Keyed Crates Plugin Request!

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Angel_Fyre, Mar 18, 2015.

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  1. Offline


    @Angel_Fyre Actually, it's a problem with Vault. Vault is disabling, which is causing the Crates plugin to disable, as it can't find the Vault plugin.
  2. Offline


    Vault is enabled. its not vault. the console says vault is enabled.
  3. Offline


    @Angel_Fyre Vault is apparently loading after the Crates plugin.
  4. Offline


    If you read the console vault is enabling, vault is not the issue.
  5. Offline


  6. Offline


    I HAVE the latest versions. I get this SAME issue so what then???
    and I do not have to accept anyones help actually. Noone here has been attempting to help except you. everyone has been asking for this and asking for my console. but no one hase offered me a solution until YOU just posted one. I now rebut with saying I have the latest versions and have the same issue
  7. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Angel_Fyre CratesReloaded probably requires a registred Economy plugin. You don't have that. Install one and it should be fixed.
  8. Offline


    Not sure how bukkit loads plugins but long long time ago I remember renaming plugin .jar files so they load before another one. If nothing else works maybe give that a try?
  9. Offline


    This has nothing to do with the order in which the Plugins get enabled.

    timtower is completely correct.
    Vault will obviously not hook up CrateReloaded with an Economy Plugin if there was no Economy Plugin found.
    Someone without an Economy Plugin is very rarely, that's why noone of use noticed that.
    Good spot, ninja.
    timtower likes this.
  10. Offline


    If it needed and economy plugin then it should be noted. The only dependency it said it needed was vault.
  11. Offline


    And Vault requires an Economy Plugin to be used for most things.
  12. Offline


    OK well neither of these plugins say that they need a dependency so forgive me for doing everything correct on my end. which economy plugin do you recommend ?
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2015
  13. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Angel_Fyre There is no point in hooking into Vault without using an economy plugin because Vault is the bridge between economy related plugins.
    Is it working with an economy plugin installed?
  14. Offline


    ok well as I said no one said they require a dependency so excuse me. which one you recommend?
  15. @Angel_Fyre If you like Essentials use that, there are tons out there to chose from. I would browse through them and wee which you like.
  16. Offline


    Okay, we understood that you were not aware of this by now, no need to constantly repeat it.
    And you could have at least said "Thank you" to @timtower .

    So, by the way, the Economy Plugin I would recommend is BOSEconomy. That is just personal preference though, you can choose whatever Economy Plugin you want, there are plenty available, the most common one is probably Essentials.
    timtower likes this.
  17. Offline


    you need to ease off ur high horse. ur a mod not my mother. Ty Goodbye
  18. Offline


    @Angel_Fyre Well you're being quite rude to people even after they have fixed your problem. You're right, he is a mod. And being rude is against the rules. If you want people to help you in the future, don't be rude to them. Thank them greatly for helping you with whatever problem they have fixed for you.
  19. Offline


    Yes, I am not your mother but correct, I am a mod.
    And my Task is to keep the forums safe and friendly.
    If you don't want to be friendly, then don't expect us to be so.
  20. Offline


    I am not being rude, I do not need someone to tell to say thankyou, you are not my mother, and if you would have waited until I came back from testing I would have said thankyou. Everyone has been commenting on my thread and no one has offered help aside from timtower. he is the only person who offered me any assistance. everyone else was saying the same things I have said or the same things others have said or asking for my console. no one helped me except for timtower
  21. Offline


    If you don't tell somebody thank you after they help you, do you really think they're going to want to help you again? Sure, you don't need to. It's still rude and will decrease your chances of getting help again, at least from the same people.

    No. He is the only one who gave you the solution, sure. But everybody who has been commenting here have been trying to help. Everybody else was asking for your console because there could have been something in there that would help us help you.

    All of that said, what do you think the chances of me helping you ever again are?
  22. Locked, this is not a request anymore. It is polite to say thank you and do not disrespect Moderators, if you continue to disrespect staff and be rude to members of the forums you will be given a point and have your posts moderated.
    nverdier likes this.
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