[MCCoD] Minecraft Call of Duty - NEED DEVELOPER!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by zecheesy, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. Offline


    I like it being automatic! That's exactly why I requested this plugin lol.
    You should get SurvivalGames or something then..
  2. Offline


    Being automatic? That's exactly what I'm suggesting. How is banning a player until a round is over automatic?

    To clarify, I'm saying players shouldn't be kicked from a server while waiting for a game to end, instead they should be teleported to a lobby while waiting, in which they could be TP'd automatically to whichever spawn point needed.
  3. @JjPwN1 okay, I know how to do the thing with the arrows etc.^^
    I could delete the projects on my github.. they aren't important.
    So if you don't mind we could use mine and I'll add you to this project.
    You know how to use the native github program?
  4. Offline


    Well, when a new game/round starts, a player that was banned can join anytime during that new game. Although, I like the lobby idea. Yet again, I want MCCOD to be as original as possible. A lot of automated servers and arena plugins have a sort of lobby type ordeal. But, I suppose a lobby isn't really that big of a deal - I'll start coding it when I get the motivation. Coding big plugins is really boring at times... and frustrating.
    TwistedMexi and Woobie like this.
  5. I could do the thing with Lobbies, it isn't that much to do^^
  6. Offline


    Use your Bukkit page?
  7. Offline


    I'm not suggesting this for my interests, just a general suggestion. At the very basic level I'm just wondering why manual-respawn(player rejoining) vs fully automatic(lobby and TP)
  8. Which Bukkit Page do you mean?
  9. Offline


    I am confuzzled. Are we using my BukkitDev page? I don't know how to set up a Github thing, so I'll need help with that.

    I am going to go eat right now. Won't be back till' maybe an hour or two. The wait at Chuy's is really long
  10. Yeah, in my "offline version" I implemented a lot of things.. Lobby, XP-Bar as timer [ if Timeout is enabled (configurable timer)], signs in the lobby and if a player hits the ready-sign, he will be put in a queue and after that it'll check if there are enough players [configurable] in the queue etc. sry for my bad english :p

    Okay, I've already a github page, so no need for another one then, if you don't know how to set up one^^
    Yeah, doesn't really matter, you can add me to the project on devBukkit;
    Would be nice, if you could send me the source code before you go^^

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
    TwistedMexi likes this.
  11. planning grenades for the plugin?
  12. Offline


    That's why you make your own plugin request? I'm not trying to be rude, but I like it how it is.

    EDIT: ahmed, add icheesiest on skype please :)
  13. Offline


    As I said, I have no interest in this type of plug-in, and if I did I would just work on it myself. Not being rude, but it was just a suggestion in case you hadn't thought of it. I still don't understand what you meant by you liking it automatic though, it's as if you're agreeing with me?
  14. Offline


    Okay, sorry.
    Perhaps there could be an option on the config.

    Looking for a new developer that can can develop and give me the plugin:
    JJpwn1 decided to quit.


    He made the plugin then decided he wanted it for himself.
    Why did he even agree to do the plugin then? It's not fair and I've never seen any member of the Bukkit community do this.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
  15. Offline


    :| It's a risk when you expose your ideas here I suppose, but first I've ever heard of someone having the audacity to do so.
    zecheesy likes this.
  16. Offline


    Well, he is the one who is even attempting to create it. If you want the plugin so bad, then learn java and make it yourself.
  17. Offline


    Thats why when you patent an idea, and another company makes it before you they lose in court, right?

    Ethically it's wrong. Even though he has the technical know-how, this concept came from zecheesy. It's not ok to just take that and say "Cool idea. I'll help. Just kidding, it's mine." He should at least give a copy of the plug-in to cheesy since that's where this entire idea came from.
    JazzaG likes this.
  18. Offline


    Thanks, I asked him about this and he didn't respond.
  19. Offline


    Okay well, JjPwN1 is a duck, so i can continue doing this.
  20. Lol, he continued working on the code I published here..

    I'll add you on skype, but I don't have the nerves to do all the work again on my own..
    Maybe we could work together Woobie?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
  21. Offline


    Sure, but i dont know how much i can do.. i've accepted lots of requests.. maybe that wasnt a good idea.
  22. You remember our discussion about accepting a lot of requests? :p
    Woobie likes this.
  23. Offline


    @JjPwN1 lol he is monopolizing someones elses idea, where have I seen that before...
    I was looking forward to add this to my friends server aswell...
  24. Offline


    Could you list all the features you've already done, and the things you are going to do?
    Also do you have skype?
  25. ^Sure, add me ahmet.acikel2
    I've almost everything essential, but it needs a few hours more to complete it and everything is still in 1 class, because somehow I got NPEs, while refering to a method in another class..
  26. Offline


    I would say it is a dick move to do, if the plugin was something small or not as big as the one you requested. The amount of time going into just making it and providing a stable version takes a lot, and then he would have to maintain it after. You could of tried offering money to try and compensate for the amount of work and effort put into this.
    chakyl likes this.
  27. Offline


    Monetary offers arent allowed.
    TwistedMexi likes this.
  28. Offline


    Correct, but that is on here. He could've offered it through another form of messaging.
  29. Offline


    The size of an idea does not make it more legal in a court of law to steal a patented idea. While this isn't a court and his idea wasn't patented, it's nevertheless in very bad taste. If he doesn't want to continue supporting it, understandable. That's not the same as what he did. He said good idea, I'll work on it. Then kept it for himself. He obviously has no problem supporting it.
  30. Offline


    Fair enough, but it's like this whole ordeal is like telling someone to go do something, pretty extensive, all for nothing. It's like someone telling an architect to go build them a house, and the architect gets nothing. Does that make sense?

    Anyways, this is completely off topic with the thread so I will stop posting now.

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