Inactive [MECH/EDIT] ToughMelt v1.7 - Clean Up Quick [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Kevin Forte, Apr 16, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    ToughMelt: Get Rid of Stuff Faster
    ~Version: 1.7~
    Download: [JAR]

    A few weeks back, @retsrif was awesome enough to make a plugin for me that melts ice in a radius you specify. A few weeks later, he was awesome enough to help me (an understatement) allow you to type any item ID and a radius and destroy that item in a similar way. I took both of these, combined them, and added permissions, and this is the result.

    • Permission node that allows users to use simple melt (ice & snow).
    • Permission node that allows admins to melt anything.
    • Prevent ice from reforming. (An option in the config.yml in /plugins/ToughMelt)
    [] = Necessary Argument
    {} = Optional Argument
    • /melt [radius]
    This is the basic melt command. It turns all ice within the specified radius into water and melts all snow in the radius.
    • /melt [itemID] [radius]
    This is the admin's melt. It will destroy all of the specified item in the specified radius. Useful for wiping structures quickly without worrying about destroying your surroundings.

    • Try and figure out the bug that requires you to use the melt command a few times to get rid of everything.
    • I don't know, what else can be done with this?
    Permissions (Now Optional!):
    To allow users to melt only ice and snow:

    The admin node to melt anything:

    • New configuration options: Configure the max radii of melting ice/snow and all other materials. @wargamer2010: I didn't beat him to the next update.
    Show Spoiler

    • Prevent ice from reforming at all and prevent torches from melting ice! Thanks AGAIN @wargamer2010. I am going to beat him to the next update if it's the last thing I do... xP
    • ToughMelt no longer requires permissions. Thanks again @wargamer2010 for cleaning up after my stupid. :)
    • OP functionality added.
    • Permissions updated.
    • Basic /melt command now also melts snow.
    • Limited the radius to 30 to avoid the crash resulting from too high a radius.
    • Released the plugin.

    Special Thanks To:
    retsrif - For indirectly doing most of this.
    wargamer2010 - For making this plugin even better :p
    EnzoFX and Inscrutable like this.
  2. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    Yeah, This is more useful now for melting specific block types. This was originally made before 1.5, so it was useful then. xP
  3. Offline


    Can you please add a snow feature? So it can snow instead of just removing it
    thanks :)
  4. Do you mean a feature that completely disables snow accumulation? If so, the plugin called NoWeather supports that from version 1.5.
    If that is not what you mean, could you elaborate a bit on what you mean?
  5. Offline


    What I mean is, that you should be able to make it snow on certain areas, not just the ordinary snow areas, like, make it snow in a rain forest an so on, like /Snow [radius]
    or make it snow everywhere /Snow all
  6. Offline

    Kevin Forte

  7. Offline


    Oh thanks! I always discover something new in my plugins :D
  8. Offline


    didnt work!! :mad:
    00:06:53 [SEVERE] null
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'melt
    ' in plugin ToughMelt v1.3 [Added OP functionality]
            at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
            at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(NetServerHandler.
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
            at kforte318.ToughMelt.ToughMelt.onCommand(
            at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
            ... 12 more
    Got that!
  9. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    Well, in all honesty I shouldn't even help you because "Didn't Work! [anger] Got that!" isn't exactly a valid bug report, but I will because I understand most people have no patience for anything. I set up the OP support incorrectly, so it is still looking for permissions. I apologize and I'll work on it when I can.
  10. Offline


    ok, i have the Craftbukkit B860 newest permissions this: (it works with 860)
  11. First of all, thanks for your explanation/report.
    I just set up a test server running bukkit #860 and Permissions 3.1.5b and ran the plugin without any problems.
    However, I was able to reproduce your error by doing the following (which is improper syntax!):
    /melt stone 20
    Is that what you are trying to do? If so, names are not yet supported, you should, in stead, use the ID's so:
    /melt 1 20
    If that is not what you are trying then could you copy/paste the command you are using?
  12. Offline


    i do /melt 78 10
  13. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    It could be one of two things: Improper Permissions setup, or the fact that I haven't updated to the newest permissions with multi-group and such.
  14. Offline


    umm.. can you tell me where I can get a permission plugin/folder or whatever.. i have no idea what to do o.o
    so if you don't mind explaining step by step to put what in what folder...
  15. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    I'll do my best :p
    1. Add 'Permissions.jar', an older version (The one without Multi-Group), to your /plugins folder.
    2. Run your server to generate a config.yml and a /plugins/Permissions folder (the config.yml will appear in your Permissions folder)
    3. Rename the config.yml to [yourworldsname].yml (ex. if your world was BlahLand, BlahLand.yml)
    4. Visit the permissions thread for instructions on how to set up nodes :p
  16. The plugin doesn't seem to have a problem with the new Permissions plugin (3.1.x), runs fine here anyway :)
    Kevin, could you check your Inbox on here :p Sent you something ...
  17. Offline


    Well hello, i installed this mod, was ever much excited because i was making my map and it snowed made my sea turn into instant ice.. within 3 seconds, got this mod then i have exactly what everyone else is getting? i dont want to have permissions as i got a server just for me and my friends, we are all OP
  18. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    Updated to v1.5 thanks to wargamer, should be functional now :)
  19. Offline


    It works great, but the ice reappears just as soon as I get rid of it. Is there anyway to keep the ice from coming back? I have no idea what happened on my server. It just seems that in a few days nearly the entire world is covered in snow and ice.
  20. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    I think WorldGuard would be your best bet for that. Isn't weather a b!tch?
  21. Offline


    You can say that again. I used MCEdit to get rid of the snow and ice. Then went back onto my server and just watched as the ice started reforming again! UGH!!!!
  22. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    Yeah I know )x
  23. Offline


    I just started having the same issue did you find a way to fix it I dont see an option for ice in worldguard
  24. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    Well really it isn't an issue, it's the way the game works now haha. There is a weather flag in world guard, using that will stop the snow, and I think there are other plugins out there that will block ice. If not, let me know and I might be able to whip one up or add it to this.
  25. Offline


    it is an issue it just started happening today ice is now over every inch of water on the map a of a couple hours ago. I been running this map for 6months and have seen very little ice. It didnt start till I went to bukkit 935 but ive now rolled back and its still doing it. I tried weatherrestrictions but thats not helping. I will try the worldguard flag I must be over looking it for the entire world
  26. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    WorldGuard has an entire config option I believe, not just a flag. I'm pretty sure my plugin didn't cause your "issue" though, considering it's impossible. xD
  27. Offline


    WorldGuard didn't work for me either. It got rid of it for me, but as soon as I relaunch the server and start exploring, I can just sit back and watch entire oceans turn to ice rinks. This is DEFINATELY a problem on the Minecraft side of the gaming experience, and Notch needs to address it before he loses a crap load of supportive players.
  28. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    I would suggest a feature to WorldGuard since I'm pretty sure it's possible.
  29. Well, it wasn't possible before but since one of the recent Bukkit builds it is possible to prevent Block's from forming.
    I'm testing it out right now and will build it into ToughMelt if you don't mind Kevin?
  30. Offline


    It would be great if someone could figure this out for everyone else. I would hate to lose players on my server because of this, and I would REALLY hate to lose all the work we did just so I can make a new world that isn't being raped by ice and snow, lol. Anything that you guys can do would be greatly appreciated.
  31. Just ran some tests and I seem to be able to stop ice from forming.
    Will wait for Kevin's approval before I build it into ToughMelt :)

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