[MCCoD] Minecraft Call of Duty - NEED DEVELOPER!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by zecheesy, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Well when you put it that way, what's the point of ANYONE making plugins? They do it to learn, have fun, explore new language... They don't do it for the money -__-
    MrBluebear3, np98765 and Woobie like this.
  2. Offline


    Still need a dev!!!!

    Still need a dev..

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
  3. Offline


    Might Develop This....

    On The Other Hand Might Release Publicly...

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
  4. Offline


    Still need a developer
    ahmet says he is no longer developing this!
  5. I'm developing a similar plugin, but most likely it will not be private.
  6. Offline


    perhaps you can add me on skype
    and we can discuss this..
    I'm willing to grant you some reward if you keep this private

    Still need a dev.
    please add icheesiest on skype :)

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
  7. Offline


    Calm your tits, I'm working on this.
  8. Offline


    How come you want this to be private????
  9. Offline


    He wants something special for his server!!!!
  10. becuz he rlly piky und dunt wnt anyone to uze it, becuz he'z to coolz fro scchool

    did i dun goof? Want me to translate it? goobyplz
  11. Offline


    To answer your question on the front page (why no one has taken this up)... Well, personally, I think it's the whole "private plugin" idea. Some developers are absolutely fine with this idea, but many (I believe) are not -- If they spend days slaving over a plugin (and this certainly isn't a two-second creation), I'd think that they would want to show off their masterpiece.

    Would the developer be allowed to use this for their server? It may not compensate for the amount of work, but I'm just curious.

    Also, I'm sorry that <insert name here> (I forgot, too lazy to page through up and look) has taken the idea. While not technically against the rules, I find that a bit immoral. This is exactly the reason why people are afraid to post their ideas for private plugins on here.

    Anyways, good luck with a developer. :)
  12. Offline


    it's gooby pls you noob.
  13. That's the reason im not sure if i would keep it private. Its hard to make such a big plugin.
  14. Offline


    I guess, but when you really see what you need to do, it doesn't take much.
    Could you add me on skype?
  15. sumeoune iz offtopic ^-^
  16. Offline


    Very true. That's the reason why I am hesitant in making this.

    I will pick up development. However, you seem snobbish in keeping this private. For doing all this work, I get nothing for doing it? No popularity? Not being known for making it? If I can't release this to the public, I probably will not bother with doing this.
    EDIT: How about I make a public version, but for you I'll add some extra stuff.
    EDIT #2: Also, what if your server isn't known at all? Then this whole thing is just going to be a terrible failed idea. If that's the case, I will not bother to update to new versions of minecraft.

    I'll work on it, but if this is what you're looking for, I'll cease developing. http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/call-duty-mc-minecraft/

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
  17. Offline


    You could make the stick shoot multiple arrows like a shotty :D
  18. Offline


    Oh btw, I'm almost done :D
    Busy coding another quite big plugin for him, so still not done :p
  19. Offline


    If you're hoping for me to finish this, which won't happen unless you change your "rules", I highly recommend you to not be so greedy. I don't give a *insert word here* about 1000 servers having this. Besides, how am I to be sure if you're going to get dedicated servers? For all I can be sure of, maybe you're going to put it on bukkitdev and claim it's yours!

    Well, If you're working on this, I'll just finish up what I'm doing and put it to the public. Zecheesy, hopefully what I made was different from Woobie's.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
  20. Offline


    If you're not going to make it, why post? You are just spamming...
  21. Offline


    I'm already 3/4 done... why should I stop?
    Can you get off my back now?
    zecheesy likes this.
  22. Offline


    I never said you should stop...
  23. Offline


    Add icheesiest on skype :D
    I'm so grateful of your actions.
    So many people decide to 'make' this, but quit out.
  24. Offline


    sent request...
  25. Offline


    Ive finished guns if
    i finished automatic gun. Rocket launcher, flamethrower, and grenades if he wants them
  26. Offline


    I want! PM me!
  27. Offline


    knew it. here we go... let me compile it...
    still working on it but here's the things so far:
    NOTE: the weps do need their bullets and the bullets do subtract by 1 every time you shoot but the inv does not update so just pick up the bullet in your inventory and drop it back down to see the real value
    Stone shovel: automatic gun, requires snowballs to shoot
    Golden shovel: rocket launcher, requires eggs
    Iron shovel: flamethrower, require fire blocks to shoot (ID: 51)
    Coal: grenades, require coal to shoot

    to do list:
    - make delay for not spamming everything
    zecheesy likes this.
  28. Offline


    So... who exactly are you going to have give you the plugin?
  29. Offline


    you want the version right now? sure. not everything works tho. anyways, when you shoot, the bullets will appear to remain there, but they actually are gone because the inventory does not update but the bullets does go down.
    EDIT: editing sniper to shoot 3 rounds at same time to do more damage

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