Lassoing a player

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by NeerDev, Jul 10, 2015.

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    I'm trying to make it so when a player right clicks another player entity while holding a leash the player who was clicked will be launched into the air in the direction of the clicker (effectively a lasso). I'm trying to get the direction of the vector that the player will be launched but I keep running into issues. Shouldn't it be possible to just launch the player in the negative (opposite) vector of the player who clicked (I would need to also add a y vector).
    Any ideas on how I could implement this?
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    If you take the Locations of the both the players as Vectors and subtract them, then normalise it, you'll have a vector that points from one player to the other. You can multiply this by a constant (e.g. 5) to set the velocity that the "lassoed" player will be launched with, and then apply this Vector to the Player as their velocity.
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    Awesome, works perfectly. Thanks.

    For those who are interested:

    if( damagerentity instanceof Egg )
                Player damagedentity = (Player) event.getEntity();
                Egg egg = (Egg)damagerentity;
                Player shooter = (Player) egg.getShooter();
                shooter.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + "Your lasso launches the player towards you!");
                Vector ldamaged = damagedentity.getLocation().toVector();
                Vector lshooter = shooter.getLocation().toVector();
                Vector lasso = ldamaged.subtract(lshooter).normalize().multiply(-10);
    Note I used the egg for simplicity sake, works better over long distance and is barely visible at speed.
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