Filled KitRegions

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Schiso, Jun 21, 2015.

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    I need a plugin that gives you an Essentials Kit when you get into a region.

    The commands should be:

    - /kitregion add [KitRegionName] (x y z) [EssentialsKitName]
    - /kitregion remove [KitRegionName]

    If there is any plugin like this one, please link me!

    If you can do it, it'll be helpful no just for me, for all the people. Thanks sir!
  2. Offline


    Dont say that this is the easiest plugin anyone has ever seen, this plugin is actually somewhat advanced, not really for beginner developers.
    Dont say things like this unless you're a java developer please
  3. Offline


    Changed title. Thanks and sorry, I thought it was easy
  4. Offline


    Please someone do this. It would be amazing :D
  5. Offline


    nvm, found the solution
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