AbsorbChests v0.1 - Chests that absorb items!This bukkit plugin grants the ability to let powered chests absorb items that fall or are thrown on top of them. It is very useful in automating devices like reed farms, cactus farms and other contraptions. Features: Powered Chests absorb items that are on top of them -Need suggestions- BukkitDev Page ChangeLog: v0.1 First Release - 1.2.3-R0.2: Contains the first release of AbsorbChests with chests that absorb items in any world if they are powered and the items fall on top of them. Downloads: - BukkitDev Downloads Page v0.1 First Release - 1.2.3-R0.2
Oh, but it is. In that picture dispensers are putting the items into the water, which then fall on the chest. Any way will work, they just need tk be on the chest.
Couple of things that would be good. 1) To specifiy a radius that the chest works in. 2) To allow it to only pull in certain items. 3) To notify when it is full. 4) To make it push certain items to storage minecarts while they're nearby - so a farm can be made that moves things from place to place. Good plugin, keep up the good work.