Iridium Server Manager - |GUI|Creator|Toolkit|Port Forwarder|

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by ImminentFate, Jul 16, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    for some or the other reason its not letting me click the download link- wait, nevermind, i highlighted the text and it let me :)

    excuse my noobiness
  2. Offline


    You are excused lol
  3. Offline


    lol im on a foreign mac for the time being ;) thanks man, just a quick ? - will it auto update craftbukkit as well as plugins?
  4. Offline


    Craftbukkit is out of date it says,
  5. Offline


    go into the update folder and there should automatically be a new craftbukkit-snapshot-0.01.jar file there. just replace the original with that one. you might have to wait for a little after starting the server for it to download it, but it will

    yeas it will,for most plugins, but i didn't think this would install on mac?

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  6. Offline


    No lol I don't think it will I'm just putting on on mu dropbox so I can Access elsewhere. And thanks for clearing if the craft bukkit snapshot autoupdAtes.
  7. Offline


    no problem :)
  8. Offline


    I understand everything you said but my bro isnt on the same network :D he lives somewhere else and i have provided him with my ip and still no connection
  9. Offline


  10. Offline


    Support for Java 1.7 is out, but it may or may not work, please respond whether it works for you or not
  11. Offline

    mc creeper

    actually i ga
    ve up and joined my friends sever lol
  12. Offline


    I have a problem, when I launch it (I have the java 1.7 btw) this comes up:

    Unrecognized option: -d64
    Could not create the Java virtal machine.
    Press any key to continue . . .

    Any ideas whats gone wrong?

    [EDIT] Well I'm a complete idiot, I don't even have Java 1.7.:oops: 1.6 is working fine
  13. Offline


    That's allright I Didn't really think many people would use java 1.7 since it isn't even an official version yet
  14. Offline


    I am having a problem, I installed it all correctly, started it up and with no errors, and I typed in 'localhost' to join the server and it allowed me, but we my friend trys to join, it just says 'connecting' and then times out. I know he has the right IP, he tried it with the port too, and I know I have the port forwarding set up correctly. I made a server a couple months ago just for fun and it worked then, but I want to know why it isn't working anymore. So could you please help me out and tell me if am doing anything wrong or what I still need to do?
  15. Offline


    There might be a firewall blocking him from connecting, or blocking the port from recieving incoming signals. This is just a guess, but it might be right.
    xPuree likes this.
  16. Offline


    So do you think it's just him, and not something wrong with my server?
    Also, whenever I try typing in my IP with and without the port forward, I can't join.
  17. Offline


    Then there is probably something wrong in your settings. Are you 100% sure you got the port forward right? Check thy if you have a antivirus like trend micro or norton 360 that CraftBukkit an minecraft are allowed to connect to the Internet and forward ports. Also check these in windows firewall
  18. Offline


    hey is it me or i cant find the download link?

    AHH I FOUND IT!! sorry LOL
  19. Offline


    I don't know what I'm doing wrong, if I'm an idiot or not but I followed instructions, clicked launch craftbukkit, and nothing happens at all. Help?
  20. Offline


    sorry, my english is bad

    I want open bukkit server on hamachi
    It need port??
  21. Offline


    Info I need to help you:
    • Version of Windows and architecture (32bit or 64 bit)
    • Java Version

    go into (open with notepad)
    make server port = 25565
    leave server-ip blank

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  22. Offline


    dont type in server-ip=??
  23. Offline


    no leave it blank
  24. Offline


    but when I join type Hamachi IP??
  25. Offline


    I have Java build 1.6
    Windows 7 32bit I believe since Java is 32bit
  26. Offline


    Yes that's right

    so don't you get a command prompt window opening up? You should, I don't know why it wouldn't come up. You can try going into your craftbukkit folder (C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\.CraftBukkit\) and double-clicking on CraftBukkit Starter.bat
    See if that works

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  27. Offline


    I've already tired that, nothing happens still

    Nevermind, apparently it wasn't running as Administrator, I just tried that and now it works
  28. Offline


    Sorry then, try installing it again, if it still doesn't work I will post an older version which may work

    Thanks for pointing out that it has to be run as admin

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  29. Offline


    Well now that I got it running, how am I supposed to change the server properties? Because I can't change which world it loads in and I can't even find the world that it loads in the first place. For some reason changing anything in the server properties doesn't do anything.
  30. Offline


    The world it loads is called "world" and is in the folder where craftbukkit was installed. To change the world u want it to load , copy the world you want into the craftbukkit folder and change the world name in to match the name of your one.
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