Inactive [MECH][ADMIN] bZone v1.3.3 - Simple zone control [1.2.3-R0.1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Brad811, May 1, 2011.

  1. Offline


    bZone - simple zone control
    Download: bZone BukkitDev IMPORTANT: The creatures section of the config file now controls which creatures can NOT spawn inside the zone!
    If you like the work I've done, or would like to see more features and improvements, please consider donating!
    Version: v1.3.4

    OzRavenheart - $10
    JemiloII - $5

    • customizable zones
    • control which creatures can spawn in each zone
    • control who has rights in each zone
    • multi-world support
    • healing
    • build protection
    • chest protection
    • fire protection
    • explosion protection
    • wilderness control
    • custom messages upon entering zones
    • custom messages upon protection actions
    Known Issues:

    • you can place doors and one or two other items in build protected zones
    Try it out!

    /zone - tells the player which zone they are currently in

    Define your zones like in the included example zones.yml file. Anything outside of all known zones is the wilderness, and is protected.

    YML settings explained:
    __[zone name or zone owner's player handle]: if a player has the zone's name as their minecraft name, they will have rights in this zone
    ____world: [world name] which world this zone is in
    ____enterMsg: [message] OPTIONAL, message to player upon entering zone
    ____min: [x,y,z] minimum coordinates of the zone (bottom left corner of your zone, basically)
    ____max: [x,y,z] minimum coordinates of the zone (top right corner)
    ____healing: [true/false] whether this zone should heal players while they are in it
    ____pvp: [true/false] whether this zone is pvp or not
    ____players: other player that have rights in this zone
    ______- 'playername1'
    ______- 'playername2'
    ____creatures: list of creatures NOT allowed to spawn in this zone
    ______build: [true/false] OR [true/false],[msg] whether other players can build in this zone (if not owner and not listed in players list)
    ______explosion: [true/false] OR [true/false],[msg] whether explosions are cancelled in this zone
    ______chest: [true/false] OR [true/false],[msg] whether other players can open chests in this zone or not
    ______fire: [true/false] OR [true/false],[msg] whether fire is cancelled in this zone or not

    Wilderness Control:
    The wilderness can be controlled by a zone named "wilderness" in the config file.
    The only differences are that it has no min or max coordinates and has the property hurting instead of healing, which sets whether players will be damaged while in the wilderness. Players listed in the players section of the wilderness will not be harmed while in the wilderness, and will have rights in the wilderness.

    • Added pvp option
    • Added optional customized messages upon entering zones
    • Added optional customized messages upon protection actions
    • Changed from creatures allowed to spawn, to creatures not allowed to spawn
    • Now protects against placing water and lava
    • Simplified coordinates input (automatically fixes out-of-order coordinates)
    • Wilderness options added
    • Initial release!
    rameil and megaman0122 like this.
  2. Offline


    I cant get this plugin to work :( what is wrong?
            world: world
            enterMsg: Welcome to [zone]!
            healing: true
            pvp: true
            players: # players with privileges in this zone
                - 'tommyriska'
            creatures: # creatures NOT allowed to spawn in this zone
                - 'spider'
                - 'slime'
                - 'creeper'
                - 'pigzombie'
                build: true,You must register on our forums to build here!
                explosion: false
                chest: true,Hey hey no stealing!
                fire: false
  3. Offline


    to above, the messages after build and chest?

    Only add ingame commands (especially defining a zone) and you got me hooked!
  4. Offline


    How can I make it so that when I set building protection to true it won't display a message. Everytime it says Zone Spawn has build protection. But I already have permissions and I don't want to have 2 messages spammed at my users.

    Also how can I disable wilderness? I don't want to make a zone for everywhere on my server (Its a city), So when I leave lets say the hospital I don't want it to say anything and I don't want it to override permissions, because right now people can build on the roads and such yet Permissions can't block it because of the override.
  5. Offline


    Hey, Sorry to be pushy but I really want this plugin, it is simple and exactly what I am looking for but the only thing it is missing is what I suggested earlier, could you please add those features? If not may I have permission to add them myself?
  6. Offline


    Would there be anyway to incorporate this plugin with permissions? So that a player would change their permissions group when they enter an area?
  7. Offline


    please do that i cant work with out markers and what you are going to add PLEASE
  8. is bzone already working with craftbukkit rev 1000 (for 1.7.3) ?
  9. Offline


    yes it works but it causes creepers to stop working
    for me i noticed that if i have explosion block true then creepers never explode, just follow you around looking at you, if its false they dont explode either, but they dissapear when you get close to them (as if exploded) but dont deal any damage nor does it damage blocks

    please fix this, i want creepers to explode but not damage world
  10. Offline


    How woould you make a cube like object zone?

    EDIT: Is there any tutorial videos?
  11. Offline


    Can you add in game commands for zone creation?
  12. Offline


    Is this bZone 1.33 even compatable with the MC build 1.7.3 because Bukkit says it has loaded everythign properly but all I ever get is wilderness even after I had removed the wilderness section of code in the .YML file.
    Here is my settings as of now, hopefully someone can enlighten me to what the problem is:

    Provence of Terridan:
    world: 4
    enterMsg: Welcome to [zone]!
    min: -484,0,369
    max: -386,128,324
    healing: true
    pvp: true
    players: # players with privileges in this zone
    - 'Mark'
    creatures: # creatures NOT allowed to spawn in this zone
    - 'spider'
    - 'slime'
    - 'creeper'
    - 'pigzombie'
    build: true,You must register on our forums to build here!
    explosion: false
    chest: true,Hey hey no stealing!
    fire: false
    world: 4_nether
    min: -200,0,-200
    max: 200,128,200
    healing: false
    pvp: true
    - 'notch'
    build: true
    explosion: false
    chest: false
    fire: false
    wilderness number 2 yo:
    world: 4_nether
    hurting: true
    pvp: true
    - 'some_guy'
    - 'ghast'
    build: false
    explosion: false
    chest: true
    fire: false

    Ya only thing that works for me is the wilderness I have had it working perfectly before the last 1.7.3 update but now the bukkit says it has loaded everything successively but there is only wilderness in game...
  13. Offline


    Is there a video of how this works? Does this plugin work with 1060/1080
  14. Offline


    First of all I would just like to say thanks for creating such a great mod. This is so mush simpler than stuff like WorldGuard which I find horribly bloated. Second I would like to report an incompatibility with the Spout server side mod. After breaking a block in a protected zone the client is kicked with the message 'Internal server error'. The server console also displays the following:
    [WARNING] Failed to handle packet: java.lang.NullPointerException
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.TextWrapper.wrapText(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.sendPacket(
            at org.getspout.spout.SpoutNetServerHandler.syncedSendPacket(
            at org.getspout.spout.SpoutNetServerHandler.syncFlushPacketQueue(
            at org.getspout.spout.SpoutNetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    I don't know if it is your mod or theirs but it is an incompatibility either way.
  15. Offline


    I have an issue with coordinates. I want a no building zone at 177, 68, 193.

    So I put in the coordinates:
    min: 176,0,192
    max: 178,100,194

    But it still doesn't work?
    Am I over looking something?
  16. Offline

    Drei Gyuu

    Hi is this zone going to be updated? I really love being able to select which mobs can spawn on a certain area.
    Question tho, if I have my mob spawn off in my server config. will the flag overide it so I can spawn the animals inside that certain area or zone?
  17. Offline


    Hi, what am I doing wrong?

    The Hub Town & wilderness works the way I want but not The Bank...

        The Hub Town:
            world: world
            enterMsg: Welcome to [zone]!
            min: -543,20,-306
            max: -458,128,-140
            healing: false
            pvp: false
            players: # players with privileges in this zone
                - 'Macky_San'
            creatures: # creatures NOT allowed to spawn in this zone
                - 'spider'
                - 'slime'
                - 'creeper'
                - 'pigzombie'
                build: true,You can't build in the Hub
                explosion: true
                chest: false
                fire: true
        The Bank:
            world: world
            enterMsg: Entering the Bank Area
            min: -512,0,-318
            max: -474,128,-353
            healing: false
            pvp: false
            players: # players with privileges in this zone
                - 'Macky_San'
                - 'ArtemisXP'
            creatures: # creatures NOT allowed to spawn in this zone
                - 'spider'
                - 'slime'
                - 'creeper'
                - 'pigzombie'
                build: true
                explosion: true
                chest: false
                fire: true
            world: world
            enterMsg: You are leaving a zone
            hurting: false
            pvp: true
                build: false
                explosion: false
                chest: false
                fire: false
  18. Offline


    i know im a little late but i love this plugin so much and id be willing to test if you still need help!
  19. Offline


    Where is the Permission Nodes?
  20. Offline


    The plugin is great and simple(unlike the other zone plugins ;D) but whenever i run it says "Is the plugin up to date?" Can you fix it or update the plugin because all the other zone plugins are not simple.

    bzone bug.PNG
  21. i agree, bzone is simple and fully usable.
    i wish could be upgraded too.

    permission nodes to do what ? all the config is done by editing the files ...

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  22. Offline


    Is it possible to have multiple wilderness areas? I mean as in one for the overworld, one for the nether, one for the end? I tried to, but it only counted one of them and ignored the others. Thanks.
  23. Offline


    This plugin broke! Please update! >.<
  24. Offline


    You know, I'd kind of like to start updating my plugins again. I've been away from bukkit for a while. I've been watching it, and playing lots of minecraft, and using bukkit, but haven't been developing with it for a while.

    Well... who wants to help me catch up? haha
    What permissions are people using these days? PermissionsEx? A whole bunch of different ones? I'd hate to have to write code for each permissions plugin out there.
    It seems the norm is to move your plugins to BukkitDev now.
    Anything else I'm forgetting?

    Is this particular plugin worth updating?

    Thanks! I'll try to roll out compatibility updates ASAP.
  25. Offline


    Brad811 Use vault, supports most all permissions providers, also, I know that feel. I Came back recently and I was all, "What happend to theyeti's Permissions 2.x ?" now its all bPermissions, PEX, and PermissionsBukkit....
  26. Offline


    Keep the Plugin Simple, use a permissions such as SuperPerms (PermissionsBukkit). Also, an Update would be extremely nice, this is so much easier to use than any other regions / zones plugin!
  27. Offline


    Amazing plugin!!
    Only it is not working on my server :-(
    The zones I make in the zones.yml, are not working, also the command '/zone' is not working. I think the whole plugin is not working...)

    I get the following startup error:

    2012-04-14 14:57:28 [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins/bZone.jar' in folder 'plugins'
    org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityListener
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.<init>(
    at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.<init>(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityListener
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
    at Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at com.bradsproject.BradleyJewell.bZone.bZone.<init>(
    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
    ... 8 more
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityListener
    at Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    ... 26 more
  28. You use a plugins that is compatible with build 953 (we are at build 2160ish ...) and you wonder yourself why you get some error at startup ?

    Here is a tips : don't admin bukkit server.
  29. Offline


    O, sorry :)
    I did not see that...
    Could you please update this plugin??
    This is much better a the other zone plugins...
  30. Offline


    Haha, thanks! Sure, I'll see what I can do. Well for the mean time, here's the latest:
  31. Offline


    Ok, Thanks! ;):p

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