== InstaEat - Let users eat instantly food to heal themself == == Overview == Users can instantly eat food to heal their life and you also can disable the food bar and cancel the AutoHeal. Multi-World support with permissions InstaEat on BukkitDev (ALWAYS UP TO DATE THERE!) == Requirements == Permissions Plugin == Download == BukkitDev == Install == Download the Plugin Copy it to your /plugins/ directory Start your Server and wait until the files are created Edit the config file and restart your server == How to use == Setup the permissions for the plugin. Rightclick your mouse with any type of food in your hand to eat it instantly. The Cake works as before (place it on the floor to eat it).\\ Also you can disable the hunger bar with the permission nodes. == Example/Default configuration == Code: Apple_Heal: 4 Baked_Potatoe_Heal: 6 Bread_Heal: 5 Cake_Heal: 2 Carrot_Heal: 4 Cooked_Chicken_Heal: 6 Cooked_Fish_Heal: 20 Cooked_Beef_Heal: 4 Cookie_Heal: 2 Golden_Apple_Heal: 8 Golden_Carrot_Heal: 6 Grilled_Pork_Heal: 2 Melon_Heal: 8 Mushroom_Soup_Heal: 3 Potatoe_Heal: 2 Pumpkin_Pie_Heal: 8 Raw_Beef_Heal: 3 Raw_Chicken_Heal: 4 Raw_Fish_Heal: 2 Raw_Pork_Heal: 3 Rotten_Flesh_Heal: 4 SpiderEye_Heal: 1 Poisonous_Potatoe_Heal: 1 Confusing_Enabled: true Poison_Enabled: true Stack_Empty_Bowls: true Eating_Cooldown: 3000 The value 1 would restore 0,5 Hearts ingame ! 0 = Disabling this item 10 = 5 Hearts 20 = 10 Hearts (all) Eating_Cooldown: Cooldown between eating stuff (1000 = 1second) Stack_Empty_Bowls: Default is true and equals Minecraft defaults (empty bowl stacking). Set to false, if you want the empty bowl to remain in the slot where your soup was (perfect for PvP) Confusing_Enabled: Eating RawFish, RawChicken or RottenFlesh will confuse you (true/false) Poison_Enabled: Eating RawFish, RawChicken or RottenFlesh will poison you (true/false) == Permission stuff == Code: 'instaeat.instaheal' = Allows to eat instantly 'instaeat.disablehunger' = Disables the foodbar 'instaeat.disableautoheal' = Disables the AutoHeal 'instaeat.reload' = Permission for the "/instaeat reload" command == Little FAQ == Q: "Where can i find help?" A: Just open a Ticket on devBukkit. Don't post errors in comments. And please leave all informations about your server version/plugins and the error messages. Q: "The Plugin doesn't work ?!" A: And your answer "doesn't help". Please leave more informations or leave my thread. I don't need people who are here to spam. Thanks == Changelog == v1.8 (dev) Added Potoes, Baked Potatoes, Poisonous Potatoe Added Carrots, Golden Carrots Added Pumpkin Pie This is a development version for Craftbukkit 1.4+. I do not provide any support. A supported version will be release as soon as bukkit releases a recommended version of Craftbukkit. v1.7 Added Spider Eye support and config entry If Poison/Confusion is activated it affects Spider Eyes v1.6 Added Cake Support + config entry "Cake_Heal" Added the config entry "Stack_Empty_Bowls" (Default = true | equals Minecraft defaults). Set to false, if you want the bowl to remain in the slot where your soup was (perfect for PvP). Fixed a Cooldown bug where the Cooldown also was triggered when you don't eat. == Older Changelog == Spoiler (Move your mouse to the spoiler area to reveal the content) Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler v1.5 Added the missing config entry "Cooked_Beef" Changed config entry "Beef_Heal" to "Raw_Beef_Heal" REMOVE YOUR OLD CONFIG BEFORE UPDATING !!! v1.4 Added: Eating RawFish, RawChicken or RottenFlesh will confuse and/or poison you (configurable) Added a reload command to reload the config (/instaeat reload) Added the permission node 'instaeat.disableautoheal' to cancel the autohael. Food with a heal amount of "0" will be disabled and is no longer removing an item from stack. DO NOT FORGET TO REMOVE YOUR OLD CONFIG BEFORE UPDATING !!! v1.3 Added a Cooldown for eating food (configurable) Completly new configuration system (If you are updating this plugin: Delete the old config.yml) v1.2 Fixed a bug which throws exceptions to console (right-click on blocks without an item in hand) Added the feature which adds an empty bowl to your inventory after eating a stew v1.1 Fixed a bug which made food unlimited v1.0 Releasing the Plugin
Tested with: - bPermissions - PermissionsEx - BukkitPermissions It should work with all SuperPerms based permission plugins. Which Plugin you are using? I can test that for you. Note: Permissions 2/3 is currently not supported because it's totally outdated and will not work with 1.1-R5 or higher
Having some difficulties attaching PermissionsBukkit to InstaEat... I've copied the Code: 'instaeat.instaheal' = Allows to eat instantly 'instaeat.disablehunger' = Disables the foodbar and cancels the AutoHeal into my config file but perhaps I am missing something? Gives me the error [PermissionsBukkit] Unable to load configuration
I switched from using permissionsBukkit, to PermissionsEx. Thought it could have been an error there. But the same result happened. It also wouldn't allow me to join the server. Do I need to add in each user specifically? Here is what is in my permissions.yml file for PermissionsEx (I'm using notepad++ to add everything in) groups: default: default: true permissions: - instaeat.disablehunger - instaeat.instaheal
Code: groups: Default: default: true info: build: true inheritance: permissions: - instaeat.instaheal - instaeat.disablehunger Do not remove the spaces in your permissions.yml ! Otherwise PEX will not work (same with other permission plugins)
That did it! Thanks for the help! Now all of the people on my server wont complain about feeding themselves all the time in survival mode... although that is kind of part of survival mode. Anyway, gotta be a crowd pleaser right? =) Thanks again!
Upcoming features (v1.4): More permissions Setting heal amount to 0 will disable the specified foodstuff Eating RawChicken, RawFish or RottenFlesh will confuse you (or should i add poison?) for a short amount of time (can be turned on/off in config v1.4 released with more features as planned ! Do not forget to remove your old config file before updating ! EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
recon88 I cannot thank you enough for making this plugin, all the others like this are outdated! Good job!
when i try to get onto my server it says internal server error and doesnt let me connect, for the code i just put what recon88 posted yet it doesnt work groups: Default: default: true info: build: true inheritance: permissions: - instaeat.instaheal - instaeat.reload
Learn how to set up permissions (every permission plugin got a tutorial/wiki). Also use the "code" tag to post stuff like that to keep the formatting. Code: [CODE ] your stuff here 123 123 [/CODE ] Remove the spaces after CODE Also you should post which version of CB and which permissions plugin (+version) you are using.
im using permissionsex with the most current craftbukkit and so i would put [CODE ] groups: Default: default: true info: build: true inheritance: permissions: - instaeat.instaheal (what do you mean by 123 123) [/CODE ] without spaces after code
Still wrong -.- I said remove the spaces after the 2 CODE ... Also the stuff between was just an example ...
Hello. Auto heal doesn't work. Why? I have permission for " - instaeat.instaheal - instaeat.disablehunger - instaeat.reload" Sorry for my bad english.
You are using the newest version? Just tested it and it works... Do you use the permissions node '*' ?
Would you be able to make it so that when you eat the food, it doesnt take the food from the nearest stack to the first slot on the hot bar? Like when you eat soup on the ninth slot it takes it from the 1st slot on the hotbar. Can you change it so that it takes the food from the one that you click? So if i eat the one on the ninth that it takes the food from the ninth not the first?
it does not work let me show u my group manager # Group inheritance # any inherited groups prefixed with a g: are global groups # These groups are defined in the globalgroups.yml # and can be inherited in any worlds groups/users.yml. # # Groups without the g: prefix are groups local to this world # and defined in the this groups.yml file. groups: Awesome: default: true permissions: - -bukkit.command.kill - instaeat.instaheal - instaeat.disablehunger inheritance: - g:essentials_Awesome - g:bukkit_default info: prefix: '&7[&7WorldCrafter&7]&a[&aAwesome&a]&f' build: true suffix: '' Default: default: true permissions: - -bukkit.command.kill - instaeat.instaheal - instaeat.disablehunger inheritance: - g:essentials_Default - g:bukkit_default info: prefix: '&7[&7WorldCrafter&7]&a[&aMember&a]&f' build: true suffix: '' Builder: default: false permissions: - instaeat.instaheal - instaeat.disablehunger inheritance: - default - g:essentials_builder - g:towny_builder info: prefix: '&2[&3WorldPower&3&2]&2[&2Builder&2]&f' build: true suffix: '' Vip: default: false permissions: - instaeat.instaheal -instaeat.disablehunger inheritance: - default - g:essentials_Moderator - g:towny_builder info: prefix: '&2[&3WorldArms&3&2]&2[&2V&6i&4p&2]&f' build: true suffix: '' Moderator: default: false permissions: - instaeat.instaheal - instaeat.disablehunger inheritance: - builder - g:essentials_moderator - g:bukkit_moderator - g:towny_moderator info: prefix: '&c[&5WorldMajor&5&c]&9[&9Mod&9]&f' build: true suffix: '' HeadModerator: default: false permissions: - instaeat.instaheal - instaeat.disablehunger inheritance: - builder - g:essentials_moderator - g:bukkit_moderator - g:towny_moderator info: prefix: '&c[&5WorldOraganizer&5&c]&9[&9HeadMod&9]&f' build: true suffix: '' Admin: default: false permissions: - instaeat.instaheal - instaeat.disablehunger inheritance: - moderator - g:essentials_moderator - g:bukkit_admin - g:towny_admin info: prefix: '&c[&1WorldGeneral&1&c]&c[&cAdmin&c]&f' build: true suffix: '' HeadAdmin: default: false permissions: - '*' - instaeat.instaheal - instaeat.disablehunger inheritance: - admin - g:essentials_admin - g:bukkit_admin - g:towny_admin info: prefix: '&c[&2WorldKing&2&c]&b[&bHeadAdmin&b]&f' build: true suffix: '' Co-Owner: default: false permissions: - '*' - instaeat.instaheal - instaeat.disablehunger inheritance: - admin - g:essentials_admin - g:bukkit_admin - g:towny_admin info: prefix: '&c[&9WorldLord&9&c]&b[&bCo-Owner&b]&f' build: true suffix: '' Owner: default: false permissions: - '*' - instaeat.instaheal - instaeat.disablehunger inheritance: - co-owner - g:essentials_owner - g:bukkit_admin - g:towny_admin info: prefix: '&0[&4WorldDominator&c&4]&5[&5O&bw&2n&7e&2r&5]&0' build: true suffix: ''
How am I to set this up if I want to eat the food instantly, but not be healed by it, only to replenish the hunger. The node "- instaeat.instaheal" makes me eat the food instantly, but it doesn't replenish the hunterbar.
I don't know if this is an answer to my question, but if so, it's really not answering anything. The plugin is called "InstaEat" from what I take "To eat instantly", if your answer is that it can't replenish the hungerbar and only heal you, you might want to point it out or change the name to something like "EatHeal" or something more describing. What I am looking for is a plugin to disable or shorten the time it takes to eat as I am tired of spending 8-10 sec to eat ~4 breads every time my hungerbar is low, the hunger is a fine feature in the game, but the time it takes to eat food is unbearable, and therefor I want to get rid of it.
Remember MC 1.7.3? There was no hunger bar and you were able to eat instantly. That's exactly what my plugin does reproduce.