[MECH/FUN] PVPGunPlus v1.0 - NOSPOUT - GunPack alternative [1.5.2]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by orange451, Feb 23, 2012.

  1. Offline


    ok I deleted nocheat all together and the guns still dont work. Can you please update to 1.2.3-R2? I love this plugin and so do my users. Thanks in Advance :)
  2. Offline


    Thankyou evrythings works perfeclty now
  3. Offline


    what bukkit version are you using?
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    That means you don't have pex installed, and you're also running an old version of the plugin.
  6. Offline


    Yo Where the hell do I find the config!
  7. Offline


    It's working now thank you! Keep up the good work.

    Guns do damages on mobs, but not on players. Only rocket launcher deals damage to both targets.
    Can we fix this through the gun config? Or is this a bug?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    Ok one more error. If I shoot a sheep using sniper, it should be 1 hit kill. But when I shot it from far away, the sheep didn't die, although it was flashing red. I tried to shoot it for 5 times, but it just flash red each time then jumping and running around. When I came closer to it and shot it, it died right away.

    I'm reporting this bug and the no player damage bug using latest build from Link, Uploaded on: March 21st, 2012. I use craftbukkit 1.2.3 R-03 and 1.2.3 R-04
  10. Offline


    Bukkit broke snowballs triggering a damage event to players.
    I can't fix it until they fix what they broke.
  11. Offline


    oh fuck, so this plugin is dead?
  12. Offline


    What's this? Snowballs do damage
    And why don't our 'snowballs' do damage?
  13. Offline


    Have you tested it, and does it work with the newest dev build of craftbukkit?
  14. Offline


    Doesn't work with the latest build of craftbukkit and with snowballs do damage , fuck ... I love this plug in !
  15. Offline


    Yes I did.
    What are you talking about? It works perfectly. I used this craftbukkit.
  16. Offline


    ok a test i did that works is download the old version 1.2.3 of bukkit and make a bat file with this

    java -Xmx1g -Xms1g -jar craftbukkit.jar craftbukkit1.jar it worked for me and i was so happy plus now old clients can join too
  17. Offline


    Yes it works for me too. NOW this plugin works properly. Guns can now damage players :D
  18. Offline


    thanks but there was a error i discovered!! some people wont die when shot it will show red and they go back but its not killing them. idk if its mods there using or what??? but this hopefully will be fixed that my discovery wont be a perminate solution
    by the way i LIKE TO THANK
    jaggy.org its a minecraft server i beleive 24/7

    also https://bukkit.atlassian.net/browse...t-connector-plugin:bitbucket-commits-tabpanel
    this could contain the feature fix sry its not 24/7
  19. Offline


    weird..i didn't get that kind of error..even tho i used hack..

    The bug I found is when you shoot a gun that use multiple 'bullets', for example a shotgun that uses up 5 seeds per shot, it doesn't automatically merge the stacks of bullets. In my case, I had 2 stacks of 64 seeds. After I shot 12 times, it went down to 1 stack of 4 seeds, and another stack of 64 seeds. Then gun could not fire anymore unless I drop that 4 seeds somewhere. The gun should automatically combine that 4 seeds with 1 seed from the 2nd stack, but it didn't. It's really annoying if someone is having a gun dual or a raid and the bullet got stuck like that.
  20. Offline


    That will be fixed soon :)

    Or you could just keep using 1.2.4 bukkit :p
    I submitted a ticket 3 days ago, the problem was solved yesterday. Download the newest dev build.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  21. Offline


    I think I know why he got that bug. Today I tried to de-op myself and shot people, and the gun didn't do any damage. But as soon as I OP myself back, I could hurt them again.
    After that, I tried to give myself permissions for guns, even though I put needsPermissions=false for all of them(yes I typed pvpgun.pistol and not pvpgun.Pistol), but none of the snowball bullets hurt anyone. However, after I typed '*', guns could do damage again. Is that mean there must be a permission node to let people do damage with snowball?
    Please update the thread and tell us what the node is. I really need it. Thanks.
  22. Offline


  23. Offline


    You are suffering the same issue as me. It works, but only if you are ops or if you have all of the permissions.

    When I use SnowBallNextDoor and give the snowball.* perm node to the group, snowballs do damage. But if I use any of the separated perm node, it doesn't work. Perhaps this is a perm related bug?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  24. Offline


    Are you using the most updated build of bukkit?
    It's working fine for me.
  25. Offline


    If a player is not OP or if he doesn't have '*' permission, then his snowball bullets don't do damage...I'm using PEX 1.19.1 and Craftbukkit 1.2.4/1.2.5...
  26. Offline


    I don't know what to say, it works perfectly fine for me.
  27. Offline


    It is weird...I think that problem occurs because of NoCheat. I tried to disable it and it works. Thank you :D
  28. Offline


    I found another bug sir. Here is my config file. That is the config I set up for Machine Gun. I use 1 ammo per bullet, and 20 bullets are fired in each shot. However, when I have even only 1 ammo left, or 1 sugar cane left, the gun still fires 20 bullets. Please fix it that and the previous bug I mentioned in #94 post. Thanks.
  29. Offline


    Great find, I'll get right on that!
  30. Offline


    I need some help.
    I have installed this mod, it work fine with mobs.
    But when i'm trying to kill my friend (in survival mod), we can't hurt each other.
    I can shoot down a zombie in survival, but not my friend.

    I turned off the permission need in the config for the machine gun, but i doesnt't work.
    Please, if anybody have an idea, help me.

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