Inactive [MECH/INFO] Clans v1.8.2 -Team Chat, Organization, Optional Area Defenses + More [1185]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Satros, Jun 4, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Clans - Team Chat, Organization, Optional Area Defenses + More!
    Version: v1.8.2
    Works with bukkit release [1185], [1060], [860], [818]

    This plugin aims to make PVP more fun by adding a team/faction/clan type aspect to the game, while only making minimal and optional restrictions to normal minecraft gameplay. (Semi-Vanilla). Clans is extremely configurable as to not impose any features on server admins that they may not want. Teams are simple to use but also very customizable.

    • Team Chat
    • Easy Team Organization (Saves teams when server goes offline, team lists, etc)
    • Customizable ranks within teams
    • Optional use of Team Area Defenses
    • Optional clan tags and colors in chat
    • Optionally turn Friendly-Fire off or on
    • Permissions support (Optional)
    • --Permissions Prefix/Suffix Chat Support (Optional)
    • iConomy support (Optional)
    Download Clans v1.8.2:
    Clans v1.8.2
    1.8 Source Code

    Old Versions:
    (Clans v1.8.1)(Clans v1.8 | src)(Clans v1.7 | src)(Clans v1.6 | src)

    **May Conflict with plugins that modify Chat, if this is the case set "use-chat-tags: " to false in the config file or disable the conflicting plugin.
    **Will also conflict with any plugins that have /t or /team commands.
    • iChat (Chat Related, set use-chat-tags: false or disable iChat)
    • HeroicChat (Chat Related, set use-chat-tags: false)
    • Essentials (Not sure why, probably multiple reasons)
    • War (uses /team)
    Config (config.cfg)

    Show Spoiler

    use-chat-tags: true
    use-clans-chat: true
    inc-permissions-prefixandsuffix: false
    max-tag-characters: 6
    tag-orientation: right

    min-teamlist-teamsize: 3
    min-color-teamsize: 3
    min-area-teamsize: 15

    team-kill-default: true
    allow-tk-toggle: false

    use-team-areas: true
    max-team-area: 210
    allow-guardian: true
    guardian-damage: 1
    allow-alerter: true
    alert-time-buffer: 25

    use-iconomy: false

    #Recommend increasing these if using iConomy
    create-team-cost: 0
    team-area-cost: 10
    guardian-cost: 50
    alerter-cost: 25

    #These are not used if using iConomy
    create-team-currency: 41
    team-area-currency: 41
    guardian-currency: 41
    alerter-currency: 41
    Config Meanings
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    use chat tags - use to disable clan tags in chat.
    use clans chat - disable if you plan on using another chat plugin such as Heroic chat, iChat, or Essentials Chat.
    inc permissions prefixandsuffix - if using clans chat, whether or not to include the suffixes and prefixes from permissions, also if a prefix is only a color it will be applied to the playername otherwise the tag (if on the left) would make it do nothing.
    max tag characters - the max characters in a clan tag
    tag orientation - whether the clan tag is displaed before or after a players name in chat

    min teamlist teamsize - minimum number of team members a team must have to show up on /team list
    min color teamsize - minimum number of team members a team must have to set their color
    min area teamsize: - minimum number of team members a team must have to use team area commands

    team kill default - whether friendly fire is on or off be default
    allow tk toggle - whether players can toggle friendly fire on and off

    use team areas - whether or not teams have have areas, if set to false will not take any extra resources for areas
    max team area - the maximum size a team area can grow to
    allow guardian - whether or not teams can buy and use offline area protection
    guardian damage - the amount of damage offline area protection does to those who place or destroy blocks, 1 = half a heart
    allow alerter - whether or not teams can buy and use intruder alerts for their area
    alert time buffer - how long between intruder alerts are received in chat, in seconds

    use iconomy - whether or not you want to use iConomoy for area and team creation purchases

    create team cost - the cost of creating a team, either for iConomy or in items below
    team area cost - the cost of claiming a team area, either for iConomy or in items below
    guardian cost - the cost of getting offline area protection, either for iConomy or in items below
    alerter cost - the cost of getting intruder alerts, either for iConomy or in items below

    #These are not used if using iConomy
    create team currency - item number used for purchasing the above, not used if using iConomy
    team area currency - item number used for purchasing the above, not used if using iConomy
    guardian currency - item number used for purchasing the above, not used if using iConomy
    alerter currency - item number used for purchasing the above, not used if using iConomy

    Show Spoiler

    Team Chat
    /t <MESSAGE> Message your entire team.

    Team General Commands
    /team help <1/2/3/4> Lists commands and what they do.
    /team create <teamname> Creates a team.

    /team invite <playername> Invites a player to your team. **CASE SENSITIVE**
    /team accept Accept your most recent invite to join a team.
    /team reject Reject your most recent invite to join a team.
    /team leave Quit a team.
    /team disband Deletes a team if you are the last one in it.
    /team info Lists players and rankings of your own team.
    /team info <teamname> Lists players and rankings of a specified team.
    /team online Lists team members that are online.
    /team list Lists all teams with more than the configured number of members and how many members they have.
    /team kick <playername> Kicks a player from the team **CASE SENSITIVE**
    /team motd Displays the team's Message of the Day (Also displays at login).
    /team motd <message> Sets a team's Message of the Day **LEADER ONLY**
    /team tag <tag> Sets a team's tag **LEADER ONLY**
    /team color <color> Sets the color of the team's tag. **LEADER ONLY**
    /team tk <on/off> Turns friendly fire/team killing on or off.

    Team Ranks
    /team rankcreate <rankname> Creates a new rank at the bottom of your team's ranks.
    /team rankname <ranknumber> <rankname> Renames a rank.
    /team setrank <playername> <ranknumber> Sets the rank of a player in the team.
    /team rankmoveall <oldranknumber> <newranknumber> Moves all players in a rank to a new rank **LEADER ONLY**
    /team rankflag <ranknumber> <kick/teamchat/rankedit/invite/promote> <true/false> Sets the permissions for a specified rank.
    /team rankinfo <ranknumber> Gives the rank name and rank's permissions for a specified rank.
    /team rankdelete <ranknumber> Deletes a rank from the team structure, rank must be empty.

    Team Area Defenses (Can be disabled in config)
    /team BuyArea <areaname>
    This sets an area based on the origin of the user. The radius of the area is based on team size with a max radius that can be configured. Costs a configured amount of items to use, default is 10 gold blocks, (must have in inventory). Must have at least the configured minimum area team size (default 15) members in your team to use. LEADER ONLY COMMAND. THIS IS A REQUIREMENT TO BUY THE BELOW DEFENSES:
    /team BuyAlert
    This will add intruder alerts to your area. If a player who is not on your team places or destroys within your team's area all online players will be alerted. (Does not alert if the last alert was within 20 seconds as to not spam chat). Costs a configured amount of items (Default 25 gold blocks). LEADER ONLY.
    /team BuyGuardian
    This will add offline protection to your base as described by the following: If an entire team is offline and they have guardian, if a player not in that team tries to break or place a block in the team's area the player will lose half a heart of health IF AND ONLY IF that player was not already inside the team's area when the team became offline. This is to protect from people logging off explicitly to protect their base. (This means if someone is in your base and you log off they wont get hurt and can destroy all they want). Costs a configured amount of items (Default 50 gold blocks). LEADER ONLY.

    Permission Nodes (Optional)
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    To allow all Commands:
                - 'clans.all'
    Else use these nodes:
                - 'clans.create'
                - 'clans.invite'
                - 'clans.list'
                - 'clans.accept'
                - ''
                - ''
                - 'clans.kick'
                - 'clans.leave'
                - 'clans.disband'
                - 'clans.color'
                - 'clans.buyarea'
                - 'clans.buyalert'
                - 'clans.buyguardian'
                - 'clans.motd'
                - 'clans.tag'
                - 'clans.rank.create'
                - ''
                - 'clans.rank.set'
                - 'clans.rank.moveall'
                - 'clans.rank.flag'
                - ''
                - 'clans.rank.delete'
                - 'clans.teamchat'
                - 'clans.tktoggle'

    Show Spoiler

    You can use the Clans API for chat plugins that want to display the proper clans tags with their plug-in;
    First you will need to add Clans.jar to the list of External Jars for your project.

    Next you will need to hook into Clans from the Server Listener, replace [YOURPLUGIN] in the example with the name of your plugin:
    import org.bukkit.event.server.PluginDisableEvent;
    import org.bukkit.event.server.PluginEnableEvent;
    import org.bukkit.event.server.ServerListener;
    import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
    import com.bukkit.Satros.Clans.Clans;
    public class [YOURPLUGIN]ServListener extends ServerListener {
        private [YOURPLUGIN] plugin;
        public [YOURPLUGIN]ServListener([YOURPLUGIN] plugin) {
            this.plugin = plugin;
        public void onPluginDisable(PluginDisableEvent event) {
            if ([YOURPLUGIN].Clans != null) {
                if (event.getPlugin().getDescription().getName().equals("Clans")) {
                    plugin.Clans = null;
                    System.out.println("[[YOURPLUGIN]] un-hooked from Clans.");
        public void onPluginEnable(PluginEnableEvent event) {
            if (plugin.Clans == null) {
                Plugin Clans = plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("Clans");
                if (Clans != null) {
                    if (Clans.isEnabled())
                        plugin.Clans = (Clans)Clans;
                        System.out.println("[[YOURPLUGIN]] hooked into Clans.");
    Next in your main plugin class:
    import com.bukkit.Satros.Clans.Clans;
    In your main plugin class declare:
    public static Clans Clans = null;
    Once you do this you are able to use the 3 functions provided.
    //returns true or false on whether or not tags should be displayed at all. This should be checked first, if this is false then you essentially don't need to do anything.

    Clans.getColorAndTag(String playername)
    //Returns a string, colored tag given a player in the [Tag] form (with brackets and color pre-applied).

    //Returns a string "right" or "left" whether the tag should be displayed on the right or left side of a name.

    Here is example code of how clans should work with Chat Plugins within your PlayerListener.
        public void onPlayerChat(PlayerChatEvent event)
            String msg = event.getMessage();
            Player player = event.getPlayer();
            if ( [YOURPLUGIN].Clans.UseTags() ) //If clans allows the use of tags
                    //Get pre-assembled tag
                    String tag = [YOURPLUGIN].Clans.getColorAndTag(player.getDisplayName());
                    if ( [YOURPLUGIN].Clans.LeftOrRight().equals("left") //if tag should be on the left
                           plugin.getServer().broadcastMessage(tag + " " + player.getDisplayName() + ": " + msg);
                    else //tag should be on the right
                           plugin.getServer().broadcastMessage(player.getDisplayName() + " " + tag  +  ": " + msg);
            else //do whatever you would normally do

    Teamchat and Clan Tags
    Team List
    Team Info Command (My Own Team)
    Team Info Command (Another Team)
    Team Online Command

    To-Do (In Next Version)
    Change the internal structure
    Blacklisted Areas
    Area List and Area Info
    Area Info Rank Flag
    Optional Capture System
    --Optional Rewards System
    --Optional Score Sytem
    Fixing Rare Ranks Issue

    Planned for the Future
    MySQL Support
    Multiworld Support

    Connect to

    Like my work? Feel free to donate

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    Version 1.8.2
    • Fixed bug where people not on in a team wouldn't be able to kill each other with teamkill off by default
    Version 1.8.1
    • Fixed an issue with rank promotion
    • Fixed a bug where setting the team kill default to false wasn't working correctly
    Version 1.8
    • Added Permissions Prefix and Suffix Support for Clans Chat
    • Added API for Chat Plugin Developers to get players Clan Tags and related Config Options
    • No longer allows you to purchase defenses that have already been purchased.
    Version 1.7
    • Added iConomy Support
    • Added Anti-Friendly Fire Configs and Commands
    • Added /team help
    • More config options for clan tags
    • Team info now has rank numbers next to the rank name
    • Revamped the config file and made it less ambiguous
    • Small formatting changes for some errors
    • Creating a tag and color now gives feedback when successful
    • Teams.txt renamed to Teams.dat
    Version 1.6
    • Added config file
    Version 1.5
    • Added Permissions Support.
    Version 1.4
    • Added optional team area defenses for protecting bases.
    • Changed where the team data file is saved
    • Small miscellaneous bug fixes.
    Version 1.2
    • Changed the formatting and colors of the info, list, and t commands.
    • /team list now only displays teams with 2 or more members.
    • Added /team online, to see which members of your team are online.
    • Added a team MOTDs
    Version 1.1
    • Added more frequent saving of Teams
    Version 1
    • Initial Beta Release
  2. Offline


    The concept, structure and use of this plugin is so beyond perfect for what I've been wanting that, I'm willing to live with default ugly chat for the time being.
  3. Offline


    Essenialschat and heroic chat doesnt let clans plugin work, can you try and fix this? my server REALLY needs this plugin :/
  4. Offline


    No you missunderstood, what i mean is it doesn't even show an error :p

    It simply does nothing ._., but it doesn't show unknown command ingame either :S
  5. Offline


    Improving chat compatibility will be my number 1 goal in the 1.8 version.

    1.7 is nearly done the only problem is that I can't get iConomy to run on my local server so i'm trying to fix that so I can test it correctly. I'm working on that but thats the reason 1.7 hasn't been released yet. Also allergies have caused me to not be able to see the last day so I haven't gotten much done yet.

    EDIT: Got iConomy working now, now I just need to fix the bug.

    Also going to be adding some very cool new features (that will be optional) soon as well (possibly after I improve chat).
    tremor and Joshprobert like this.
  6. Offline


    Get well soon, looking forward to the new updates!
  7. Offline


    I'm pleased to announce that Clans v1.7 has been released! There are many new things and minor fixes. iConomy is now fully supported as is anti-friendly fire, team help commands, and more, you can see the changes below or on the main post:

    Version 1.7
    • Added iConomy Support
    • Added Anti-Friendly Fire Configs and Commands
    • Added /team help
    • More config options for clan tags
    • Team info now has rank numbers next to the rank name
    • Revamped the config file and made it less ambiguous
    • Small formatting changes for some errors
    • Creating a tag and color now gives feedback when successful
    • Teams.txt renamed to Teams.dat
    You will also need to rename your Teams.txt file to Teams.dat, sorry about that, there is also a new config file, but it should be more organized and more clear now.

    My goal for 1.8 will be to increase chat compatibility. This may not be possible without the help of other chat authors however. I will however at least add permissions suffixes and prefixes and create a method for other plugins to get the necessary data for Clans. This way at the very least you guys will be able to bug other Chat authors to add Clans support in their plugins if it isn't architecturally possible for Clans to be compatible with other Chat plugins by itself.
  8. Offline


    Keep up the good work, I look forward to comparability with Towny / Herochat
  9. Offline


    Nice updates, a few more ideas for ya... :p
    1. Alert on /team buy alert|guardian|area - for when the team has already got one, something like "Your team already has a guardian!"
    2. a /team areainfo command - with x,z coordinates of the area, and options purchased.
    3. a /team delarea command - to relinquish that area to perhaps move somewhere else..
    4. Perhaps some way to create an alert for a team member to know when he's entered the area..
    speaking of the area, a few questions:
    1. what is the base area size?
    2. how much does it expand per player?
    3. are there any server administrative ways to check on team areas? I already know as soon as I put this on my live server someone will try to claim the spawn area and buy a guardian so everyone in spawn loses life.
    4. is there any chance you could get team areas to respect worldguard regions and similar region plugins?
    keep up the good work!
  10. Offline


    I can use all of the commands fine, but people in the other groups can't. It's not saying they dont have permission to use it, just giving them an internal error. I have the chat interferance turned false and i have the permission node in. This is with 1.7 clans and 818 bukkit.

    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'team' in plugin Clans v1.7
            at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
            at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
            at com.bukkit.Satros.Clans.Clans.onCommand(
            at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
            ... 12 more
  11. Offline


    Hmm. It says that it isnt compatable with iChat. Does that mean you cant use prefix's and suffix's while using this?
  12. Offline


    Test with CB860 appears to be working fine.
  13. Offline


    I'll add some stuff like that once I increase chat compatability in 1.8. My goal for 1.9 is mainly to refine and clean up the areas a bit, make them easier to use and easier to understand, and also add some cool new optional features to them.

    1. 10 blocks * players in team is the size, with a max possible size set in config.
    2. 10
    3. The only way right now is to look in the Teams file, which is kind of hard to read, but do-able. I will be adding ways to check team areas in 1.9
    4. I'm not sure what you mean by respect them, do you mean not allow it to place areas over them? IE if you have a protected spawn you cant add a team area that overlaps. I will be adding a area-blacklist file in 1.9 that will not allow areas to overlap with the the areas defined in the file, this way there is at least some way users cant abuse the area system.

    Not yet, it will be added in the next version of the plugin though. (1.8)
    You can use iChat but you have to set use-clan-tags to false

    Interesting, seems like a problem with permissions, are you using any plugin that changes the names of people, or iConomy or something? It is strange that others can't use it. Here is a file with some debugging around where it is giving the error. If you can run it and repost the console output it gives when using create that would be helpful for me to pinpoint whats wrong. Clans Test
  14. Offline


    Well, as of right now your test version you gave me works for everyone!
  15. Offline


    That's weird/doesn't make sense because all I added was a few printlines around the create command. Must of been a onetime problem with either Clans or Permissions that is working now. Glad it is fixed though lol.
  16. Offline


    hrmm or perhaps not - it looks like the alerter isnt working, and everytime i log out, i have to buuy the alerter and guardian again - they dont appear to be saving properly?
  17. Offline


    Check in the team file after you purchase them, on the line which contains your team check at the very end for
    Works fine for me, also remember that the plugin doesn't currently stop you from buying it again if you already have it (will be added next update).
  18. Offline


    I had an error:

    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'team' in plugin Clans v1.7
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at com.bukkit.Satros.Clans.Clans.onCommand(
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(

    I typed /team list and whenever I do something that uses your commands it does this?
  19. Offline


    What plugins are you using with it and what CB build?
  20. Offline


    is there any TNT and Flint-Stone prevention?
  21. Offline


    Version 1.8 is now out. There are two new config options for people to use, make sure you update your config file.

    Permissions Prefixes/Suffixes:
    I've added permissions suffix and prefix support. If you want to use them set inc-permissions-prefixandsuffix: true.
    It should work almost as planned with 1 modification being that if you are using a tag on the left side and you have a prefix that is only a color, it will skip the tag and apply it directly to the playername.

    For example:
    [WaR] Satros
    With the prefix &3*Admin* or *Admin* it will look like
    *Admin*[WaR] Satros
    However if the prefix is just &3 (or aqua) it will look like:
    [WaR] Satros

    If this is confusing or not what you expected let me know, I don't use permission suffixes and prefixes myself, so I was unsure on how to handle it. It should work as expected more or less though.

    Chat Compatability:
    This isn't as compatible with chat plugins as I would like as of yet. But with your help it now can be. I've added an API for developers of other chat plugins to receive player tags, the orientation of the tag, etc. You can help by requesting that the chat plugin author adds Clans support to their plugin. If they add support then you will be able to set use-clans-chat: false in config and let your preferred Chat Plugin do the work and add the appropriate tags in chat (much like how they add Permissions suffixes and prefixes). NOTE: At this time I have not written any examples or guides on how to use the API other than a brief explanation. I will be adding guides and examples on how to use the Clans tag API very soon (Most likely tonight). You may want to wait before requesting that a Chat plugin author adds clans support until I finish this task.

    Version 1.8
    • Added Permissions Prefix and Suffix Support for Clans Chat
    • Added API for Chat Plugin Developers to get players Clan Tags and related Config Options
    • No longer allows you to purchase defenses that have already been purchased.

    The next version (1.9) will have MANY new optional features and some internal structural changes that will hopefully make the code clearer, and more efficient. You can expect it in a week or two most likely, although I may release small fixes if something is found or if there is a lot of feedback on something here.

    (Sorry double post)

    No, I suggest you use WorldGuard for that, at least until I add full protection options (when/if I do).

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  22. Offline


    toggle on teamchat would be awesome aswell :)
  23. Offline


    818 and i have essentials, residence, EasyRPG, SignCopy, AcientGates and craft book.

    oh and you have answered my prayers with team killing!!!
  24. Offline


    It doesn't work with Essentials right now. I'm not sure why yet, but I've been doing some research on the problem with my own server with Essentials. Hopefully i'll figure out why it is happening soon.
  25. Offline


    This does not work permissions 2.7 It broke my permissions 2.7. I have tested this 100%. And I hate permissions 3.X it is not compatible with most plugins that I use.
  26. Offline


    3.0 is compatible with most plugins if you configure it right
  27. Offline


    I configure every thing right. :p But for real can you consider making this compatible with permissions 2.7 that would be much appreciated.

    And even on the permissions 3.X thread it straight up says not compatible with most plugins.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  28. Offline


    @Satros: Just thought I'd let you know that Clans currently doesn't register already online players when someone reloads the server. Hence, when someone reloads their server your plugin breaks. (it also wont work if they reload their server to initiate the plugin instead of restarting)
  29. Offline


    Thanks, how would I go about fixing that? Is it because my plugin doesn't have a constructor?

    I'm still sort of a new when it comes to making bukkit plugins, and when I originally followed the tutorial for making them I'm not sure I did it 100% correct plus it was awhile ago. I will add that to my list of stuff I will fix in the next version. I'm pretty much planning on revamping the entire internal structure of the plugin and making sure it matches the standards of the general bukkit code skeleton of today. Hopefully this will fix some of the hiccups and incompatibilities. Don't get me wrong the plugin will work well with most servers great but I'm going to polish it a lot.
  30. Offline


    Can you please consider making this compatible with 2.7 in your free time. That would be awesome?
  31. Offline


    Hi and thanks for this fun plugin, kinda.

    Well, the thing is that we have about 50 players online on our server,
    and we have 2 teams split up for them to join.

    It's very annoying that TK is ON automaticly
    even though the confinguration is set to "team-kill-default: false".

    Also it's soo annoying that players are able to toggle TK on/off.
    First they set it to ON so noone in their team can kill them, and then
    they secretly turn it OFF and kills everyone...
    If we change it to "allow-tk-toggle: false" they're not able to turn it off
    since TK is automaticly on.. Why have that feature at all?

    Possible to make an OP only version so people are not allowed to leave/create teams?

    An how about let the Team Leader decide if the TK is on/off for all the players in the team?

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