[MECH] BorderGuard v4.40: #1, Most Efficient Map Limiter [1.7.8]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Intelli, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Offline


    BorderGuard 4.40

    BorderGuard is the MOST efficient Border plugin available!
    100,000+ downloads! Thank you for your support!

    This plugin prevents people from exploring beyond a defined border. This plugin checks for all movement, including vehicle movement, and will keep you within the border even if you remain within a vehicle.

    http://minerealm.com/plugins/borderguard/BorderGuard.jar (v4.40)
    (If you appreciate this plugin, please feel free to leave a comment below. =])

    To set an invisible border:
    /setborder <distance> <square|round> - Set the border, and the distance of the border from your current point. Optionally, also specify if the border is to be square or round.

    To disable the border:
    /disableborder - Remove the border.


    Only the person who first uses the /setborder command can use it again, or remove the border.

    The plugin has multi-world support. When setting a border, you're only setting the border for the world you're presently situated in. You'll need to set a border for each separate world.


    Version History:
    V4.40 - Fixed vehicle teleportation & added Material data support.
    V4.31 - Added a quick fix so that it'll work with the CraftBukkit development build.
    V4.30 - Updated to work with the new Bukkit API (#1846) R5+
    Older Versions (open)

    V4.20 - Fixed it so the save-file no longer becomes corrupted with multiple worlds. Code cleanup.
    V4.11 - Changed getDisplayName() checks to getName().
    V4.10 - Major performance enhancements. Using version 4 is highly discouraged.
    V4.00 - Modified to work with the latest craftbukkit version (953). Older versions no longer work.
    V3.10 - Removed the multi-threading, was causing accuracy issues.
    V3.00 - BorderGuard Turbo! Now works with bukkit 670, and has completely overhauled the base BorderGuard "engine", resulting in a huge performance boost.
    V2.40 - Updated to work with the latest version of bukkit. (602)
    V2.30 - Resolved multi-world issues. Now properly handles multiple worlds.
    V2.20 - Updated to work with the latest version of bukkit. Existing configuration files will no longer work. (Borders must be re-defined).
    V2.10 - Updated to work with the latest version of bukkit. Fixed movement issues with the "round" version.
    V2.00 - Multi-world support, better teleporting, no duplicate warning messages, configuration file now within folder.
    V1.00 - Released plugin.

    1. Using, for example, "/setborder 5", will set the border 5 blocks away from the location you are standing. This would create a border that is 10x10 in size.
    2. For the full plugin, with physical borders and more, take a look here: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mech-borderguard-v2-00-limit-your-map.656/

    Let me know if you have any questions, or find any problems.
    AviciiPL, MrMag518, MiRROW and 23 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Because I don't want to read 12 page of this post. I'm Waiting for the thread update...
  3. Offline


    If someone else sets the border then just open the borderguard file and change the name
  4. Offline


    Its that difficult to go to the last page and see whos reporting what?
    Plugin thread titles rarely update immediately. Most are already compatible with 818# Stop making stupid posts everywhere.
  5. Offline


    Best plugin for borders!!!
  6. Offline


  7. Offline


    How will this be working with Nether dear sir.

    Your plugin is amazing, but I'm just curious how it will work with Nether Portals.

    Is there a way to set a smaller boarder in Nether or the same exact value set for the main world?

  8. Offline


    I'm still in doubt about the methods to check against someone leaving the boarder - it seems it may create some unnecessary lag - I have no methods to check it though without some painful testing.
  9. Offline


    If I want to set a border that is 10,000 big, and I have a nether with standard 1:8 block distance ratio to normal worlds, how big should I make the nether border to ensure people can't go past the border by using the nether?
    and when I make the border in the nether, should it be from the /spawn?
  10. Offline


    Assuming square borders:
    Theoretically, if you made a nether portal at the center of the normal world border, and then as soon as you are sent to the nether make a border slightly less than 1/8 the size of the normal world border (so if you have a 10k normal world border, make the nether border 1200 (50 less than 1/8 the nw border size)), you should be fine, unless I'm missing something in terms of (square) border geometry.
    Additionally, once you've done this, if you want to make absolutely sure everything is good, record the coordinates of the four corners of the normal world border; then, go to one edge of the nether border and make a new portal and go through it. Compare your current coordinates with the recorded values and see if you've passed the border or not. Check multiple edges/corners for further accuracy. If necessary, shrink the nether border a small amount and continue testing until you're unable to hop the borders at any position.

    For circular borders, you'll probably need to increase the error margin of the nether border (from 10k/1200 for square borders to, say, 10k/1100 for circular borders), since it's actually a pseudo-circle.
  11. Offline


  12. Offline


    this seems to be more popular than worldborder, so i would like to apply your borders to my plugin too
    if you could give me a hook to check if a location is in a border or not, i would be very thankfull
  13. Offline


    I need to make a incredibly huge border that goes in a giant square around the map. I have no Idea how many cubes long it is. Is it possible for you to make the border plug in act the same way World Edit does? Where you right click to set one point and left click to set the other? If you could do that for a border, then I would be set. I have a Primordial Desert Map and am trying to get it so people can't get past the bedrock wall.
    Do you have any tips or help for me in fixing my current border problem using the the border plug in provided in it's current state?
  14. Offline


    whatabout using the zan-minimap ? or just pressing F3 to display the coordinates
    yes, its that easy :p
  15. If you use Regios, i guess you could make 4 regions outside the area and set them to expandmax then prevent entry.
  16. Offline


    cords... Tell me how do I make the border go from 1 cord to another, to another, to another, well basically a giant square.
  17. Offline


    walk to one edge, note coords, walk along one side of the future border to the other edge, note coords, walk along another side to the 3rd edge, note coords
    now the difference between 1 and 2 should be the same as 2 and 3, divided by 2 its the radius you have to set
    if point1 and point2 differ only in x-coord then (x from p1 + x from p2) / 2 is the x-coord of the center point, same for y with p2 and p3 or vise versa if otherwise
  18. Offline


    Anyone who has experience with distances for borders? What is a good maximum border amount, 1000,5000,10000 or even more? Server is for about 10-50 persons, people should get the feeling they can explore large parts of the world but should not be infinitely increasing the filesize of the map. Anyone who has already tested a few distances and found a nice distance to work with? Thanks in advance.
  19. Offline


    Depends on what your server can handle, your estimate was 10-50 ... 50 on at a time, I'd go for something over 10,000.

    If it's 10-30 I'd say about 5000x5000 -> 7000x7000 would be sufficient, you can always let your boarder change slowly... That way resources are more prone to be inside the economical cycle.

    First month: 3500x3500: 2nd month @ 7500x7500, @ third month 12500x12500
    RaCooN likes this.
  20. Offline


    Great tips! I haven't even thought about gradually expanding the map, amazing tip! Thanks a lót for the advice :)
  21. Offline


    No permissions to set border? Been having this problem for a couple weeks, and I have every permission and I'm OP...I've checked Borderguard/ and there was no file other than properties, and that only contained the borders.
  22. Offline


    Only the user that sets the border can reset or remove the border, if that user is not you then change it in the properties file
  23. Offline


    Oh. Makes sense, thank you
  24. Offline


    Hey guys! :)
    Just stopping by to let you know this is working great (Borderguard 3.10) on my CB #860!
    Keep up the great work! Much thanks for this plugin.
    Borders are working great. Tested all four corners.
    MrPendulum likes this.
  25. Offline


    Thanks for letting people know. :)
  26. Offline


    Who has the permissions to use those commands? OPs in ops.txt file?

    You should state that in the first post.
  27. Offline


    Read more, skim less?
  28. Offline


    So I'm having an issue on my server now with players making exit portals in the nether. When they portal out to the normal world beyond the border they get stuck in place with nowhere to go, they don't get pushed back to the nearest allowed place. I'm running on build 860 of bukkit
  29. Have you tried adding in a border in your nether an 1/8th of the normal world?
  30. Offline


    I suppose I could try that, but then I would end up with an area of 125 by 125 in the nether. I might just not do anything about it about since my players can escape by using /spawn
  31. Offline


    Hey, Any way you can add a command to this to trim off all chunks outside the border? I have some extraneous stuff that i'd like to get rid of and it's WAY too much for mcedit.
    AS1LV3RN1NJA likes this.

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