Iridium Server Manager - |GUI|Creator|Toolkit|Port Forwarder|

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by ImminentFate, Jul 16, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Help when I put my plugins in the plugin folder they dont install what do I do (I put the .jar folder in)

    either pm me or e-mail me at [email protected]

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2016
  2. Offline


    i cant install world edit or essensials on this help
  3. Offline


    can you fix a minecraft 1.0.0 server
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    Im sry to say but I want 1.0 plz.I want my friend to suck it that Im going to PWN his really bad server!
  6. Offline


    when i try to run the .bat my command prompt will open and then immediately close... i was using a different auto-installed bukkit smoothly until the full game was released then i kept suffering issues so i decided to try this. please help :/
    Zelda1234565 likes this.
  7. Offline


    My craftbukkit server is installed...but when i opens it immediately closes. Any help?
  8. Offline


    I Installed the craftbukkit server and when i try to start the widow it opened closes as fast why do i need another program to open it right?[creeper] Plz Help And Reply I really want a server.

    :(I can't start my craftbukkit server it just dissapears relly fast when i try to go to it help plz?
    srry bout 2 posts bout samething srry

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2016
  9. Offline


    How do I see the files for my bukkit server? I can't break blocks and I want to op myself, but I don't see where the folder is with all the files. There is only the bukkit server icon. It would be great if someone could help me.
  10. Offline


    i cant help srry my server trunner on my desktop keeps closing as soon as i open it srry but can u help me
  11. Offline


    i cant connect to my server says ip invalid
  12. Offline


    I will put the 1.0.0 update on as soon as possible.
    If your server opens and closes immediately, try on f the alternate files provided.
    The server files are located in your MyDocuments/Craftbukkit folder
  13. Offline


    Do you have an approximation as to when your next update will be up? I'm just wondering because I was hoping to set up a server really soon to play in with my friend (and the defualt servers aren't good enough D: ).
  14. Offline


    ETA Bukkit for 1.0.0:

    5 MINS
  15. Offline


    I cant find my .craftbukkit folder

    Never mind i found it

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2016
  16. Offline


    I've had the same problem of when I open the server, it instantly closes. I try the alternate files (the CraftBukkit Starter...) but none of them seem to work. I would love to have a Bukkit server, so could you please help?

    Figured out my issue, but now when I run my server, it says:

    "CraftBukkit download new Build, please stop the server and copy C:\Users\Christian\Documents\CraftBukkit Server\bukkit_update\craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar to your Main-Folder."

    I've done this though, what could be the problem?

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2016
  17. Offline


    Hey I was hoping someone could help me. Do you need to use a certain browser to download this? Because when I download it on google chrome I click on it to open the file and it just removes it. Please help!
  18. Offline


    Do you have Norton?

    How do we open YML files?

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  19. Offline


  20. Offline


  21. Offline


    Can any1 help me?
    The first time i installed bukkit, then the GUI to prail want just fine. put when i closed it, it said the server already where running on my ip and port. So i opened it in admin, then it went fine. But the GUI to prail aint showing up!
    Plz help.
    This is the error showing up
    174 recipes
    27 achievements
    22:20:53 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.0.0
    22:20:53 [INFO] Loading properties
    22:20:53 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on myipadress:25565
    22:20:53 [WARNING] **** FAILED TO BIND TO PORT!
    22:20:53 [WARNING] The exception was: Cannot assign requ
    ested address: JVM_Bind
    22:20:53 [WARNING] Perhaps a server is already running on that port?
  22. Offline


    I should have mentioned, you're not meant to do that. It downloads the recommended build which is older than the one for minecraft 1.0.0
    So just ignore the message

    Maybe your ip adress changed? But you're supposed to leave the server-ip blank. Then connect in minecraft using "localhost:25565"

    You can use notepad, but I would SERIOUSLY recommend getting notepad++. it is way better for editing server files

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2016
  23. Offline


    Hey just a quick question this is my problem:

    Unable to access jarfile C:\Users\Ian\Desktop\Craft Bukkit Server\craftbukkit-0.0.1-snapshot.jar
    Press any key to continue....

    I have no idea how to fix this,I'm not very smart when it comes down to these things

    Any ideas?
    Thank you,
  24. Offline


    Hey all,

    I'm having this exact same issue. Tried reinstalling, and also made sure Java was updated - no dice. Any advice
  25. Offline


    how do make myself admin?
  26. Offline


    i use WordPad. Its much more better than notepad
  27. Offline


    You need to open the Craftbukkit Starter.bat file in notepad, find where it says "craftbukkit-0.0.1-snapshot.jar" and change it to "craftbukkit-1.0.0-snapshot.jar"

    Give me your pc and java specs

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2016
  28. Offline


    Notepad++ is alot better mate, dont use Wordpad. ;)
  29. Offline


    Open the file ops.txt and add your username to it. Or, run the server, then in the console type: op USERNAME
  30. Offline


    To fix the instantly closing server bug, just go to the Java website and navigate to the page were you can install Java 7 (install it) . Then go into the folder and run the server for Java 7. From then on the shortcut should work.
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