Introduction/Problems 1- Sorry for my english 2- I planed create a server with diferents factions/kingdoms and this kingdoms/factions have diferents citys or villages, moore plugins are of style of the plugins called Factions or Towny, the problem, my server have giants structures and for protect this i need moore people in my city 3- I liked when a kingdoms win a other kingdom (previous declaration of war) win, the kingdoms winner have a X minutes to loot the other kingdom Solutions I think some devoluper can desing a plugin to create some kingdoms WITH the support of World Edit to protect the citys, for not do this more easy one chunk cost X money to protect ( money any admin can get money with commands and others ussers can build mini-kingdoms with her money) and when kingdoms win a other kingdom (previous declaration of war) win, the kingdoms winner have a X minutes to loot the other kingdom Possible Comands - /kingdom create [name kingdom] [name of the player king] - /kingdom buy terrain radius [numeric valor] this is for build terrains in a radius of X - /kingdom ascend [nameplayer] this ascend a player at the next range(configurable the name of ranges) for example Citizen, mayor, king - /kingdom descend [nameplayer] the same but for descend - /kingdom set taxes [numeric valor] Notes/Copyright 1- I only need on the credits of the plugin this : Original idea for josetodo (and linked my youtube chanel) 2- Traducctions: only say i can help to translate any text of english to spanish, catalán, valenciano 3- Thanks for read my post and adelanted thanks to the builder of the plugin