Plugin category: idk Suggested name: smt with litten blocks What I want: I'd like a plugin where you can make some blocks look like they're in a litten room, but the rest of the room is dark, so that you'll get a star-effect, you do see the white blocks, but they don't light the environment! Ideas for commands: /lb Ideas for permissions: idk When I'd like it by: This week If it already exist, please link me For example: Normal Room: Room with Plugin: [edit by JaguarJo: merged posts. Please use the edit button to add to your post. Tip: if edit doesn't appear to be working and you can't see your post, use the "more options" button and it should all show up then.]
They are probably thinking that you want the exact plugin, you only need to know the method the plugin is using though
Yea but i think they wrote the plugin themselve's, and that's why they don't want to tell anything bout it, but do you maybe know any way to do the same thing like this?
I sent them a contact mail Anyone else? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Not sure if it's possible cause I don't experiment with falling sand but, could the iron block be "dressed" as an iron block over a redstone-lamp?
But if that's the case, the "iron block" will light the environment, and we just want the iron block to look like there's light falling on it