Inactive [MECH/FUN/RPG] Monster Apocalypse - A Complete Rework of Minecraft Mobs. [1.2.5-R4.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by blainicus, Dec 31, 2011.

  1. Thanks :) when you say global flags, which ones are those? haha I appreciate the help. And I never thought about just changing the Jar, thanks! I'll do that :)
  2. Offline


    May I ask how you got that many mobs?

    How did you get the mobs the way they are in your video? I've tried everything.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2016
  3. Offline


    Enable custom monster health?: true
    Enable custom monster damage?: true

    He was using primarily mega-aggro with default vanilla spawns. A good way to get similar numbers to this, but distributed around the world (not aggroed onto the player) would be to enable naturalistic spawns with default settings and put the attempts per tick from 20 to 60. You could then either set it to always night like the video, as well.
  4. Offline


    Is there a way to let only zombie pigman spawn? If yes, can someone tell me?
  5. Offline


    I get spammed by this on server load:

    Show Spoiler
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of Blaze, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of Blaze, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of Blaze, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of CaveSpider, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of CaveSpider, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of CaveSpider, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of Creeper, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of Creeper, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of Creeper, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of Enderman, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of Enderman, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of Ghast, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of Ghast, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of PigZombie, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of PigZombie, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of Silverfish, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of Silverfish, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of Silverfish, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of Skeleton, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of Skeleton, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of Skeleton, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of Spider, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of Spider, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of Spider, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of Zombie, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of Zombie, check your drops for errors.
    16:54:04 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of Zombie, check your drops for errors.

    and this is the drop config:

    Show Spoiler
        - GOLD_NUGGET:11:50
        - GOLD_NUGGET:19:50
        - GOLD_NUGGET:25:10
        Overwrite?: false
        - GOLD_NUGGET:10:50
        - GOLD_NUGGET:30:10
        Overwrite?: false
        - GOLD_NUGGET:8:50
        - GOLD_NUGGET:15:20
        - GOLD_NUGGET:20:10
        Overwrite?: false
        - GOLD_NUGGET:5:50
        - GOLD_NUGGET:10:20
        - GOLD_NUGGET:17:10
        Overwrite?: false
        - GOLD_NUGGET:5:50
        - GOLD_NUGGET:10:20
        - GOLD_NUGGET:17:10
        Overwrite?: false
        - GOLD_NUGGET:8:50
        - GOLD_NUGGET:14:20
        - GOLD_NUGGET:22:10
        Overwrite?: false
        - GOLD_NUGGET:5:50
        - GOLD_NUGGET:10:20
        - GOLD_NUGGET:17:10
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        Overwrite?: false
        - GOLD_NUGGET:15:50
        - GOLD_NUGGET:30:10
        Overwrite?: false
        - GOLD_NUGGET:10:50
        - GOLD_NUGGET:18:20
        - GOLD_NUGGET:26:10
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        Overwrite?: false
        - GOLD_NUGGET:8:50
        - GOLD_NUGGET:17:10
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        Overwrite?: false
        - GOLD_NUGGET:5:50
        - GOLD_NUGGET:10:20
        - GOLD_NUGGET:15:10
        Overwrite?: false
        - GOLD_NUGGET:2:100
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        Overwrite?: false
        - GOLD_NUGGET:5:50
        - GOLD_NUGGET:10:20
        - GOLD_NUGGET:15:10
        Overwrite?: false

    I'm also getting spammed by this whenever someone kills a mob:

    Show Spoiler
    16:57:10 [INFO] Monsterorg.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftSilverfish slain on world ZeDarkworld
    16:57:18 [INFO] Monsterorg.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftSilverfish slain on world ZeDarkworld
    16:57:44 [INFO] Monsterorg.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftCaveSpider slain on world ZeDarkworld
    16:57:46 [INFO] Monsterorg.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftCaveSpider slain on world ZeDarkworld
    16:57:56 [INFO] Monsterorg.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftCreeper slain on world ZeDarkworld
    16:58:09 [INFO] Monsterorg.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftCaveSpider slain on world ZeDarkworld
  6. Offline


    Enable monster spawning changes: true

    For every monster on the 'natural' list set
    replacement: PigZombie

    Drops are glitched at the moment, once I have one more good feature or a minecraft patch they will work (I have them fixed, but I need to keep the number of versions down). Other drop plugins should be compatible.
  7. Offline


    - QuinCraft
    Always night: false
    Use new event system?: true
    Check for the deaggro permission for entity attacks, shooting super arrows, and mega-aggro?: true
    Enable natural hostile spawns?: true
    Enable natural passive spawns?: true
    Enable spawn points?: false
    Enable bonus spawns?: true
    Enable naturalistic bonus spawns?: true
    Hard cap on all mobs spawning: 1000
    Only enable bonus spawns on one world?: false
    'Bonus spawn world name:': QuinCraft
    Only enable naturalistic bonus spawns on one selected world?: false
    Naturalistic bonus spawn world name: QuinCraft
    Enable worldguard spawn flag checks?: false
    Spawn individual wave mobs in the same spot?: false
    Enable bonus spawns midair? (Useful for Ghasts): true
    Enable custom monster health?: true
    Enable custom monster damage?: true
    Enable worldguard damage flag checks?: false
    Enable custom monster explosion properties? (Normal Creeper/Ghast): true
    Enable spawning changes?: false
    Enable custom monster drops?: false
    Enable monsters destroying nearby torches?: false
    Enable monsters attacking from a massive range?: true
    Mega-aggro range: 160
    Mega-aggro range Y: 80
    How far mobs should stop away from players: 10
    Enable monsters attacking smartly and seeing through walls?: true
    Enable Zombies attacking walls?: true
    Enable PigZombies attacking walls?: false
    Drop the block item when a Zombie destroys it?: false
    Enable worldguard 'enderman-grief' flag checks for all monster block operations?: false
    Enable zombies piling up corpses when they can't reach players or attack a block sooner?: true
    Actually kill the zombie when it corpse piles?: true
    Mininum unreaching time before suicide piling: 50
    Block to use for corpse piling: GRAVEL
    Make wolves aggressive?: false
    Make zombie pigmen aggressive?: false
    Make zombie pigmen use mega-aggro?: true
    Enable worldguard creeper explosion flag check for creepers, ghasts, and death explosions?: false
    Check block spawn blacklist (deny spawn on these blocks)?: false
    Invert block spawn list? (Make whitelist): false
    Enable all other monster properties?: true
    Bonus monsters per player: 100
    Percent chance of spawning a monster in bonus waves: 100.0
    Minimum light level to spawn: 0
    Maximum light level to spawn: 7
    Minimum bonus spawn distance: 24
    Maximum bonus spawn distance: 80
    Bonus spawn Y offset: 0
    Bonus spawn period: 30000
    Naturalistic bonus spawn mob attempts per tick: 70
    Number of mobs to spawn in a spot if found: 10
    Tick period for bonus natural spawns, increase this to drastically slow spawning: 1
    Minimum naturalistic bonus spawn distance: 24
    Maximum naturalistic bonus spawn distance: 160
    Minimum light level to spawn naturalistic bonus: 0
    Maximum light level to spawn naturalistic bonus: 7
    Minimum Y for naturalistic bonus: 0
    Maximum Y for naturalistic bonus: 128

    Any idea why the plugin isn't working?
  8. Offline


    Can someone help me? Everytime I start the server it says Monster Appocalypse enabled. (till here its all alright)
    Once I check the file I see everything was reseted, everything I changed was reseted ... please help
  9. Offline


    Does someone have a good zombie apoc config file?

    Tried to configure it several times but it just keeps saying:

    08:22 PM [SEVERE] Cannot load plugins\Monster Apocalypse\config.yml

    everytime I changed anything and it all reverts back to what it was.

    I basically want every mob to be zombies, I want twice the spawns, zombies attack blocks and dont burn in sun light. oh and mega aggro
  10. Offline


    Same as me, Im making a zombie server for me to play alone with zombies everywhere

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2016
  11. Offline


    Zombies don't break blocks? (Yes, I've entered which blocks they can break) and how do I install the Zombie Land config file?
  12. Offline


    I dont like this new version of this plugin = / now only the spiders go to attack you and no more de zombies and the archers, could you add that option again?
  13. Offline


    Great plugin! In regards to the 'death spawn type' is there a way to have more than one type per mob? For example, I want to have a chance for both zombies and creepers to spawn from a slain zombie.
  14. Offline



    I am trying to get this plugin to work, but am having some difficulties. Some parts of it seem to not work, such as Skeletons exploding on death, and some do, such as always being night. Also, when I edit the config to allow for spawn points and type /ma in the game, I get the "An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command". Would anybody be able to help me? I would love to use this plugin.

    Much appreciated,
  15. Offline


    In the top-ish section, did you change the "Enable all other monster properties?" to true? It's set to false by default and that might be where you are running into trouble with skeletons not exploding when they should. As for the issue with spawn points, I can't help you as I've never used them, sorry!

    I have edited mob drops, enabled the custom drop setting, and set drop override to true (I assume overriding means the mob will only drop what I have chosen, as opposed to what I have chosen in addition to the default). The mobs drop the items I want, but I get a repeating console error...
    [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of Chicken, Cow, Creeper, etc...

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2016
  16. Offline


    Ah! Missed that! Its working now, thank you very much :D
  17. Offline


    I never thought to add this functionality, uses are extremely limited and it would inflate the config file even more. If you make a plugin solely for this purpose it should be compatible.

    Drops are bugged in the current version, I will be releasing a fix with the version designed for the next minecraft patch.
  18. Offline

    Thunder Peel

    Is there a way to decide what blocks mobs break? I want to run a last stand-ish survival game and only want zombies to break through wood, dirt, and glass etc.
  19. Offline


    Check at the bottom of the Advanced Monster Properties section. There is a spot to add blocks that can be destroyed and how long before a block will be broken. Just open the config, press Ctrl F and search for Attackable Blocks.
  20. Offline


    I enabled all the block breaking configurations and the Zombies still not breaking the blocks.

    Attackable blocks:
    - Dirt:10

    Is that right?

    If i add

    Attackable blocks:
    - Dirt:10
    - Glass:10

    the plugin crashes and the Config file resetts itself...


    found the problem... It need to be "DIRT" not "Dirt"...

    Is there a way that zombies focus one block and hit on it till it breaks? Because if there are many zombies they puch each other and the blocks wont break.
  21. Offline

    Thunder Peel

    Thanks! I found it shortly after posting that. I feel oblivious.
  22. Offline


    Haha yeah, well for what its worth I've been using this plugin for a while, and have spent hours tweaking the config, but honestly I don't really know how a good chunk of this stuff works. Lots of guess, test, and revise!
  23. Offline


    I changed a few things in the CFG, and for some reason it all works, but the bad guys ignore me (I'm the only admin). Even when they attack me, it does no damage, but hurts everyone else... any idea what I did, and hwo to fix it?
  24. Offline


    Hmm... I haven't played with the aggro settings, but I know there is one near the top of the config that checks for deaggro permissions. Default is set to false, so if you changed it to true I bet it would mess w/how mobs detect you, especially if the corresponding permissions aren't set up. Like I said though, I'm not really sure so good luck!
  25. Offline


    i got a slight problem, when i turn creeper explosion radius from 3.0 up to 15.0 the explosion range doesn't change at all, am i doing something wrong?
    EDIT: problem fixed, just had to set some stuff to true in the begin.
    but there is a line where it says
    true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
    what does the 0 mean? that it does normal damage like you wear no armor or that it does react to armor, i don't understand it.
  26. Hello, i'm having an issue, the mobs won't dig through blocks to catch players, and i can't find how to change that
  27. Offline


    Ignores armor. Comes from regular attacks.

    It hasn't worked since minecraft 1.2, unless you use PigZombies.
  28. Offline


    This is a wonderful plug in and everything is working properly except for monster drops.

    I get the error: [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Error adding drop to drop list of [mob], check your drops for errors.

    Part of my config looks like this:

    - GOLD_AXE:1:20.0
    - GOLD_SPADE:1:15.0
    - GOLD_PICKAXE:1:10.0
    Overwrite?: false
    - item:count:chance
    Overwrite?: false
    - STRING:1:30.0
    - SPIDER_EYE:1:30.0
    Overwrite?: true

    I am using Monster Apocalypse 7.1 with bukkit build 1.2.5-R1.0. Any advice?

    Attached Files:

  29. Offline


    Part of my config looks like this:

    - GOLD_AXE:1:20.0
    - GOLD_SPADE:1:15.0
    - GOLD_PICKAXE:1:10.0
    Overwrite?: false
    - item:count:chance
    Overwrite?: false
    - STRING:1:30.0
    - SPIDER_EYE:1:30.0
    Overwrite?: true
  30. Offline


    is there a way to spawn pigmen in place of zombies? since zombies dont take down block and dig

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