Inventory Restore

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by _IDoctorI_, May 29, 2024.

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    Plugin category: Player Convenience

    Minecraft version: 1.20.6

    Suggested name: Inventory Restore

    What I want: I would like a plugin that gives players the option to restore their inventory (with a configurable price) upon death. Ideally, this should prevent the items from being dropped until the player makes a decision.

    Ideas for commands: /invrestore

    Ideas for permissions: invrestore.restore - Allows players to restore their inventory - Allows players to restore their inventory for free

    When I'd like it by: Within the next 30 days preferably.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @_IDoctorI_ Missing the part what they want they need to do if they don't want to restore the inventory.
    How long would they have for that?
    (not saying I am gonna make this)
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    InventoryRestore Plugin Documentation
    PlayerConvenience is a Bukkit/Spigot plugin that allows players to save and restore their inventories. It provides a GUI interface for easy management and includes features like inventory preview and automatic saving on death.

    • Save player inventories
    • Restore saved inventories
    • Preview saved inventories
    • Automatic inventory saving on player death
    • Configurable restore cost
    • Permission-based access
    • /invrestore - Opens the main GUI for inventory management
    • invrestore.use - Allows access to the inventory restore feature
    • - Allows free inventory restoration (bypasses cost)
    The plugin uses two main configuration files:

    • debug: Enable/disable debug logging
    • restore-price: Cost to restore an inventory
    • max-restore-days: Maximum number of days to keep saved inventories
    • users-folder: Folder name for storing user data
    Contains all customizable messages used by the plugin.

    GUI System
    • Main Restore GUI: Displays saved inventories as clickable items
    • Preview GUI: Shows the contents of a saved inventory before restoring
    Inventory Management
    • Inventories are saved automatically on player death
    • Players can have up to 9 saved inventories
    • Inventories older than max-restore-days are automatically removed
    Economy Integration
    • Uses Vault for economy support
    • Players are charged restore-price when restoring an inventory (if not free)
    Creative Mode Handling
    • Players in Creative mode are automatically switched to Survival when previewing inventories
    • Prevents item duplication and other potential issues
    Safety Features
    • Cooldown system to prevent spam
    • Locks to prevent concurrent operations on the same inventory
    Data Storage
    • Player inventories are saved in YAML format in the users-folder, I don't think you need MySQL since if you work with few players it can be okay to storage data to file
    Error Handling
    • Comprehensive error logging
    • User-friendly error messages

    Attached Files:

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