Kill Rankup Hello, I am requesting if someone could make a plugin for me that is compatible with 1.8.8 craftbukkit, and what it basically does is a class system were if u get __ kills u automatically rank up to the next rank. and in the config have a section with different groups In the different groups I want it to basically look like this in the config: rank: (rank-name) prefix: (rank-prefix) kills: (how much kills it takes to rank up to that rank) commands: (commands that execute to the player when they receive this rank) permissions: I don't think there needs to be any permissions commands: I don't think there needs to be any commands variables: I need there to be a variable like %player% which represents the username who is receiving that level. and also a variable like %krazykillprefix% for my chat plugin so I can add the prefix of the rank in the caht format.
All you really did we reset it back to where we were before. His request has been made time and again, quick google search reveals that
You could have just linked to the plugin instead of clearing drawing out the argument that should already be over. Here are a few versions in case one doesn't meet your needs: If any of those do not meet your needs still just message me and I will send you a version that is to your wishes, but one of those should work I imagine.