Inactive [MECH][ADMIN] bZone v1.3.3 - Simple zone control [1.2.3-R0.1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Brad811, May 1, 2011.

  1. Offline


    bZone - simple zone control
    Download: bZone BukkitDev IMPORTANT: The creatures section of the config file now controls which creatures can NOT spawn inside the zone!
    If you like the work I've done, or would like to see more features and improvements, please consider donating!
    Version: v1.3.4

    OzRavenheart - $10
    JemiloII - $5

    • customizable zones
    • control which creatures can spawn in each zone
    • control who has rights in each zone
    • multi-world support
    • healing
    • build protection
    • chest protection
    • fire protection
    • explosion protection
    • wilderness control
    • custom messages upon entering zones
    • custom messages upon protection actions
    Known Issues:

    • you can place doors and one or two other items in build protected zones
    Try it out!

    /zone - tells the player which zone they are currently in

    Define your zones like in the included example zones.yml file. Anything outside of all known zones is the wilderness, and is protected.

    YML settings explained:
    __[zone name or zone owner's player handle]: if a player has the zone's name as their minecraft name, they will have rights in this zone
    ____world: [world name] which world this zone is in
    ____enterMsg: [message] OPTIONAL, message to player upon entering zone
    ____min: [x,y,z] minimum coordinates of the zone (bottom left corner of your zone, basically)
    ____max: [x,y,z] minimum coordinates of the zone (top right corner)
    ____healing: [true/false] whether this zone should heal players while they are in it
    ____pvp: [true/false] whether this zone is pvp or not
    ____players: other player that have rights in this zone
    ______- 'playername1'
    ______- 'playername2'
    ____creatures: list of creatures NOT allowed to spawn in this zone
    ______build: [true/false] OR [true/false],[msg] whether other players can build in this zone (if not owner and not listed in players list)
    ______explosion: [true/false] OR [true/false],[msg] whether explosions are cancelled in this zone
    ______chest: [true/false] OR [true/false],[msg] whether other players can open chests in this zone or not
    ______fire: [true/false] OR [true/false],[msg] whether fire is cancelled in this zone or not

    Wilderness Control:
    The wilderness can be controlled by a zone named "wilderness" in the config file.
    The only differences are that it has no min or max coordinates and has the property hurting instead of healing, which sets whether players will be damaged while in the wilderness. Players listed in the players section of the wilderness will not be harmed while in the wilderness, and will have rights in the wilderness.

    • Added pvp option
    • Added optional customized messages upon entering zones
    • Added optional customized messages upon protection actions
    • Changed from creatures allowed to spawn, to creatures not allowed to spawn
    • Now protects against placing water and lava
    • Simplified coordinates input (automatically fixes out-of-order coordinates)
    • Wilderness options added
    • Initial release!
    rameil and megaman0122 like this.
  2. Offline


    Hello everyone,

    I have a bukkit server running for my friends and famaly.
    Now i sure am very interested in this plugin, but i encounter a few problems.
    I used the following settings in the conf file:
    world: CraftTown
    enterMsg: Welcome to The Portal Zone!
    min: 38,63,55
    max: 29,63,82
    healing: true
    pvp: false
    players: # players with privileges in this zone
    - 'Disaster1411'
    creatures: # creatures NOT allowed to spawn in this zone
    - 'spider'
    - 'slime'
    - 'creeper'
    - 'pigzombie'
    build: true, Only a Portal Manager can build here
    explosion: true
    chest: false
    fire: true

    At startup the plugin loads fully functional with no errors.
    Then when i enter that area i gave up the server starts to send out these lines:
    18:40:14 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_MOVE to bZonejava.lang.NullPointerException
    at com.bradsproject.BradleyJewell.bZone.bZonePlayerListener.onPlayerMove(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet10Flying.a(SourceFile:126)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(

    Now i admit i'm no genious in Java..
    so please if you can help me.
  3. Offline


    I think this is happening because you don't have a wilderness defined. I think you shouldn't have to define a wilderness if you just want default behavior, so I'll see if I can fix this real quick.
    Oh, and I see your zone goes from Y=63 to Y=63, so it's zero blocks high. You may want to fix this!

    There, updated to 1.3.1
  4. Offline


    ok, i downloadet that version, thank you.
    now i changed the conf file again.
    here are the lines:
    world: CraftTown
    enterMsg: Welcome to The Portal Zone!
    min: 38,63,55
    max: 29,71,82
    healing: true
    pvp: false
    players: # players with privileges in this zone
    - 'Disaster1411'
    creatures: # creatures NOT allowed to spawn in this zone
    - 'spider'
    - 'slime'
    - 'creeper'
    - 'pigzombie'
    build: true, Only a Portal Manager can build here
    explosion: true
    chest: false
    fire: true
    world: CraftTown
    hurting: false
    pvp: false
    - 'Disaster1411'
    build: false
    explosion: false
    chest: false
    fire: false

    now the server gives no more errors, atleast that is good.
    but when i enter the zone i defined:
    min: 38,63,55
    max: 29,71,82
    I type in this zone:
    and it replys to me with:
    you are in the wilderness.

    is there somting im not doing right with the coords ?
    when i check my coords, i pres F3.
  5. Offline


    Can you post your yml file inside code tags?
    Like this
    Is CraftTown the name of your world? Like is that the folder name on your server?
  6. Offline


    yes sry for that,

    On the D:\ drive on my server is the following map:
    inside this map are the server files from bukkit.
    then i have a map called:
    Then you have the plugins folder.
    with inside the Jars and folders with yml files:
    And the code in the bZone yml file.
            world: CraftTown
            enterMsg: Welcome to The Portal Zone!
            min: 38,63,55
            max: 29,71,82
            healing: true
            pvp: false
            players: # players with privileges in this zone
                - 'Disaster1411'
            creatures: # creatures NOT allowed to spawn in this zone
                - 'spider'
                - 'slime'
                - 'creeper'
                - 'pigzombie'
                build: true, Only a Portal Manager can build here
                explosion: true
                chest: false
                fire: true
            world: CraftTown
            hurting: false
            pvp: false
                - 'Disaster1411'
                build: false
                explosion: false
                chest: false
                fire: false
  7. Offline


    I had a similar problem when I modified the config and made a safe zone for the spawn area. I then expanded my coordinates so that there were at least 20 blocks in all directions and it worked.

    so my original was
    min: -8,65,-10
    max: 4,80,10

    I changed it to: as the code below
    And it worked.
    Oh, I also placed this smaller zone above the default zone in the yml

            world: bathira
            enterMsg: Welcome to [zone]!
            min: -18,60,-5
            max: 18,80,15
            healing: true
            pvp: false
            players: # players with privileges in this zone
                - 'Da0'
            creatures: # creatures NOT allowed to spawn in this zone
                - 'spider'
                - 'slime'
                - 'creeper'
                - 'pigzombie'
                build: true,You cannot build here!
                explosion: true,The oxygen is to thin here.
                chest: true,Hey hey no stealing!
                fire: true,Your flame is quickly extinguished.
            world: bathira
            enterMsg: Welcome to [zone]!
            min: -100,0,-50
            max: 200,128,150
            healing: true
            pvp: true
            players: # players with privileges in this zone
                - 'Da0'
            creatures: # creatures NOT allowed to spawn in this zone
                - 'spider'
                - 'slime'
                - 'creeper'
                - 'pigzombie'
                build: false
                explosion: false
                chest: false,The chest is unlocked!
                fire: false
    Also, in the other versions chest protection did not work for me, I have not yet tested it in this version.
  8. Offline


    hey everyone,

    I wanted to say thanks for the support, with a little wigle and wagling with the coords and the new version 1.3.1.
    i finally got it to work.

    Good job and nice mod man, keep up the work !
    But tough i agree on one thing, to set the coords to a correct size is a pain in the ass <--- sry bad language...
    So if i may make a suggestion, try use a Wooden Axe to set the coords for the protection of a zone.

    any way thanks for the support and i sure am looking forward to updates =D

  9. Offline


    Hey, sorry, but good you please address my above post? Thank you.
  10. Offline


    Hey again,

    You might want to look into this.. :)
    I do not know if i'm the only one with this problem tough, just see no one els posting it..

  11. Offline


    Hm, well I'm not sure why that was happening! But I just updated to 1.3.2, so that may fix it, and if not, it oughta give me a more clear line that the error is appearing on. So lemme know if it happens again using 1.3.2!

    ...1.3.2 BTW guys! Should fix chest protection.
  12. Offline


    Yay, 1.3.2 really does fix chest protection!
    I have one more bug report for you. For some reason, I can't get my zones to work without typing messages upon protection actions. So
    build: true
    won't protect my zones against building, but
    build: true,Bla bla bla
    would protect them. Same problem is for all protection options.
    If you could please look at that. :)
    Thanks, Forest.
  13. Offline


    dude this is my favorite plugin! :D this makes my pvp server fun for both the creative types and the pvp guys too! thanks for making it!
  14. Offline


    Ok I'll explore those features

    Updated to 1.3.3, this should fix that.
  15. Offline


    hey I just noticed whenever I left click on anything or anywhere in any zone or in wilderness it gives me this big ERROR message:

    2011-07-05 11:22:13 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_INTERACT to bZone
    at com.bradsproject.BradleyJewell.bZone.bZonePlayerListener.onPlayerInteract(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEvent(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEvent(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet18ArmAnimation.a(SourceFile:35)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(

    I do not think I did anything wrong in config... here is an example:

    Megaman0122s house:
    world: Survivalist
    enterMsg: Welcome to Megaman0122s house!
    min: -32,0,-286
    max: -18,90,-272
    healing: true
    pvp: false
    - 'megaman0122'
    - 'spider'
    - 'slime'
    - 'creeper'
    - 'pigzombie'
    - 'zombie'
    - 'skeleton'
    build: true,You can not build in my house!
    explosion: true
    chest: true,<Megaman0122> STOP THIEF!!!
    fire: true

    please let me know if there is anything wrong right away thank you :)
  16. Offline


    Are you using bZone 1.3.3? I just fixed this bug (a few minutes ago really) so if you update it oughta be fixed.
  17. Offline


    Okay, Thank you very much!
  18. Offline


    thanks I just downloaded the new update! it works great thanks!

    (nevermind... now I found out that no one can hurt eachother in any zone I have certain zones set to no pvp and the wilderness has pvp but no one can hurt eachother in the wilderness :(
  19. Offline


    Ok, I'll look into this. Is PVP turned on in your server config?
  20. Offline


    Wonderful! this plugin works wonders for me. It was exactly what I needed to protect my spawn point from PvP in a PvP server. Thanks for the great plugin, keep up the good work! =D
  21. Offline


    Suggestion: Is it possible to make it so you can set a zone to hurting, but if you have a certain item you do not get hurt. For instance with Leather Chest armor or if you have a certain item in your inventory or whatever.
  22. Offline


    Could you possibly add compatibility with Factions? It works great for protecting my spawn, but once I noticed it was blocking creeper and TNT explosions (I never defined the wilderness properties) I added the wilderness option. When I have build protection as false, or no build protection defined, players can build but not destroy in enemy's territory. I've narrowed it down to this plugin. Is it possible for you to add some compatibility?

    Edit: This is for all build protection settings, including true. Players can still build anywhere. Including non faction areas.
  23. Offline


    yes pvp is turned on in the server config. I only have simple saves plugin and giveto plugin besides yours.
  24. Offline


    Wow, great plugin, congratulations!

    There is only one small thing that keeps it from being absolutely perfect: I have a config file that changes rather frequently and having to do /reload all the time is not very fast (+ it keeps reconnecting craftirc and keeps the auto backup from doing any backups since it wont get to a full hour). So i would like to ask you if you could please add a command to reload the config or make it reloadable with plugman (it seems to reread the config when doing /plugman reload bZone but sadly doesnt seem to forget about the old entries)? Either of these would be just great. Hope thats possible and thanks alot :)
  25. Any chance you could allow it to save whilst the server is on?

    It says it's in use when I try to save with the server on.

    The plugin bZone doesn't seem to work with Dreamlands. I don't know if it's your plugin or theirs, I've let you both know :p

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  26. Offline


    Ok.. so my problem is that i dont get it to work.... What do i do wrong here? it says i´m in wilderness all the time... :(

            world: world
            enterMsg: Welcome to [zone]!
            healing: true
            pvp: true
            players: # players with privileges in this zone
                - 'tommyriska'
            creatures: # creatures NOT allowed to spawn in this zone
                - 'spider'
                - 'slime'
                - 'creeper'
                - 'pigzombie'
                build: true,You must register on our forums to build here!
                explosion: false
                chest: true,Hey hey no stealing!
                fire: false
  27. Offline


    tommyriska, your y coordinates, 68 and 68, make it so you have to be a 1x1 cube in order to be in your zone. Change the min to 0, and the max to 128.
  28. Offline


    Still not working.....
  29. Offline


    I'm looking for a mod that can allow my guests to build in a created zone, but not anywhere else. Would I be able to assign all guests(via GroupManager) to be able to build in a certain zone or would I have to type them on a per-name basis?
  30. Offline


    If you just turn build protection off in a zone, anyone can build in it, if that's what you mean.

    I want y'all to know I haven't forgotten about y'all! I have been violently attacked by school and work, haha.
    Also, it would help a lot if I had some way to get help with testing my plugins as I develop them. If anyone would like to help with this or has a viable solution to this, please let me know!
  31. Offline


    That is sort of what I mean. I'll download it it and try it, but I just meant can turning protection off override build settings in GroupManager?

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