How can I make item lore not in italics? Here's my code and it makes the text decoration italic by default. Code: player = (Player) sender; ItemStack itemStack = new ItemStack(Material.IRON_HOE); ItemMeta meta = itemStack.getItemMeta(); List<TextComponent> lore = new ArrayList<>(); lore.add(Component.text("Test", NamedTextColor.GRAY)); meta.lore(lore); itemStack.setItemMeta(meta); player.getInventory().addItem(itemStack); Result:
@Smeary_Subset The standard way is to use the '§r' color code to reset the format. For the Adventure API, I believe that would be toggling the italic state using ComponentBuilder#decoration(TextDecoration.ITALIC, false).
Yes. Paper makes use of the Adventure API natively. The Adventure API is what provides you with Component and such.
Got it, thanks! Always wondered why the packages had Adventure in their name. Also, you're solution worked. Thank you