and night maybe just a couple minutes longer... quick help would be nice :)

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