Plugin category: General Suggested name: iTeam What I want: Below Ideas for commands: /iteam create <Team Name> <Password> - So this is basicly how you create a team. If you don't like to put password, just don't write anything at the password. When you successfully created a team, the chat will show: (Player) had created a team (Team's name). Note: Color symbols are allowed for the team's name. /iteam join <Team Name> <Password> - This is basicly how you join a team. If the team no need password, same, don't write anything at the password. If password incorrect, it will show: [iTeam] Error: your password is incorrect. This message will only show to the player who issues but now the whole server. If the player keep spamming on to join the team but the password is incorrect, after 15 times of spamming (configurable) it will show the player: [iTeam] We are sorry, but you have reached the limited on spamming, please wait 5 minutes to try again. The 5 minutes is configurable. And this message will only show to the player who issues but now the whole server. /iteam settings <Settings> <True / False> Settings: Friendly-Fire - True, all the player in the team could hurt each other ; False, they can't hurt each other. Name visiblility - True, all the player in the team could see each other's name ; False, they can't. Commands ( long list ) (Move your mouse to reveal the content) Commands ( long list ) (open) Commands ( long list ) (close) /iteam description <desc> - Simple description about the team /iteam makeleader <Player Name> - This only can be issues by the creator of the team, this will make the selected player name bacome leader / creator , the leader will down one level. /iteam follow <Team Name> - This will make you like, admire the team that selected. /iteam leave - Leave your currently team, no need password to leave. /iteam kick <Player Name> - Kick the player from the team, the player can join the team again. /iteam ban <Player Name> - Ban the player from the team, the player cannot join the team again. /iteam forgive <Player Name> - Forgive the banned player, he / she could join back your team /iteam alltp - Only creator can issues this command, next teleportation, all the teams will teleport to there, when the issues this command, all the members in the team will get a information: [iTeam] Leader wants to teleport together, this request will end in 30 seconds (configurable) . [iTeam] [Allow] [Deny] All the members will get this request, if after 30 seconds (configurable) , system will classified as you accept this request. Accept message: [iTeam] You accepted to teleport together. Deny message: [iTeam] You denied this request. /iteam forcealltp - This won't give members request but just teleport them together: [iTeam] Leader has force to you all, next tp of leader you will be follow. Note: Tp included /spawn , /island , /warp <name> , /tpa <Player> etc. /iteam ranking <number> <name> - This will make player when talking in team speak will show their ranking before the name. The number means the level of the ranking. The lowest number is 0 , the highest number (creator / leader) is *. Like I make these: /iteam ranking 0 Dirt /iteam ranking 1 Wood /iteam ranking 2 Stone /iteam ranking 3 Coal /iteam ranking 4 Iron /iteam ranking 5 Gold /iteam ranking 6 Diamond /iteam ranking 7 Emerald /iteam ranking * Bedrock Note: Color symbols are allowed like &4Redstone = Redstone /iteam teamspeak - Enable the team speak, it will show: [iTeam] Team speak is now enable, you are now talking to your team only. If you want to disable the team speak / talk to general, issues /iteam teamspeak again , it will show: [iTeam] Team speak is now disable, you are now talking to the whole server. <[Team Speak] [Dirt] Noobiest> This mean I am chatting in team. <[General] [(His / her team's name)] Noobiest> This mean I am chatting for general. /iteam info <Team Name / Player Name> - If leave the <Team Name / Player Name> blank, it will show you your team's info. If write in the team's name, it will show you the team's info. If write in the player's name, it will show you the player's team info. Sample info: Teams: (Team's Name, this include the color) Desctipstion: (Team's description) Password: [HIDDEN] (hidden for members but not hidden for leader / creator) Age: yy / mm / dd / hrs / min / sec (Show how long did the team created) Leader: [Bedrock] (Leader's name) Members: [Emerald] (Player Name) , [Diamond] (Player Name) , [Iron] (Player Name) , [Coal] (Player Name) , [Coal] (Player Name) , [Coal] (Player Name) , [Dirt] (Player Name) . Followers: [Team's name] , [Team's name] , [Team's name] , [Team's name] Created since : yy / mm / dd / hr / min / sec Password-protected: (True/False) Custom warps: Team's home , Team's mining area(Team's custom warps, will explain later) Custom events: 21th Anniversary (ww / dd / hrs / min / sec left until the event) (Also will explain later) Defeated teams: Team's name , Team's name (Also will explain later) Pvp won team: The team they have won in pvp (Also will explain later) Pvp lose team: The team they have lose in pvp (Also will explain later) /iteam changepw <New password> <Old password> - Change the group's password, if want to change the team's password from the password to without password-protected, write this: /iteam changepw 0000 * [iTeam] Your team is no longer password-protected. From no password-protect to password-protect /iteam changepw * 0000 [iTeam] Your team is password-protected. /iteam createwarp <warp's name> - create a warp at the place you are standing at. /iteam warp <warp's name> - teleport you to the team's custom warp. /iteam createevent <event's name> - only for leaders, to create an event, after create the event, you will get this: [iTeam] Please write down how many time left with this format :ww/dd/hrs/min/sec. After you wrote the following time, it will show you: [iTeam] Event successfully created. 1 minutes before the events: [iTeam] 1 minutes till the <Event's name> event. 30 seconds: [iTeam] 30 seconds till the <Event's name> event. 10 seconds: [iTeam] 10 seconds till the <Event's name> event. Last 5 seconds: [iTeam] 5. [iTeam] 4. [iTeam] 3. [iTeam] 2. [iTeam] 1. [iTeam] <Team's name> is celebrating <Event's name>! (Only this message is for the whole server.) At the Team's spawn (later explain), it will put out different pattern's firework. /iteam setspawn - set the team's spawn at the current location. /iteam resetspawn - set the team's spawn from the original place to the place you are standing. /iteam attack <Team's name> - To attack the specified team, if you lose in this battle, your team will automaticly disband, only of the selected team's leader is online, if no, you'll get this message: [iTeam] <Team's name>'s leader is not online, you can't attack them. If the leader is online, He /she will get this: [iTeam] <Team's name>'s leader is trying to attack you. [iTeam] [Allow] [Deny] If denied , the one who try to attack will get this: [iTeam] <Team's name> has denied your request. If accepted, Whole server will get this: [iTeam] <Team's name> is attacking <Team's name>! Battle begins in 1 minutes. [iTeam] 30 seconds till the battle. [iTeam] 10 seconds till the battle. [iTeam] 5. [iTeam] 4. [iTeam] 3. [iTeam] 2. [iTeam] 1. [iTeam] The battle begins! Then, system will count which team has the least member online then it will randomly select the same number of member from another group, this is what I mean: Team A versus Team B. Team A has 10 members online but Team B has 14. System will randomly select 10 players from Team B for battle (must include leader) All the members will teleport to a box that made of glass, they will battles each other, no way to escape. The last man/men standing, the team is the winner! The defeated team will be disband. /iteam pvp <Team's name> - same as /iteam attack <Team's name> , will selected the same number of players to pvp, also have request for pvp, and is the leader is not on also cannot pvp. BUT, with this command, system won't announce which team is attacking which team in the chat. And also , if your team get defeated, your team won't disband. /iteam ally <Team's name> - Ally the specified team, the specified team will get this: [iTeam] <Team's name> tried to be ally with you, if accept, type /iteam accept, if no, /iteam deny. Message if denied: [iTeam] <Team's name> denied your request. Message if accept [iTeam]<Team's name> is now your ally /iteam enemy <Team's name> - to become enemy with the specified team, no request to the specified team, they will just get this: [iTeam] <Team's Name> is now your enemy. /iteam neutral <Team's name> - to become neytral with the specified team, they will get this: [iTeam] <Team's name> tried to be neutral with you, if accept, type /iteam accept, if no, /iteam deny. Message if denied: [iTeam] <Team's name> denied your request. Message if accept [iTeam]<Team's name> no longer has relationship with you starting from NOW. Ideas for permissions: iteam.forcealltp - for /iteam forcealltp. Default: OP iteam.ban - for /iteam ban. Default: OP iteam.version - for /iteam version. Default: OP iteam.reload - for /iteam reload. Default:OP Others have no permmission, and some are only for leaders (Which I have mention above) When I'd like it by: ASAP Extra: Need it for the version 1.7.2 R0.2 EDIT by Timtower: merged threads
Thanks! @FameForAim Bump, I know @FameForAim is doing it, but...... seriously are you still doing? I know it is a big plugin, I know you couldn't do it so fast, but I want to know how much have you done...... Thanks for replying @FameForAim
Nevermind @FameForAim , I am not need that plugin yet cause I say ASAP, you can made in in anytime you'd like. Bump, anyone else?
There are other plugins that do something that's very similar to what you're asking for. If I have the time and once I've finished with my plugin I can do this for for you, but until then I suggest using another plugin.