Kingdom Clash

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by derejcar, Feb 5, 2015.

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    [coal]Kingdom Clash[coal]
    Idea by : Carson Rhodes

    The idea is a team deathmatch! Two teams, one the red team, and the other the blue team. (Names can be changed in config, along with prefix, the prefix should have color too.) Basically, the player will have 1 live, and will be enable to choose a kit in the lobby.

    In the lobby, before starting the game, it must have 5+ players, and there will be a count down, (Configurable in config file) and along with this there is a command to join a team, (Command : /kc team join <team> ) Although if a team has to many players, they will be evened out. The players will also be in gamemode 2 to prevent greifing (Both in lobby and in-game)

    Some kit's need permission to access, to grant them access to the kit you created, (Creation for kit's can be done in config or in-game either works for me:D) adding these permissions can be done in config.

    GUI menu's are not required, because i have a plugin to do this for me. just a command!

    Now more into the harder commands
    COMMAND : /kc kit <kit>
    DESCRIPTION : allows picking of a kit
    PERMISSION: None required, already listed on paragraph 3

    COMMAND : /kc forcestart <arena>
    DESCRIPTION : Allows force starting of an arena
    PERMISSION: kc.command.forcestart

    COMMAND : /kc createarena <name>
    DESCRIPTION : Creates a arena
    PERMISSION: kc.command.createarena

    COMMAND : /kc setlobby <arena>
    DESCRIPTION : Sets a lobby for the minigame
    PERMISSION: kc.command.setlobby

    COMMAND : /kc setspawnpoint <arena> <team>
    DESCRIPTION : Sets a spawnpoint prior to minigame
    PERMISSION: kc.command.setspawnpoint

    COMMAND : /kc info
    DESCRIPTION : Gives YOU credit:D

    COMMAND : /kc join <team>
    DESCRIPTION : allows joining of a team

    OPTIONAL COMMAND : /kc reload
    DESCRIPTION : Reloads plugin
    PERMISSION : kc.command.reload

    COMMAND : /kc join arena <arena>
    DESCRIPTION : allows joining of a arena


    Thanks anybody who makes me this idea.

    [arrow]Thanks to the person in the future.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2015
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