[INFO] SpoutMOTD v1.5 - A fully customisable popup MOTD [1185]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by jonas_747, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. Offline



    SpoutMOTD - A popup MOTD for servers!
    Introducing Images in 1.4!
    If the config dosent generate, Here is the config for you!
    Older versions: v1.4.4 v1.4.3 v1.31 v1.2 v1.1

    This plugin allows you to have popup MOTD screen, with text on. You WILL need the spoutcraft client to see this!
    Show Spoiler



    Usage guide:
    People that want to see this need SPOUTCRAFT!
    It will automaticly popup when you log in or when you press "h" (or teh button the server admin configured it to)
    That easy!

    Commands and Permissions
    Currently everyone can view the MOTD, but will make that permission based too
    This plugin is using the standbard bukkit permission system

    /smotd - Opens the MOTD Permission: spoutmotd.smotd
    /smotdreload - Reloads the config Permission: spoutmotd.reload

    Config Guide:
    Show Spoiler

    The Config thats generated looks like this:​
            text: This is a demo text
                red: 1
                blue: 1
                green: 1
            posy: 100
            posx: 100
            size: 2
    text1 - text1 is the name of that text, 2 texts cant have the same name
    text - This is the text that will be displayed
    Color red, blue, green - This is the color of the tex, in RGB format, maximum number for the is 255, if you go past that the color will just be black
    posy - Y position of the text
    posx - X position of the text
    size - The size of the text, you cannot make decimals at the moment. You can in 1.2!
    like this: 1.13 is one size.
    Multiple texts:

    you can add more texts easily, just simply do like this:
            text: This is text 1
                red: 1
                blue: 1
                green: 1
            posy: 100
            posx: 100
            size: 2
            text: this is text 2, both of us will be displayed!
                red: 1
                blue: 1
                green: 1
            posy: 100
            posx: 100
            size: 2
    Just remember that 2 texts cant have the same name, then only one text will be displayed :)
    i have no idea what the maximum number is but i guess you could go over 1000's of texts if you want.

    introduced in 1.4 is images!
    Image formats: png or jpg only!
    Image height cant be bigger than 239! If it is, your image wont be displayed :(
    its very simple how to add them just add this to your config:
            url: http://forums.bukkit.org/data/avatars/l/3/3659.jpg?1316978098
            posx: 100
            posy: 10
    Heres a example with a text that wont be displayed:
            text: ignorethisword
                red: 100
                blue: 1
                green: 1
            posy: 150
            posx: 150
            size: 1.5
            url: http://forums.bukkit.org/data/avatars/l/3/3659.jpg?1316978098
            posx: 100
            posy: 10
    Very easy!
    You can also add as many images as you wish :)

    General config settings:
    Hotkey - This is the hotkey to open the MOTD Simply put in KEY_yourpreferedkeyhere list over possible keys: here
    Closebuttontext - This is the text that is on the close button
    hometab - Does nothing, ignore this
    hotkey_is_enabled - true or false, you want the hotkey to be enabled or not?
    only_display_on_first_time_joined - Only display the popup on player join if the player has never joined the server before.

    Introduced to 1.2 is variables, please come with more suggestions to variables!
    • ignorethisword - This will not be displayed!
    • %date% - Server date
    • %realservertime% - Server realtime
    • %player% - the name of the player that sees the MOTD
    • %IP% - ip adress of the player that is seeing the MOTD
    • %world% - The world the player is on
    • %level% - The player's experience level
    • %xptonextlvl% - displays the xperience points to next level, (i think it does that atleast)
    • %totalxp% - Displays the total experience points
    • %foodlevel% - Your current food level
    • %playertime% - The players realtime(or total playtime, need to doublecheck)
    • %playercount% - Displays the amount of users online!

    Todo List:

    • Redo the size setting
    • Add images Resize image fucntion
    • Layers
    • Add configurable buttons? - will kinda be in with the tab release!
    • different tabs - my task after 1.5!
    • "links"
    • Various variables, like player, time, IP address etc... MORE variables!
    • Add "ignorethismessage" as a variable to be ignored, (you cant start with %, so adding that wich wont be displayed solves the problem)
    Known issues:

    • none, for now...

    Version 1.5
    • Made the "close" button text configurable
    • Added a reload command
    • Added a command for opening the MOTD
    • Added a option for only opening the MOTD the first time a player joins teh server
    • Added a option to enable or disable the hotkey
    Version 1.4.4

    • Rewrote many parts of the code
    • Fixed the only one player can read the MOTD at a time bug
    Version 1.4.3

    • removed a debug message i forgot :p
    Version 1.4.2

    • Made the hotkey fro the MOTD configurable
    • Hotkey does nothign while in inventory, chat etc...
    Show Spoiler

    Version 1.4.1

    • Fixed a bug where people disconnecting from the server while in the MOTD would crash the plugin.
    • Also theres a trail of my started tab development in the config, deos nothign yet :)
    Version 1.4

    • You can now add images!
    • Players clicking close will no longer close the MOTD for others!
    Version 1.31

    • Fixed players pressing "h" will open the MOTD for the person last joined
    Version 1.3

    • Added hotkey "H" to open the MOTD
    • Added the following variables:
    • ignorethisword
    • %foodlevel%
    • %playertime%
    • %playercount%
    Version 1.2

    • Added the folowing variables:
    • %date%
    • %realservertime%
    • %player%
    • %IP%
    • %world%
    • %level%
    • %xptonextlvl%
    • %totalxp%
    • Redid the size, you can now have decimals in the size setting of your text!
    Version 1.1

    • Fixed Nullpointerexception that was caused by players without spoutcraft client
    Version 1.0

    • Initial release
    WimFris, olimoli123 and efstajas like this.
  2. Offline


    Fully possible and will look into this tomorrow!

    well, takes less than 5 min to add so im making the button text configurable :)

    Version 1.5 is done:
    Version 1.5

    • Made the "close" button text configurable
    • Added a reload command
    • Added a command for opening the MOTD
    • Added a option for only opening the MOTD the first time a player joins teh server
    • Added a option to enable or disable the hotkey

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2016
  3. Offline


    Great, I'll keep watching for any updates than.
  4. Offline


    yay ><
  5. Offline


    This is gonna be a great plugin !

    Now, can you make the text's placement on the screen more easy ? And the image's placement too please, cause now it's very difficult to make a pretty screen :p

  6. Offline


    2011-09-30 01:06:46 [SEVERE] null
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'smotd' in plugin SpoutMOTD v1.5
        at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:41)
        at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:163)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:353)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(NetServerHandler.java:756)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.chat(NetServerHandler.java:721)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:714)
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(Packet3Chat.java:33)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:226)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:92)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:464)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:374)
        at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:417)
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at com.jonas747.SpoutMOTD.SpoutMOTD.onlineCount(SpoutMOTD.java:105)
        at com.jonas747.SpoutMOTD.SpoutMOTD.onCommand(SpoutMOTD.java:124)
        at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:39)
        ... 12 more
    Keep getting this. Also, it didn't auto generate a config folder.
  7. Offline


    I'm having an issue configuring colours. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but it's probably very obvious.
    My config looks like this
            text: Test text.
                red: 0
                blue: 0
                green: 256
            posy: 8
            posx: 8
            size: 1.5
        closebuttontext: Close
        homeTab: home - does nothing yet
        hotkey_is_enabled: true
        hotkey: KEY_M
        only_display_on_first_time_joined: false
    However, this just makes the text show up as black.
    What am I doing wrong?
  8. Offline


    Hmm, i cannot seem to recreate that bug, how many people are logged into the server? does it only occour when someone types /smotd? does the MOTD still show? as for the config, here you have a rar with it,:

    The maximum number for the colors is 255 :p
  9. Freaking awesome !
    Oh yeah, what about a support for png transparent images ? :p

    Edit: I'm admin but I havent permissions with your plugin, which permissions plugin does it support ? I'm using Permissions 3.1.6
  10. Offline


    It uses bukkit permissions, superperm iirc

    Edit: Are you sure transperent images dont work?
  11. I tried, only .jpg files works.
  12. Offline


    That weird, on the sppout wiki it says it supports PNG's, o.o
    Edit: i tried a png image when i tested it, so i dont know why it wont work...
  13. MMm maybe I just failed x)
  14. Offline


    will you upload the source? would really like that :)
  15. Offline


    Im not home ATM, so i cant, but im unsure about the whole giving out source thing.
  16. Offline


    I don't want to copy your plugin!!!
    I just want another plugin based on a spout gui, and I like to start from another plugin that uses it then.
    so I make nearly all my plugins :)
  17. Offline

    Atomic Fusion

    What do I think of it?
    In the past I've had a wall with signs all over it next to the spawn. It had basic commands and how to get help.
    This would be a great replacement for that.
  18. Offline


    Thanks! please post a screenshot of how it looks,(sensoring out the server name offcourse)
  19. I would so much a support for Permissions 3.x.x :'(
  20. Offline


    We'll see tomorrow, i have started on another plugin too :)
  21. Ok.
    When I saw your plugin first time, I thinked about this:

    This is a kind of character sheet with his rank, his job, his money, and some links set his house and teleport himself to. (some shortcuts to help menu, shop, capes, etc ...)
    I wondered if it was possible with Spout, so if you're plugin come with more customisables buttons, it could looks as cool as that 8D

    Its really the plugin of my dream, so i'm everydays everyhours looking at your thread for more *o*
  22. Offline


    Im workign on tabs currently, wich was halted a bit, but before im releasing tabs im adding another option to set the render priority of an image, button or text. after that i will work further on tabs and make fully configurable new hotkeys so you can for example have h set to "home" and c set to commands tab or somethign like that, option to hide the tab button will also be added :) more variables and yeah, configurable buttons wich has configurabel commands! configurable is my keyword here X)
  23. Offline


    I really like the picture adding update!
  24. Offline


    Wow. Stupid typo on my part. Thanks.
  25. Offline


    Sure pictures works? i tryed .png and .jpg, both not workign for me: here is the set up file:
    Show Spoiler
            text: ignorethisword
                red: 1
                blue: 1
                green: 1
            posy: 100
            posx: 100
            size: 1.5
            url: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37510569/time4minecraft.png
            posx: 100
            posy: 100
        closebuttontext: Lass mich nerden!
        homeTab: home - does nothing yet
        hotkey_is_enabled: true
        hotkey: KEY_F4
        only_display_on_first_time_joined: false

    I tryed posx 100, posy 10, not working too :/
    Using your latest version, bukkit recommended for Mc 1.8 and recommened spout/spoutcraft
  26. Offline


    Image height cant be bigger than 239! If it is, your image wont be displayed :( Just discovered :(
  27. Offline


    Jap, you are right. Works now in .png. Nice :)
    Any progress about your Tab-Working? :p
  28. Offline


    I was away this weekend and will start working when i get home soon :p
  29. Nice, I made a donation :D
  30. Offline


    Are you the guy who sent a 1NOK donation? o.o it all got lost in fees lol
  31. Offline


    This and various other plugins are having problems with the new version of towny. Rather lame, as this is quite a helpful plugin. Do hope something gets worked out =D

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