[MECH] Hungry v0.3.1 - Yet another hunger plugin [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by tr4656, Jun 14, 2011.

  1. Offline



    Authors: jonathanyc and tr4656
    Version: v0.3.1

    Hungry adds immersion to Minecraft! There is a reason to actually eat food in order to survive making it more realistic - so gather your food and actually eat so you won’t go hungry.

    • There is actually a need to eat food (like real life)
    • Custom Language support
    Download Plugin
    Contribute at Bitbucket!
    Github Mirror

    Instructions, Permissions and FAQ:
    Our wiki is hosted at Bitbucket, and is available here.
    Quick Links
    To-do list and Known Bugs:
    See our Bitbucket issues page.

    • Fixed eating events not registering when right-clicking on air.
    • Thanks to Fullwall, for his Gastronomic plugin (off which many parts of this plugin were based!)
    • Thanks to chernobyl360, for maintaining Gastronomic after Fullwall stopped (until he got hacked)
  2. Offline


    This is excellent. Great idea.
  3. Offline


    The plugin looks fantastic, exactly what I was looking for actually. I've been unable to try it out yet as it seems to be disabled out of the box. I've double checked that the config file has 'isEnabled' set to true.

    I don't run a permissions plugin at all. I removed all of the other plugins aside from this with the same result.

    18:40:52 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.6.6
    18:40:52 [INFO] Loading properties
    18:40:52 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
    18:40:52 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-823-
    gb9d0b04-b860jnks (MC: 1.6.6)
    18:40:52 [INFO] Preparing level "world"
    18:40:52 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0
    18:40:53 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 1
    18:40:53 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 73%
    18:40:53 [INFO] [Hungry] Loading configuration...
    18:40:53 [INFO] [Hungry] Loading configuration file...
    18:40:53 [INFO] [Hungry] Succesfully loaded configuration file!
    18:40:53 [SEVERE] [Hungry] Failed to load Permissions plugin - aborting!
    18:40:53 [INFO] [Hungry] Attempting to write configuration file to disk...
    18:40:53 [INFO] [Hungry] Succesfully saved configuration to disk.
    18:40:53 [INFO] [Hungry] Hungry disabled!
    18:40:54 [INFO] Done (0.128s)! For help, type "help" or "?"

    Any help would be appreciated.
  4. Offline



    Permissions 2.7.3
    Mine (nick: admin) is stalled.
      "isEnabled": true,
      "checkInterval": 60,
      "incrementAmount": 1,
      "defaultHunger": 0,
      "maxHunger": 100,
      "minHunger": 0,
      "canStockUpInfinitely": false,
      "starvationDamage": 2,
      "starvationDoesActualDamage": false,
      "resetHungerAtRespawn": true,
      "playerHungers": {
        "Tiago1102": 0,
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        "hitualit": 0,
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        "br_lucas": 0,
        "lopor": 4,
        "Gaspar": 0,
        "Joinas": 6,
        "Galond": 0,
        "Midnyx": 0,
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        "xDKrock123": 0,
        "Pouter7665": 0,
        "leinad9999": 0,
        "Penharol147": 0,
        "sFx_Gamer": 0,
        "Danieeee": 0,
        "CreepyNick": 0,
        "soufooda": 0,
        "Candanguinho": 5,
        "EduardoXD": 0,
        "Furi8D": 6,
        "AlphaW01f": 0,
        "gabriel46": 0,
        "vinho89": 0,
        "shamanking": 0,
        "tucanopox": 0,
        "Duckzinn": 0,
        "migueltcosta": 0,
        "kratoSnip3r": 0,
        "eraldourculino": 0,
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        "gustavo_10": 11,
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      "foods": {
        "APPLE": 100,
        "PORK": 20,
        "GOLDEN_APPLE": 100,
        "MUSHROOM_SOUP": 25,
        "GRILLED_PORK": 35,
        "COOKIE": 35,
        "BREAD": 25,
        "COOKED_FISH": 35,
        "RAW_FISH": 25
      "foodBlocks": {
        "CAKE_BLOCK": 15
      "ignoreClickBlocks": [
      "messagePrefix": "§e[Fome] ",
      "messages": {
        "MSG_TOGGLED_ENABLED": "§aHungry is now enabled!",
        "MSG_RELOAD_SUCCESS": "§aHungry succesfully reloaded!",
        "ERR_ONLY_USABLE_INGAME": "§cThis command can only be used by in-game players.",
        "VAR_FOOD_INFO": "§f%s §a restores §f %s §a hunger.",
        "ERR_SAVECONFIG_FAILURE": "§cConfiguration failed to save!",
        "VAR_FOOD_LIST_ITEM": "§a%s§e : §a%s",
        "ERR_INVALID_HUNGER_FORMAT": "§cInvalid format for player hunger!",
        "VAR_SETHUNGER": "§aSuccesfully set§f %s\u0027s §ahunger to§f %s.",
        "MSG_SAVECONFIG_SUCCESS": "§aConfiguration succesfully saved!",
        "MSG_FOOD_LIST_END": "§a\u003d\u003d\u003d END EDIBLE FOODS \u003d\u003d\u003d",
        "ERR_RELOAD_FAILURE": "§cHungry failed to reloaded!",
        "MSG_TOGGLED_DISABLED": "§cHungry is now disabled!",
        "ERR_NO_SUCH_FOOD": "§cNo food with that name/id was found.",
        "MSG_FOOD_LIST_START": "§a\u003d\u003d\u003d EDIBLE FOODS \u003d\u003d\u003d",
        "VAR_CURRENT_HUNGER_IS": "§aSeu nivel de fome esta em §f%s"
      "hungerLevelNotifications": {
        "100": "§cVoce esta morrendo de fome!",
        "80": "Voce esta tonto de fome.",
        "20": "Voce esta sentindo um pouco de fome.",
        "40": "Voce esta ficando faminto.",
        "60": "Seu estomago esta roncando de fome."
      "hungerLevelNotificationsOnlyOnExact": false
  5. Offline


    Hmm. I don't really know what be causing that. Can you try deleting hungry.jar and try redownloading it?
  6. Offline


    Does it need permissions? if it needs permissions, and he doesn't have it, then that's probably why, right?
  7. Offline


    So when are you gonna add thirst and poisoning again?
  8. Offline


    I think that it is a lack of Permissions.
    If Hungry needs to support no-permissions, we can probably make it work like this:
    Everyone gets hungry, ops can use administrative commands.
    Would this work for you?

    They'll be encompassed by the Effects system in v0.3 - work is already in progress, it'll probably be released soon after we squash these bugs.

    Checking your config as I type, spunkiie. :)
  9. Offline


    Sorry for my misunderstanding, I didn't realize a permissions plugin was required. Which permissions plugin would work the best with Hungry?
  10. Offline


    I know this started as a fork of gastronomics (unless I'm wrong^^) did you re-implement all of the functionalities?
  11. Offline


    Just posting it to give you so many thanks,
    this plugin is so attractive! And very well coded. Many options.
    Thanks you developpers!
  12. Offline


    In our test server we're using PermissionsEx, though in theory, any plugin compatible with the Permissions 2+ API would work - so you could you Permissions 3, or Permissions 2.7, or whatever number they're on now.

    It's not exactly a fork in that it's a complete rewrite. ;) Not all functionality is re-implemented yet.

    Thanks! :)
  13. Offline


    Anyway to make raw meat do damage instead of heal? And possibly mushrooms edible by themselves? Brown: heal. Red: damage. ;) Great plugin btw, was a fan of Gastronomics, too.
  14. Offline


    Apparently, my last post in reply got deleted.
    Anyways, I'll send you a potential fix later.

    That'll be possible in v0.3 with effects, too. (it seems to get bigger every day :) Thanks!
  15. Offline


    There is request for Todo list:
    - Put an new notification, when the player decrease his hunger level by eating a thing. Look like "This cooked_pork restaure your hunger from 25" Or anything else ^^
  16. Offline


    <3 x infinite
  17. Offline


    If you don't eat food, will you then lose hp? If so, could you make an option that doesn't decrease the hp but makes you slower?
    compgurusteve likes this.
  18. Offline


    please add a variable for starvation interval as I do not want to use the same as hunger interval

    And also: I want to set that I lose first 1 half heart, then a whole, then 2 and 3 and 4 etc..
    so if you starve, you lose more and more hearts at same time the more you starve :)

    starvedamages: '1,2,3,4,5,6'
    would be awesoem :)
  19. Offline


    Rather than just penalties for hunger, how about a small bonus for being 'well fed'? :) Like you can work faster, or take more damage? (Just about to download, so if this is already a feature, sorry!)

    Also, please make the commands all start with /hunger [command] as it gets difficult to keep track of all the different commands if they all have a different format. (or maybe /hunger help to list them)
  20. Offline

    Shay Williams

    Hey, could you recompile a version were the event priority is on "High"? Would really help me, cheers.
  21. Offline


    At your first point, this is a good idea - I will see if I can implement it. :)
    At the second idea, the reason the commands are currently how they are is because it is the most-supported method by Bukkit. (or so it appears to be) I'll add a help command, though.

    I'll try to make this configurable.

    Work on v0.3 is progressing, but slowly. Need to figure out how to fit all these features in. :p
  22. Offline

    Shay Williams

    Wanna be a super awesome person and change it to High, compile, and send me .jar? :D??
  23. Offline



    Is this replacing Gastronomic?

    If it is, is everything still in-tact *Poison effect/ etc?*

    Just want to know, since I'm sure after this RB the older one I use will break.

  24. Offline


    We want this to replace gastronomic.
    Poison effect isn't implemented yet atm.
  25. Offline


  26. Offline


    Of course not. :p Working on this in v0.3
  27. Offline


  28. Offline


    please... let annotate these hungry messages just once! D: not every hungerlevel

    oh, there is a function like this, thanks!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  29. Offline


    Can this mod work without needing to set up permissions?
    If not, Why?
  30. Offline


    No, not at it's current version. Permissions allows us (the developers) to easily allow the user (you) to choose who to give specific commands and effects. It's possible to make this work without Permissions, and we will probably code in a non-Permissions fallback in v0.3.2+, but it'd be more clunky (moving more permissions to configuration files, etc.)
  31. Offline


    The command that sets a players hunger doesn't work.

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