I included the source there (so that people could see it was possible). Modify it! Add more listeners! Add different commands! It's all yours folks, I didn't even put it on dev.bukkit.org - you can! Just credit me as the original author of the code and you're all good.
I'll look up how It's just that I'm a senior in high school working on college apps and I don't have too much time for Java; still, this plugin seems pretty unique, I'll look for something. Thanks for the work!
I think I will make it. EDIT: Made it, now creating a project in bukkitDev. Took long to create the actual project page. Here's the link: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/sky-changer/. I fixed bugs and made it easier to use. The bugs involved: Loose dimension on respawn. Make all player inventory invisible on change. (You had to somehow update it manually). If you were flying on change, then you would start falling. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.