Language Translater

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Alice Sakamoto, Mar 2, 2018.

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  1. I didn't said I would never go to learn stuff like this, did I?
  2. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    No, you didn't.
    But it is stuff that takes years to learn, and dozens of years to perfect.
    And that is when you are constantly focusing on it.
    And it is costly to get the databases (if you can get them at all).
    Costly to get the right machines for the job, time and energy consuming to train them.

    In the long run it is probably better (and more reliable) to get an English only server (or whatever language you prefer)
    Most plugins have language files these days, and if they don't then we can work around that and still change language things.
  3. Doesn't matter to me how long it would take. It would be totally worth it. for all of us.
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