Iridium Server Manager - |GUI|Creator|Toolkit|Port Forwarder|

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by ImminentFate, Jul 16, 2011.

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    I worded that incorrectly. I meant Sponge's server for 1.8, but I typed that at 1am last night while watching 2 Guns :p
    Fixed the wording now.
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    Well, I haven't watched 2 Guns yet, but I definitely will!
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    Is this open source?
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    Unfortuantely not.
    Not yet anyway. I was planning on opening to GitHub a while back, but the code needs organising first.
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    What language is this written in? And how did you get the windows feel?
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    It's done in
    I got that look manually, using overlapping controls (panels, text boxes, etc) to hide some parts that didn't fit (like the tabs you see at the top of Iridium - they actually have the default tab look underneath, but I put a panel over the top so it retained the flat feel rather than having the 3D drop shadows of the normal tab view.)

    For the most part though, it's mainly recoloring everything away from that awful grey that is the default color of backgrounds in windows, and redesigning anything that has depth to it.
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