Is it possible: 'Ghosts' with no scoreboard

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by sgavster, Dec 10, 2013.

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    I was playing around, and I can't seem to figure out how to do this:


    Without any scoreboard.
    IF anyone knows how, please let me know :D
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    Hi there,

    You can use the GhostFactoryLIB that lenis0012 made. It allows you to make a player look like a ghost along with Ghost Busters that I am not actually sure what they do. But he gives you a small tutorial on how to add the GhostFactoryLIB to your plugin. If you need any help give me a shout and I will help you out, I am creating my own version of the GhostFactoryLIB as I have used lenis's for a while now and I want to have more features so I am making my own. So yeah, if you have any problems let me know and I will help you out considering I have experience with the GhostFactoryLIB.

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    AlexHH251997 Thanks. How would I make it so for example, only red could see other red, and only blue can see other blues (with arraylists?)

    If not I can't use it ;(
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    sgavster You could do that or you could add your own little section into the LIB. You could possibly create custom methods based of the original and make it something like 'ghostfactory.addRedGhost(Player player);' and the same for blue. Arraylists would probably work aswell though but I like to work around them mostly.
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    AlexHH251997 But how would I do those methods? I don't really understand all this :p
    (I know what methods are, just I don't know anything about this code. :p)
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    sgavster I am not sure what the method would be exactly, so I will look into it.
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    AlexHH251997 Okay thanks! Can't wait xD been wondering how to do this for a while now :/
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    You can do it with permissions, if someone joins red you give them permissions to see red with permissionattachments, and blue the same thing, then run a check. I'm not sure lol.. I'm not a very good coder *as most of you probably know* I just try to help out as much as I can! :p
  9. Offline


    That would not work I am afraid. You are giving a permission node fine, but you are not deciding if they can see their own team.
  10. Offline


    yeah, figured .-.

    was just a guess l;
  11. Offline


    At least you tried, that's all that matters.
    Tupay likes this.
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    AlexHH251997 So any news on the method by chance? This is like the only thing that holding up my game xD
  13. Offline


    This can only be done via scoreboards. As far as I know, when players are on the same scoreboard team and friendly fire is set to true, you can then see other player's in this "ghost" form.
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    Wingzzz It can be done without the scoreboard but like I said you would have to mess around with some custom events.

    sgavster I have not had any luck at the moment. I have been too busy trying to fix someone on my own server. When I get 10 minutes I will take a look at let you know. (Bare in mind it will be untested if I give it you)
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    I'm going off of the API- now I'm interested in finding the underlying method in hopes of doing exactly that.

    EDIT: As far as I can find it's all done directly through the scoreboard. I'll keep trying to find a way of directly invoking translucent players, but there isn't a high change.
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    Wingzzz Like I said when I have 10 minutes I will look into some custom events.
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    You're only posting non-sense... This can only be done through the use of scoreboards. You're confusing a scoreboard that's displayed on the right side of your screen with an actual Minecraft scoreboard. This has nothing to do with custom events or anything like that; the only way to make a player appear as a ghost, is through scoreboards and teams.
  18. Offline


    Rprrr No, this is possible with custom events as far as I am aware.
  19. Offline


    You're wrong. If you're really that sure of it, show me how then, because I'm 100% sure this has nothing to do with 'custom events'...
  20. Offline


    Do you know what events are? They're certain points in time when something occurs, we normally listen for when events happen so that we can intercept and alter the behavior (ie: cancel, edit values etc) or simply add extra functionality.
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