Localization namespaces and global strings format

Discussion in 'BukkitDev Information and Feedback' started by blablubbabc, Jan 8, 2015.

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    I have experimented a bit with the localization namespaces for projects on dev.bukkit.org and noticed that if I want to export the phrases of a namespace on it's own in the 'gloabal strings' format it gets prefixed with the name of the namespace in capital letters nevertheless.
    In contrast to the lua-based formats: those only get prefixed in some form if they are exported as 'sub-namespace' (if the 'parent' namespace gets exported and 'Handle subnamespaces' is in some way activated).

    So is there any way to export (sub)namespaces on it's own (not including 'parent' phrases) and not having any namespace prefix?
    If not could this maybe be added/fixed?

  2. Offline


    I want to export the phrases of a namespace on it's own in the 'gloabal strings' format it gets prefixed with the name of the namespace in capital letters nevertheless.
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