Looking for a Mentor

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Entellex, Mar 14, 2012.

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    I run my own server and I have been running it for around a month now. I want to be able to create custom plugins for my server so I decided to start learning some Java. I have learned and understand the basics of Java, etc. So now it is time to move on to creating simple, basic plugins. I am looking for a experienced Java Programmer / Plugin Developer to be my mentor. No you don't have to baby sit me, I just need someone that can help me get started and help me understand what I need to do or know to start developing plugins. I need someone who will train/teach me and pass down their knowledge to me. I need someone who can set a basic foundation for me and show me the most important things for developing plugins. I don't need someone who will ONLY constantly send me to tutorial links, simply because I have been looking at most of them already. If you're looking for money, sorry that I cannot do as all the money I gain goes towards the server's bills and upgrades. If you're interested in becoming part of the server's community, then that can be done as appreciation. If you're interested in helping me out, please reply or contact me.

    Contact Information:
    - Skype: Entellex
    - MSN/Email: [email protected]

    Server Information:
    - Server IP: mc.virtuekraft.com
    - Website: www.virtuekraft.com
    - IRC Server: irc.virtuekraft.com
  2. Offline


    Honestly most tutorials explain everything better way more than a single person could, have you tried the bukkitdev IRC channel?
  3. Offline


    I know what tutorials can and can't do. Yes tutorials can do better then a person. But at this point I want some extra help by having a mentor. And no I have not tried the channel. I don't want to go in their and sound like I am "begging." I will keep it on the forums and let someone contact me if someone decides that want to give it a shot.
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    Michael Rhodes

    If you are still looking for a "mentor" I can offer some time for you.

    I'm not the best programmer, or worst... but I know what I am doing and as for servers go I have been running my server since Oct 2010 with great success.

    I am currently working on a full fledged RPG plugin and the source is on Github if you are interested in taking a look.

    Let me know if you still need someone.


    Oh, and just my recommendation about voice chat.... try Mumble out. I've never used Teamspeak, but we do use Mumble with no complaints... and it is completely free if you host your own server. Currently we rent our server through mumble.com very cheaply

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  5. Offline


    I sent you a message via PM.
  6. Offline


    I have one mentor who is in a timezone that is 6hrs+ ahead of me. I need another one that is around the same timezone as me. GMT -06:00 (CST) USA
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