Inactive [MECH/FUN/RPG] Monster Apocalypse - A Complete Rework of Minecraft Mobs. [1.2.5-R4.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by blainicus, Dec 31, 2011.

  1. Offline


    please help, i need help with the spawn block blacklist setting.
    nothing i seem to try works, and theres no example anywhere on here, or the config.
    so the default looks like this [​IMG]
    and when i tried to make it work i tried this, but it seems like there was no formatting but i tried it anyway.[​IMG]
    and it didnt work. i got some errors in my server log. so i figured i would space them over so there was.
    and i got it to look like this.
    BUUT, it still didnt work.

    i wish there was a tutorial or something. i just cant get it to work. i still pull errors in my server log and mobs still spawn on blocks i dont want them to, (ex. trees)
    can anyone please tell me how THEY got it to work?

    and yes i know im using item ID's, and not names, however i got it to work once before using Id's so i dont think that is the problem.

    any advice would be great.
  2. Offline


    Hi, First I would like to say awesome plugin, with this plugin the game would not have been as fun as it could have been and has added a new level of enjoyment for the game on a whole other level for me and my friends.

    A couple of questions.

    1. We run multiverse and prior to 1.2 this was happening and is still happening, basically the issue is that we are getting a black screen with the game freezing completely and need to close out the game and come back in to continue playing. We've ruled out client side problem as when it generally happens it happens to everyone connected to the MA enabled world. The environment we have currently has to worlds we play in.

    One that isn't referenced in the MA config file and one that isn't so that we can have the "world" only have regular monsters enabled with difficulty defined by for people joining the server looking for a more default or vanilla environment.

    The second world "bizzaro" is referenced in MA config as we like to apply the great features of this plugin on that world that becomes more about survival although is not a permanent world. What we do is occasional my friends and I will copy the "world" directory contents and replace the "bizzaro" world with it so that we can continue building in the regular world and not have to worry about the mass destruction that comes with having MA enabled with most flags turned on and multiple creature type spawns.

    Again the problem we have been running into pre and post 1.2 is that occasionally users that are connected to the MA enabled world "bizzaro" their screen goes black and the game essentially is frozen or stops causing users to close out the game, start it up again and reconnect to the server. Once they reconnect they are able to continue to play as normally. This black screen disconnection generally impacts more than one player in the "bizzaro" world at the same time so it must be a server side issue but no errors show up in the craftbukkit console or log and the error seesm to be localilized to the world that has MA enabled. While the MA world "bizzaro" is being run and that error comes up on occasion, in the meantime back in the "world" non-MA referenced world users continue to play normally and are not impacted through any interuption.

    So my question is has anyone noticed a problem with certain settings in the MA config file causing this? Or would their be any issues that may generate this type of problem through the process of making a copy of a world and then playing the copied world in conjunction with MA, Essentials, Multiverse, PermissionsEx? We don't use a lot of other plugins just the bare necessities. I've noticed although not always at times the issue generally occurs when there are lot of action happening, explosions from skeleton arrows, ghaust fireballs, creeper explosions, blaze fire, etc. etc. Is it possible the server is trying to handle too much data at once and causes some sort of localized crash to the clients connected to the specific world? And if so is there any way to manage this? In terms of server hardware/resources, this is all running on a dedicated server that costs us $150+ a month to maintain as part of general website hosting for another project that has very minimal traffic and at most we've had five users on at once in total connected to the craftbukkit server, more than enough hardware support for this.

    Here is a link to a copy of the config file for MA we are currently using:

    2. I noticed in the config file there is worldguard flags for spawn and damage, I'm wondering if worldguard protections such as deny-list will be respected by MA so that certain monsters not only spawn in a zone/region of area but are also restricted from entering that area? I ask because my friend would like to make a maze, but would like to be able to define what types of mobs will be in and around the maze as opposed to the rest of the world where there is no limit on the types of monsters being spawn or allowed in certain areas.

    Thanks again for all your hard work in getting this plugin work, it's been absolutely amazing playing with MA, you should hear some of the first reactions we had when we enabled many of the mobs to turn on and have mega aggro with explosive arrows etc. First seeing the Ghasts fly past a window of our castle or the pigmen assault the castle and push us back generated lots of screams of excitement over skype. :)
  3. Offline


    You need to use craftbukkit enums, such as DIRT, GRASS. As has been said many times already.

    MA definitely shouldn't be causing any black screens, with or without multiverse. My guess is that you put spawn rates too high, or something to that effect. There's so many things that can go wrong with multiworld. This is the first time I've heard of this problem with my plugin an multiverse, so you could very likely have a setup issue. I really recommend using a separate server instance rather than multiverse.

    Only two things stood out to me in your config, the first being that your creeper radiuses are extremely high, and if there was a group of them together which one exploded, that would cause a chain reaction and depending on how many were there, potentially a very large lag spike from the explosion. This might occur when they despawn as well, it triggers a death event during this time. The other thing was that your zombie blocks are invalid, they need to be in capitals.

    As far as worldguard, you won't be able to keep monsters out of the area, but you could set up a large region with all spawns disabled (the check is global), then little mini-regions with spawns enabled and MA spawn points inside of them within the maze.

    I'm glad you've been having a lot of fun, and I'm glad to hear it's being used by groups of players rather than just individuals mucking around.
  4. Offline


    Since we added this plugin on our server, we've gone from a 5 slot to 30. We have about 500 zombies aggro'd at 5000 blocks, with every block breakable. It makes for some pretty insane nights :3

    Zombie aggro seems to be broken with 1.2, so we switched it up to spiders until this gets updated.

    Epic plugin, can't wait for the update!
  5. Offline


    please change /ma to something else... conflicts with mobarena
  6. Offline


    i have a problem

    i apply the zombie config but zombies dont break blocks.

    help me, my plugins:

    long summer days
    monster apocalypse :)
  7. Offline


    Is it possible to have different configs for two different worlds?
    At the moment I have three maps\worlds (Normal, Hardmode and Insane).
    On the easiest one I have default settings and dont want to change anything because its a creativemap.
    On Hardmode I have enabled Apocalypse with hard settings (double the HP and dmg),
    and then I want to make it even harder on my Insane-map. (including insane_nether and insane_theend ofcourse.)
    Is this possible ?

    Is this the correct way of setup for the same setting on all the servers? For testing reasons.
    Still wondering if its possible with a different config for each world.

    - hardmode
    - hardmode_nether
    - insane

    'Bonus spawn world name:': '[hardmode, hardmode_nether, insane]'
    Naturalistic bonus spawn world name: '[hardmode, hardmode_nether, insane]'

  8. Offline



    Quoting Blainicus from a couple pages earlier.

    "Yes, all you need to do is copy and rename the jar as well as edit the plugin.yml within to have the new name and you can have multiple installations. OR mess with the multiworld options and get lesser m=functionality on several worlds."

    MonstarApocalypse Folder

    MonsterApocalypse Folder 2
  9. Offline


    Tried this, but doesnt seem to work.

    Copied MonsterApocalypse.jar to MonsterApocalypseInsane.jar,
    Monster Apocalypse folder to Monster ApolcalypseInsane

    Changed the name in the plugin.yml to Monster ApocalypseInsane
    and the version to (to see a difference).

    Got only one world in each config. (Changed the configs ofcourse.)
    ONLY the world within the original Monster Apocalypse seems to be spawning loads of monsters.
  10. Offline


    yupp, i read that changed and fixed it!

    thanks for your help!
  11. Offline


    I'm running a test server of 1.2.3 with the beta build of Bukkit for it...

    The changes I made in 1.1 and above DID indeed work :D light level is harder to test, but it seems to be working, along with custom monster health/explosion/black- white-lists.

    Did you need to update anything else for a 1.2 release, or anything I should be aware of?

    Only other plugins are Essentials pack. So good job! Very fun playing with this. :D You've been super helpful +1 and expect a donation very soon!

    Edit: The *only* thing I can't seem to play with is, even with advanced monster settings turned on, I can't make, say, creepers/spiders/etc burn in sunlight when I add that tag to the appropriate spot (Both in 1.1 and 1.2.3). I'm assuming the game just really doesn't like you doing this, but I just wanted to confirm. Thanks! :D
  12. Offline


    Well for the mobs that do support it, there's a scheduler in bukkit which sets them on fire under the right conditions. I would need to rewrite this for the other mobs, but I didn't see the point since they despawn naturally.
  13. Offline


    I figured it'd just be another one of those +1s you can add to mob control. I was planning on doing a creeper-only weekend and it'd be nice if they burned themselves out during the day so people could actually work hahaha.
  14. Do the "**** explosion causes fire" effects make it so they cause fire instead of damaging terrain, or does it make it so they cause fire AND damage terrain? I'm basically trying to stop the terrain being damaged, but I still want damage to go out and fire to be unleashed. Any thoughts? I've tried looking through all of the values at the start with no real luck for settings, terrain is still being damaged regardless.

    Here's my current setup:
    - space
    - space_nether
    - skyworld
    - skyworld_nether
    - sphere
    - sphere_nether
    - flatlands
    - flatlands_nether
    - world
    - world_nether
    - world_the_end
    - world_the_end_nether
    Always night: false
    Check for the deaggro permission for entity attacks, shooting super arrows, and mega-aggro?: false
    Enable natural hostile spawns?: true
    Enable natural passive spawns?: true
    Enable spawn points?: false
    Enable bonus spawns?: false
    Enable naturalistic bonus spawns?: true
    Hard cap on all mobs spawning: 100000
    Only enable bonus spawns on one world?: false
    'Bonus spawn world name:': world
    Only enable naturalistic bonus spawns on one selected world?: false
    Naturalistic bonus spawn world name: world
    Enable worldguard spawn flag checks?: false
    Spawn individual wave mobs in the same spot?: true
    Enable bonus spawns midair? (Useful for Ghasts): true
    Enable custom monster health?: true
    Enable custom monster damage?: true
    Enable worldguard damage flag checks?: false
    Enable custom monster explosion properties? (Normal Creeper/Ghast): true
    Enable spawning changes?: true
    Enable custom monster drops?: true
    Enable monsters destroying nearby torches?: false
    Enable monsters attacking from a massive range?: true
    Mega-aggro range: 80
    Mega-aggro range Y: 20
    How far mobs should stop away from players: 15
    Enable monsters attacking smartly and seeing through walls?: true
    Enable Zombies attacking walls?: false
    Enable PigZombies attacking walls?: false
    Drop the block item when a Zombie destroys it?: true
    Enable worldguard 'enderman-grief' flag checks for all monster block operations?: false
    Enable zombies piling up corpses when they can't reach players or attack a block sooner?: true
    Actually kill the zombie when it corpse piles?: true
    Mininum unreaching time before suicide piling: 50
    Block to use for corpse piling: GRAVEL
    Make wolves aggressive?: true
    Make zombie pigmen aggressive?: false
    Make zombie pigmen use mega-aggro?: false
    Enable worldguard creeper explosion flag check for creepers, ghasts, and death explosions?: true
    Check block spawn blacklist (deny spawn on these blocks)?: true
    Invert block spawn list? (Make whitelist): false
    Enable all other monster properties?: true
    Bonus monsters per player: 3
    Percent chance of spawning a monster in bonus waves: 50.0
    Minimum light level to spawn: 0
    Maximum light level to spawn: 7
    Minimum bonus spawn distance: 24
    Maximum bonus spawn distance: 80
    Bonus spawn Y offset: 0
    Bonus spawn period: 60000
    Naturalistic bonus spawn mob attempts per tick: 5
    Number of mobs to spawn in a spot if found: 1
    Tick period for bonus natural spawns, increase this to drastically slow spawning: 1
    Minimum naturalistic bonus spawn distance: 24
    Maximum naturalistic bonus spawn distance: 160
    Minimum light level to spawn naturalistic bonus: 0
    Maximum light level to spawn naturalistic bonus: 7
    Minimum Y for naturalistic bonus: 0
    Maximum Y for naturalistic bonus: 128
    Bonus Spawns:
        spawn: false
        chance: 100.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 50.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 100.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 100.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 100.0
        spawn: true
        chance: 70.0
        spawn: true
        chance: 50.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 15.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 1.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 1.0
        spawn: true
        chance: 70.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 1.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 5.0
        spawn: true
        chance: 30.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 15.0
        spawn: true
        chance: 20.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 15.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 5.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 5.0
        spawn: true
        chance: 15.0
    Naturalistic Bonus Spawns:
        spawn: false
        chance: 100.0
        spawn: true
        chance: 20.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 100.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 100.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 100.0
        spawn: true
        chance: 70.0
        spawn: true
        chance: 50.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 15.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 1.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 1.0
        spawn: true
        chance: 70.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 1.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 5.0
        spawn: true
        chance: 30.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 15.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 20.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 15.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 5.0
        spawn: false
        chance: 15.0
        spawn: true
        chance: 15.0
    Monster Properties:
        health: 20
        damage: 5
        health: 20
        damage: 3
        health: 14
        damage: 5
        health: 30
        damage: 3
        health: 1
        damage: 0
        standard explosion radius: 3.0
        standard fire: true
        health: 40
        damage: 7
        burns in sunlight: true
        health: 20
        damage: 5
        standard explosion radius: 2.5
        standard fire: true
        health: 16
        damage: 6
        health: 40
        damage: 2
        health: 10
        damage: 2
        health: 20
        damage: 9
        health: 16
        damage: 3
        health: 8
        damage: 4
        health: 16
        damage: 2
        health: 20
        damage: 2
        burns in sunlight: true
        health: 16
        damage: 3
        health: 40
        damage: 1
        health: 60
        damage: 1
        health: 20
        damage: 4
        health: 20
        damage: 4
        burns in sunlight: true
    Advanced Monster Properties:
        true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
        explode on death: false
        death explosion causes fire?: false
        death explosion radius: 1.0
        spawn new mob on death: false
        death spawn type: Blaze
        death spawn count: 1
        death spawn chance: 100.0
          cactus: false
          drowning: false
          attacks: false
          explosions: false
          falling: true
          fire: false
          lava: false
          projectiles: false
        true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
        explode on death: false
        death explosion causes fire?: false
        death explosion radius: 1.0
        spawn new mob on death: false
        death spawn type: CaveSpider
        death spawn count: 1
        death spawn chance: 100.0
          cactus: false
          drowning: false
          attacks: false
          explosions: false
          falling: true
          fire: false
          lava: false
          projectiles: false
        true damage (completely ignores armor): 5
        explode on death: false
        death explosion causes fire?: false
        death explosion radius: 1.0
        spawn new mob on death: false
        death spawn type: Chicken
        death spawn count: 1
        death spawn chance: 100.0
          cactus: false
          drowning: false
          attacks: false
          explosions: false
          falling: true
          fire: false
          lava: false
          projectiles: false
        true damage (completely ignores armor): 3
        explode on death: false
        death explosion causes fire?: false
        death explosion radius: 1.0
        spawn new mob on death: true
        death spawn type: MushroomCow
        death spawn count: 1
        death spawn chance: 30.0
          cactus: false
          drowning: false
          attacks: false
          explosions: false
          falling: true
          fire: false
          lava: false
          projectiles: false
        true damage (completely ignores armor): 10
        explode on death: true
        death explosion causes fire?: true
        death explosion radius: 1.0
        spawn new mob on death: false
        death spawn type: Creeper
        death spawn count: 1
        death spawn chance: 100.0
          cactus: false
          drowning: false
          attacks: false
          explosions: true
          falling: true
          fire: false
          lava: true
          projectiles: false
        true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
        explode on death: false
        death explosion causes fire?: false
        death explosion radius: 1.0
        spawn new mob on death: false
        death spawn type: Enderman
        death spawn count: 1
        death spawn chance: 100.0
          cactus: false
          drowning: false
          attacks: false
          explosions: false
          falling: true
          fire: false
          lava: false
          projectiles: false
        true damage (completely ignores armor): 5
        explode on death: false
        death explosion causes fire?: false
        death explosion radius: 2.0
        spawn new mob on death: true
        death spawn type: Ghast
        death spawn count: 5
        death spawn chance: 5.0
          cactus: false
          drowning: false
          attacks: false
          explosions: true
          falling: true
          fire: false
          lava: false
          projectiles: false
        true damage (completely ignores armor): 2
        explode on death: true
        death explosion causes fire?: true
        death explosion radius: 1.0
        spawn new mob on death: false
        death spawn type: MagmaCube
        death spawn count: 1
        death spawn chance: 100.0
          cactus: false
          drowning: false
          attacks: false
          explosions: true
          falling: true
          fire: false
          lava: false
          projectiles: false
        true damage (completely ignores armor): 2
        explode on death: false
        death explosion causes fire?: false
        death explosion radius: 1.0
        spawn new mob on death: false
        death spawn type: Cow
        death spawn count: 1
        death spawn chance: 100.0
          cactus: false
          drowning: false
          attacks: false
          explosions: false
          falling: true
          fire: false
          lava: false
          projectiles: false
        true damage (completely ignores armor): 7
        explode on death: false
        death explosion causes fire?: false
        death explosion radius: 1.0
        spawn new mob on death: false
        death spawn type: Pig
        death spawn count: 1
        death spawn chance: 100.0
          cactus: false
          drowning: false
          attacks: false
          explosions: false
          falling: true
          fire: false
          lava: false
          projectiles: false
        true damage (completely ignores armor): 9
        explode on death: false
        death explosion causes fire?: false
        death explosion radius: 1.0
        spawn new mob on death: false
        death spawn type: PigZombie
        death spawn count: 1
        death spawn chance: 100.0
          cactus: false
          drowning: false
          attacks: false
          explosions: false
          falling: true
          fire: false
          lava: false
          projectiles: false
        true damage (completely ignores armor): 9
        explode on death: true
        death explosion causes fire?: true
        death explosion radius: 1.0
        spawn new mob on death: false
        death spawn type: Sheep
        death spawn count: 1
        death spawn chance: 100.0
          cactus: false
          drowning: false
          attacks: false
          explosions: true
          falling: true
          fire: false
          lava: false
          projectiles: false
        true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
        explode on death: false
        death explosion causes fire?: false
        death explosion radius: 1.0
        spawn new mob on death: false
        death spawn type: Silverfish
        death spawn count: 1
        death spawn chance: 100.0
          cactus: false
          drowning: false
          attacks: false
          explosions: false
          falling: true
          fire: false
          lava: false
          projectiles: false
        true damage (completely ignores armor): 3
        explode on death: false
        death explosion causes fire?: false
        death explosion radius: 1.0
        spawn new mob on death: false
        death spawn type: Silverfish
        death spawn count: 1
        death spawn chance: 100.0
          cactus: false
          drowning: false
          attacks: false
          explosions: false
          falling: true
          fire: false
          lava: false
          projectiles: false
        true damage (completely ignores armor): 3
        explode on death: false
        death explosion causes fire?: false
        death explosion radius: 1.0
        spawn new mob on death: false
        death spawn type: Skeleton
        death spawn count: 1
        death spawn chance: 100.0
          cactus: false
          drowning: false
          attacks: false
          explosions: false
          falling: true
          fire: false
          lava: false
          projectiles: false
        Enable Super Arrows: true
        Super Arrow period: 5000
        Super Arrow chance: 100.0
        Super Arrow X/Z attack range: 40.0
        Super Arrow Y attack range: 160
        Make skeleton arrows explode?: false
        Arrow explosion radius: 1.0
        Arrow chance to explode on collision: 1.0
        Arrow explosion causes fire?: true
        true damage (completely ignores armor): 5
        explode on death: false
        death explosion causes fire?: false
        death explosion radius: 1.0
        spawn new mob on death: false
        death spawn type: Spider
        death spawn count: 1
        death spawn chance: 100.0
          cactus: false
          drowning: false
          attacks: false
          explosions: false
          falling: true
          fire: false
          lava: false
          projectiles: false
        true damage (completely ignores armor): 5
        explode on death: true
        death explosion causes fire?: true
        death explosion radius: 1.0
        spawn new mob on death: false
        death spawn type: Squid
        death spawn count: 1
        death spawn chance: 100.0
          cactus: false
          drowning: false
          attacks: false
          explosions: true
          falling: true
          fire: false
          lava: false
          projectiles: false
        true damage (completely ignores armor): 3
        explode on death: true
        death explosion causes fire?: true
        death explosion radius: 3.0
        spawn new mob on death: false
        death spawn type: Villager
        death spawn count: 1
        death spawn chance: 100.0
          cactus: false
          drowning: false
          attacks: false
          explosions: true
          falling: true
          fire: false
          lava: false
          projectiles: false
        true damage (completely ignores armor): 2
        explode on death: false
        death explosion causes fire?: false
        death explosion radius: 1.0
        spawn new mob on death: false
        death spawn type: Wolf
        death spawn count: 1
        death spawn chance: 5.0
          cactus: false
          drowning: false
          attacks: false
          explosions: false
          falling: true
          fire: false
          lava: false
          projectiles: false
        true damage (completely ignores armor): 2
        explode on death: false
        death explosion causes fire?: false
        death explosion radius: 1.0
        spawn new mob on death: true
        death spawn type: Zombie
        death spawn count: 1
        death spawn chance: 5.0
          cactus: false
          drowning: false
          attacks: false
          explosions: false
          falling: true
          fire: false
          lava: false
          projectiles: false
        Attackable blocks:
        - block:seconds
        spawn: true
        spawncount: 2
        spawnchance: 100.0
        spawnymin: 1
        spawnymax: 128
        replacement: Creeper
        spawn: true
        spawncount: 1
        spawnchance: 20.0
        spawnymin: 1
        spawnymax: 128
        replacement: Enderman
        spawn: true
        spawncount: 2
        spawnchance: 100.0
        spawnymin: 1
        spawnymax: 128
        replacement: Skeleton
        spawn: true
        spawncount: 2
        spawnchance: 100.0
        spawnymin: 1
        spawnymax: 128
        replacement: Zombie
        spawn: true
        spawncount: 2
        spawnchance: 70.0
        spawnymin: 1
        spawnymax: 128
        replacement: Blaze
        spawn: true
        spawncount: 2
        spawnchance: 50.0
        spawnymin: 1
        spawnymax: 60
        replacement: CaveSpider
        spawn: true
        spawncount: 1
        spawnchance: 15.0
        spawnymin: 1
        spawnymax: 128
        replacement: Chicken
        spawn: true
        spawncount: 1
        spawnchance: 1.0
        spawnymin: 1
        spawnymax: 128
        replacement: Cow
        spawn: true
        spawncount: 2
        spawnchance: 1.0
        spawnymin: 80
        spawnymax: 128
        replacement: Ghast
        spawn: true
        spawncount: 2
        spawnchance: 70.0
        spawnymin: 1
        spawnymax: 128
        replacement: LavaSlime
        spawn: true
        spawncount: 1
        spawnchance: 1.0
        spawnymin: 1
        spawnymax: 128
        replacement: MushroomCow
        spawn: true
        spawncount: 1
        spawnchance: 5.0
        spawnymin: 1
        spawnymax: 128
        replacement: Pig
        spawn: true
        spawncount: 2
        spawnchance: 30.0
        spawnymin: 1
        spawnymax: 128
        replacement: PigZombie
        spawn: true
        spawncount: 1
        spawnchance: 15.0
        spawnymin: 1
        spawnymax: 128
        replacement: Sheep
        spawn: true
        spawncount: 5
        spawnchance: 20.0
        spawnymin: 1
        spawnymax: 128
        replacement: Silverfish
        spawn: true
        spawncount: 1
        spawnchance: 15.0
        spawnymin: 1
        spawnymax: 128
        replacement: Slime
        spawn: true
        spawncount: 2
        spawnchance: 100.0
        spawnymin: 40
        spawnymax: 128
        replacement: Spider
        spawn: true
        spawncount: 1
        spawnchance: 5.0
        spawnymin: 1
        spawnymax: 128
        replacement: Squid
        spawn: true
        spawncount: 1
        spawnchance: 15.0
        spawnymin: 1
        spawnymax: 128
        replacement: Villager
        spawn: true
        spawncount: 2
        spawnchance: 15.0
        spawnymin: 1
        spawnymax: 128
        replacement: Wolf
        - item:count:chance
        - item:count:chance
        - GOLD_RECORD:1:1
        - GREEN_RECORD:1:1
        - RECORD_3:1:1
        - RECORD_4:1:1
        - RECORD_5:1:1
        - RECORD_6:1:1
        - RECORD_7:1:1
        - RECORD_8:1:1
        - RECORD_9:1:1
        - RECORD_10:1:1
        - RECORD_11:1:1
        - SULPHUR:2:50
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        - MYCEL:10:25
        - MYCEL:10:25
        - MYCEL:10:25
        - ENDER_STONE:10:25
        - ENDER_STONE:10:25
        - ENDER_STONE:10:25
        - ENDER_PEARL:1:75
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        - ENDER_STONE:15:25
        - ENDER_STONE:15:25
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        - WEB:2:50
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        - MYCEL:15:25
        - MYCEL:15:25
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        - BLAZE_ROD:2:50
        - BLAZE_ROD:2:50
        - FIRE:2:50
        - FIRE:2:50
        - FIRE:2:50
        - FIRE:2:50
        - LAVA:5:10
        - LAVA:5:10
        - STATIONARY_LAVA:5:10
        - STATIONARY_LAVA:5:10
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        - WEB:2:50
        - WEB:2:50
        - WEB:2:50
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        - FEATHER:5:25
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        - LEATHER:2:25
        - BROWN_MUSHROOM:1:25
        - RED_MUSHROOM:1:25
        - HUGE_MUSHROOM_1:1:10
        - HUGE_MUSHROOM_1:1:10
        - HUGE_MUSHROOM_2:1:10
        - HUGE_MUSHROOM_2:1:10
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        - FIRE:5:25
        - FIRE:5:25
        - FIRE:5:25
        - FIRE:5:25
        - FIRE:5:25
        - FIRE:5:25
        - GHAST_TEAR:2:25
        - GHAST_TEAR:2:25
        - NETHER_BRICK:20:25
        - NETHER_BRICK:20:25
        - NETHER_FENCE:20:25
        - NETHER_FENCE:20:25
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        - MAGMA_CREAM:1:10
        - MAGMA_CREAM:1:10
        - FIRE:1:5
        - FIRE:1:5
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        - BROWN_MUSHROOM:1:50
        - BROWN_MUSHROOM:1:50
        - BROWN_MUSHROOM:1:50
        - RED_MUSHROOM:1:50
        - RED_MUSHROOM:1:50
        - RED_MUSHROOM:1:50
        - HUGE_MUSHROOM_1:1:10
        - HUGE_MUSHROOM_1:1:10
        - HUGE_MUSHROOM_1:1:10
        - HUGE_MUSHROOM_2:1:10
        - HUGE_MUSHROOM_2:1:10
        - HUGE_MUSHROOM_2:1:10
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        - PORK:1:25
        - PORK:1:25
        - PORK:1:25
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        - ENDER_STONE:20:1
        - ENDER_STONE:20:1
        - ENDER_STONE:20:1
        - CHAINMAIL_HELMET:1:1
        - CHAINMAIL_HELMET:1:1
        - CHAINMAIL_HELMET:1:1
        - CHAINMAIL_BOOTS:1:1
        - CHAINMAIL_BOOTS:1:1
        - CHAINMAIL_BOOTS:1:1
        - HUGE_MUSHROOM_1:1:1
        - HUGE_MUSHROOM_1:1:1
        - HUGE_MUSHROOM_1:1:1
        - HUGE_MUSHROOM_2:1:1
        - HUGE_MUSHROOM_2:1:1
        - HUGE_MUSHROOM_2:1:1
        - MYCEL:20:1
        - MYCEL:20:1
        - MYCEL:20:1
        - LAVA:20:1
        - LAVA:20:1
        - WATER:20:1
        - WATER:20:1
        - STATIONARY_LAVA:20:1
        - STATIONARY_LAVA:20:1
        - STATIONARY_WATER:20:1
        - STATIONARY_WATER:20:1
        - ICE:20:1
        - ICE:20:1
        - ICE:20:1
        - ICE:20:1
        - ICE:20:1
        - SNOW:20:1
        - SNOW:20:1
        - SNOW:20:1
        - NETHER_WARTS:10:1
        - NETHER_WARTS:10:1
        - NETHER_WARTS:10:1
        - ENDER_PORTAL_FRAME:1:1
        - ENDER_PORTAL_FRAME:1:1
        - ENDER_PORTAL_FRAME:1:1
        - GOLD_NUGGET:1:30
        - GOLD_NUGGET:1:30
        - GOLD_NUGGET:1:30
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        - WOOL:2:100
        - WOOL:1:25
        - WOOL:1:25
        - WOOL:1:25
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance:data
        - MONSTER_EGGS:1:10
        - MONSTER_EGGS:1:10
        - MONSTER_EGGS:1:10
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        - SLIME_BALL:1:10
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        - WATER:10:3
        - WATER:10:3
        - STATIONARY_WATER:10:3
        - STATIONARY_WATER:10:3
        - ICE:10:3
        - ICE:10:3
        - ICE:10:3
        - ICE:10:3
        - ICE:10:3
        - SNOW:10:3
        - SNOW:10:3
        - SNOW:10:3
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        - MONSTER_EGG:1:10
        - ICE:10:10
        - ICE:10:10
        - ICE:10:10
        - SNOW:10:10
        - SNOW:10:10
        Overwrite?: false
        - item:count:chance
        - SADDLE:1:10
        Overwrite?: false
    Spawn Block Blacklist:
    - block
    - GLASS
    - WOOL
    - BRICK
  15. Offline


    Not sure why but when I set custom mob dmg it disables fire enchant on swords also disables the buring from blazes but if I delete the config file and start fresh all works :( any ideas?
  16. Offline


    It's just a bukkit flag for the explosion event, it won't change terrain damage.
  17. Offline


    Hi! Great plugin!
    I have a question :
    How to make a config for only one worldguard region?
  18. Offline


    Hey, one last thing: I have the monster spawn rates and etc set up correctly, and I have them spawning from 0-5 light.

    However, Im still getting a bunch of skeletons that show up, you can hit them once and they dont move or do anything and they walk back to spawn. Do you know what this is all about?

    I read somewhere it has to do with the system preventing the monsters from spawning and these things show up. Ive been checking the light where they've been spawning and it's always on something that's within range, and they are also blocks on the whitelist, so I'm unsure as to why this is happening. Any guesses?
  19. Offline


    You're probably using too new of a CB version, which has changed the event system entirely, breaking the majority of plugins.
  20. Offline


    These skeletons were in the last recommended CB release as well when I reduced spawning (which, you know, is a little outside of the "normal" scope for this :p). It might be a CB thing itself when you attempt to reduce spawns in general, but I figured I'd let you know regardless. In the 1.1 Rec. build there were also errors about CB removing a craftskeleton entry which are now absent, but the skeles are still there. Either way, still working great in the 1.2.3 beta!
  21. Offline


    Uh how would i add mod items and mod blocks to the break list? For IC2 for example:

    Does not seem to work as they don't seem to have names.
  22. Offline


    Is zombie block breaking working as of 1.2.3? Cannot seem to get this to function at all. Also, can I customize blocks they are able to break?

    EDIT: I see that it is working and that I must specify breakable blocks.. How do I do this?

    YET ANOTHER EDIT: Alright, I have block breaking enabled, and a list of blocks defined, but it still isn't working. Has this feature been broken by the changes to monster AI and pathing?
  23. Offline


    Hi blainicus ! Is it possible for monsters to spawn with a defined health and strength in a worldguard region and for the same monster (but in another world guard region) with different strength and health? I don't completely understand how the config file works.
  24. Offline


    Someone please help me with this, it's driving me nuts not to be able to add custom mod blocks.
  25. Offline


    I would have to add spout support and rewrite the block system, which is not something I am willing to do (since it would likely break the plugin for non-spout). Even if I did, the new pathfinding seems to be working around my old system too much.

    Region-based power settings are something that has been requested a lot, but I never added support for. Monster power is global across a MA installation, so you should see the same power values (but can set separate spawn rates) for different worlds.

    If you WANT different worlds to have different power, you will need to have two separate instances of the plugin running on the same multiworld setup.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2016
  26. Offline


    thank you for responding so quickly
  27. Offline


    Can I make pigmen spawn on earth and Skeletons not attack?
  28. Offline


    hm, i understand. wouldnt it be the easiest solution to just make the block list based on bloxk ids instead? then it would work with all the stuff.
  29. Offline


    Yes to the first, but you will need a differnet plugin for the second.

    No, this isn't doable with the current implementation. Block IDs are stored on the server as Material types, which are then transformed into block ID's. If you don't have spout/special implementation, you can't compare the types.
  30. Offline


    When will you update this :'(? Me and my friends are dying of waiting untill this gets updated. Cuz we really liked it back in 1.1, but since 1.2.3 came out it's been so long since it we heard any feedback on updates etc.!

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